Apple Vision Pro Gets a Release Date

Apple doesn't offer a head-mounted battery solution at any price but I expect that they'll be forced to.
Agree! Meta does offer a battery head strap as an option but I did the math and it was under powered and over price compared to any of the 3rd party options.

The great advantage of being the most popular device is how many 3rd party options so we have a choice.

Anyway, should be interesting on what Apple says in the Q4 earnings report this evening. I'm sure there will be questions on it. Regardless of the Gen 1 success or failure, at least they have introduced a new product to the Apple lineup. Shows they are not growth dead money yet. Apple is my second highest % investment but I have been selling it off over the past year.
I'll try to watch that review later tonight.
Now that the device is in people's hands, it isn't necessary to reason what the AVP should be like based on competing products. Further, now that we're past the unboxing stage, some of the new car smell has faded and we're starting to see thoughtful criticism (both good and bad).
Meta does offer a battery head strap as an option but I did the math and it was under powered and over price compared to any of the 3rd party options.
You speak as if Apple's solution is any less likely to be underpowered and overpriced. I suspect it will very much be both.
You speak as if Apple's solution is any less likely to be underpowered and overpriced. I suspect it will very much be both.
I don't see how you came to that conclusion. I was specific to the option for MQ3 on being over priced and under powered. But MQ3 has better 3rd party choices. Do a search on Amazon and you will see.

The AVP appears to be ok for powered considering it is not intended at this point to be a long play gaming HMD. I just think they made a mistake with that cable fed battery and no internal battery, even none for the strap. No internal battery is less important if they offer a strap with a battery mounted there solving the front balance and eliminating that awful cable.

Like my wife said many women wardrobe don't have pockets so they will need to consider that with the AVP.

I just think the AVP is not for me as it won't do what I do most with an HMD. I do hope it is a success for those who buy it as that will make my Apple stock go back up.
I don't see how you came to that conclusion.
History tells us that Apple's own accessories are going to be the most expensive. There have been very few exceptions. Quality arguments don't much count if the product is going to Grant and Franklin (Apple's version of nickel and dime?) you at every turn.
I was specific to the option for MQ3 on being over priced and under powered.
Given the price of the AVP and the relatively wimpy battery included with it, it doesn't tower over the MQ3. Processing-wise, the AVP may have a big processing power advantage but without the apps to use it on, it is wasted.
But MQ3 has better 3rd party choices. Do a search on Amazon and you will see.
I'm not arguing that it doesn't. I'm pointing out that the AVP doesn't even have a large battery option or even a clip to mount the battery in a place that would make it better balanced on one's melon. Expecting that a product selling under a quarter of a million units is likely to see a huge wave of third-party hardware support is reaching pretty far into fantasy land.
The AVP appears to be ok for powered considering it is not intended at this point to be a long play gaming HMD.
As viewing 3-D movies is an application that Apple is promoting, longer battery life and more comfortable wear are an issue that should have been addressed before they visited that feature.
I just think the AVP is not for me as it won't do what I do most with an HMD.
The bigger issue is whether or not it offers sufficient utility to enough users to warrant support. Remember the Newton?
I'm not arguing that it doesn't. I'm pointing out that the AVP doesn't even have a large battery option or even a clip to mount the battery in a place that would make it better balanced on one's melon. Expecting that a product selling under a quarter of a million units is likely to see a huge wave of third-party hardware support is reaching pretty far into fantasy land.
True for now but it's only been available in the stores for what, 6 hours. I don't expect as many 3rd party apps or accessories as the Meta Quest which has been out for many years but the battery on the head strap, I expect, will be a top priority. BTW- I heard Apple claims over a million apps available on day one. I'd like to see just the top 100. I find it laughable there are a million.

Today there is an ad / demo of the experience of the Apple store demo of the AVP on the Meta Q 3 that shows the way it looks in Meta Quest 3D spatial video and audio. It's rather well done. Apple snuck it in under the Meta radar in the DEO VR app. :)

Meta also jumped in on what Apple was claiming to be an exclusive to offer spatial video from the iphone 15 Pro to the AVP for instant viewing. Two months ago I figured out how to do that by extracting the meta data for Apple spatial 3D and then port the video from the iphone to the Meta Quest 3. It's a bit of a process but it worked. Surprise- Meta just announced a software update v 6.2 that does the same thing without needing my process so it should be much easier, hopefully by just connecting the iphone with a USB C cable to the MQ3 and viewing it or uploading it to the MQ3 storage. I haven't got the update notice yet.

I was planning to head out to the Apple store to have a look at the AVP and the new Cybertruck that just arrived but decided to wait until the crowds die down.
Do you have an Apple store near by and are you planning to get a demo? Best Buy sells the MQ3 but when I was in there last Fall with my grandsons, they wouldn't allow demos blaming it on Covid.
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When I saw VR headsets for sale at MicroCenter, years ago, I couldn't get to so much as TOUCH one. The kids were mobbing the guy doing the demos. Each kid had a game in mind. Kids would not even let me grab a box to read. Vendor gave up trying to talk to me, and actually shut down the demo.

Never mind I was the only one there who might actually BUY one. No parents in sight- free babysitting, I guess.
That would be impressive if they weren't counting the iPad apps that don't expressly forbid the AVP from running them.
Are there that many for all the Apple products combined?

Anyway, Following the reviews from the first day buyers on X and the major complaint is it is painful to wear for more than 10 minutes. There is already a Bobo 3rd party battery head strap maker that showed a retrofit for the AVP. This system is a bit under powered for my liking but is the most popular mod for the Meta Quest 3. Its design removes the HMD pressure off the face and offers a flip up feature that my strap doesn't do.
At a price of $3,499 - $3,999 and a reported pre-order of over 200,000 units, that's over $700 million in revenue for a first generation product. No idea what Apple's R&D costs were to bring this to market, but it will be interesting to see if this is Apple's Next Big Thing, or if more affordable lower-resolution devices are in the pipeline. Does it need the screen on the front? Can the body be made of plastic instead of aluminum to lower weight? Would a version that paired to your Bluetooth earbuds create a more private listening experience instead of the directed drivers on this first attempt?

This should be interesting to see in another five years, which is about my average time since introduction to actually purchase an Apple device. My first new Apple Watch was the Series 8, my first iPhone was the iPhone 4, my first new iPad was a 9th Gen (I was using hand-me-downs from Mrs. Foxbat). My first Macintosh was 23 years after the first Mac in 1984, so hopefully you see what I'm getting at. If I get a Vision Pro, it won't be for at least a few years. By then, more Apps, more power, and more affordable.

One positive thing about a separate battery pack: it can be replaced without replacing the Vision Pro. Imagine those who bought a Series One Apple Watch in the gold case for ten grand and have no usable battery life. Maybe there's an iFixit on how to replace its battery…
Imagine those who bought a Series One Apple Watch in the gold case for ten grand and have no usable battery life. Maybe there's an iFixit on how to replace its battery…
I bought the SS model of AW when it first came out. I did replace the battery myself before getting the AW series 4. Upgraded to series 6 for features and last Fall to the Ultra 2. I switched from an android phone to the iphone in order to use the Apple watch. I still have that iphone as well as the Sony Android phone. They both work. I don't see any personal use for the AVP in the Gen 1. Maybe I'll go with a pair of regular glasses that BT link to my iphone one day but for now, The Ultra 2 AW and iphone 15 pro max should be fine for my needs. I do wish Apple added a a camera for facetime on the AW. I'd trade in my Ultra 2 for that upgrade. Don't need BP monitor in the watch as my BP is 115/70 so I rarely monitor it.
NYC SUBWAY! Times Square! How long before someone decides they need it more than him, and don't know about the eye scanning?

He'd get a much better reaction from folks if he had a trick donut where a bite would disappear, and he said the dinosaur ate it.

Loved the headpiece at the end. Kinda tipped us off about him…..
Went to see the AVP this morning and they had 4 setup to look at but they were fastened down so I couldn't try one on for comfort and weight.

Apple has you schedule a demo with a trainer by appointment only. They only had one left appointment open today. I watched another lady go through the session with a trainer. They also have corrective lenses to install if you bring in your prescription. ( required). There was another option. I could buy one full price after qualifying with the demo/training session and take it home and if I don't like it get a full refund by returning it. They told me they have plenty in stock.

So this may open up possible used ones by Apple at some point in the future.
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