I should add, the QuardioArm costs about $80 and does not appear to actually require the watch. But it's still a bother to put it on. I'm gathering that there is no "accurate" BP reader that does not require an arm cuff. True?
BP can vary depending on when you do it and several other factors like hypertension and anxiety, breathing, etc.
I use the Qardio Arm and I like how it records a history on the phone.
I also have tried the wrist cuffs and those are really inaccurate and not repeatable. Could be the cheap brand I bought.
I have little hope that Apple will ever get a wrist BP on the watch working.
It's been quite a few years since I was a Army medic but I had classes on how to do BP on soldiers who had both arms blown off. It's a leg cuff. With all 4 limbs gone all you can do is check for pulse until he is in the hospital and there is an aorta transmitter than can be placed to monitor BP.
The point is, BP is too relative to many factors that accuracy is subjective.
Overall, I really love my Apple watch and since using it to take calls and check on many things, even the battery charge status of my Tesla, stock monitoring, weather, email text messages, timer and alarm watch exercise levels etc all at a glance it really is much more than just a watch. If you get one, be sure to get the cellular version as then it can almost replace the phone. Our whole family wears Apple watches. Like right now I just got an alert that my wife just left and on her way home as the watch monitors our Teslas in the Tesla app for Apple Watch. I can also use it to charge purchases at a store without needing to get out my CC. Just hold my wrist next to the CC reader.