Will prices now come down?

question instead of having a ethernet port can manufactors have a wireless connection a still be considered 2.0? I personally think wireless would be a better way togo because how many people have an ethernet port by their tvs? I know I dont.

time for a wireless bridge.
time for a wireless bridge.

dont need one i have a ps3, with wifi so i dont have to worry about. but i cannot imagine having to tell my parents, in-laws, etc. You just got this new blu-ray player now you also need to get a router and a wireless bridge to take advantage of all the features and for updates.
I did say my crystal ball was getting a little cloudy -- maybe that was $599?:D
And you call $599 lowering prices??? I'm also thinking your crystal ball has got that $599 price off by atleast 100+ bucks. Panasonic hasn't shown yet that it will a release low price BD player. Its current MSRP has been $100 higher then comparable models. And you claim that the format war is the cause of people not jumping onboard HDM. I personally think its $599 players with other obstacles that is the problem.
Hardware pricing is not out of line for this adoption period. It took DVD years to get down to these prices we're seeing now. You'll still find SD DVD players for upwards of $4,000. My upconverting player MSRP's for $1500. Not counting Toshiba's drastic cuts after the Warner announcement, MSRPs for HD hardware were XA2 $799, A35 $499, A30 $399, A3 $299, BD1400 $399, S300 $399, BD30 $499, Pio95 $999, and so on as of Jan. 1. Prices have already seen a drop of about 50% since inception. What we're seeing right now is a combination of Veruca Salt and Dirty Dan's Bargain Basement Discount Center Syndrome. "I want it now" but it'd better be cheap.

Higher demand drives prices down not up. Did not any of you take economics in college? Prices only go up when there is a shortage of product -- there is neither a shortage of product nor is there a shortage of CE manufacturers jumping on board the BD bus.
If the supply is the same and demand goes up then so will prices. That's basic econ. So, it's a supply issue. Are the replicators at full capacity?
Hardware pricing is not out of line for this adoption period. It took DVD years to get down to these prices we're seeing now. You'll still find SD DVD players for upwards of $4,000. My upconverting player MSRP's for $1500. Not counting Toshiba's drastic cuts after the Warner announcement, MSRPs for HD hardware were XA2 $799, A35 $499, A30 $399, A3 $299, BD1400 $399, S300 $399, BD30 $499, Pio95 $999, and so on as of Jan. 1. Prices have already seen a drop of about 50% since inception. What we're seeing right now is a combination of Veruca Salt and Dirty Dan's Bargain Basement Discount Center Syndrome. "I want it now" but it'd better be cheap.


*exhale* Thank God somebody gets it. I feel like printing out this post, framing it and hanging it above my computer screen.
question instead of having a ethernet port can manufactors have a wireless connection a still be considered 2.0?
I think the specs talk about TCP/IP, so it can be.
But the issue is not the $.50 part, but the software that can use it.
And the software is already a huge mess in BD-land...


Ok Kreskin, we all know your predictions have been so right in the past.

Your Delusional, prices for electronics always go down over time. Chips and Integrated circuits always get smaller and cheaper. This always leads to prices decreasing. Since BD is the default Next Gen Optical Disc player more Brands will jump to manufacture BD players this WILL lead to lower prices.

Dellusional is prediciting BD penetration as 80% of the market in 2 years.
Did I say it wouldnt survive? Nope. I said it will be the niche product that it is for a very long time.

Vurbano, after 2009 you probably will not be able to buy any SD TV's anymore. There will be 720p sets in the low hundreds for the masses to buy and by 2010 there will be plenty of $200 BD players on the market. I not sure about when there will be a 80% penetration but as soon as the studios see they can make more money from BD then from SD the race to put it in the consumers hands will be on.
Did I say it wouldnt survive? Nope. I said it will be the niche product that it is for a very long time.

The prices will come down and BD will cease to become a niche product when there are enough affordable (around $300) BD players and when the prices of BD discs begin to approach those of SD discs ($15-25 range).

Which has to happen first is a lot like the old chicken vs egg argument, but that's what has to happen.
The prices will come down and BD will cease to become a niche product when there are enough affordable (around $300) BD players and when the prices of BD discs begin to approach those of SD discs ($15-25 range).

Which has to happen first is a lot like the old chicken vs egg argument, but that's what has to happen.
mass adoption at 300 bucks??? I dont think so.
Vurbano, after 2009 you probably will not be able to buy any SD TV's anymore. There will be 720p sets in the low hundreds for the masses to buy and by 2010 there will be plenty of $200 BD players on the market. I not sure about when there will be a 80% penetration but as soon as the studios see they can make more money from BD then from SD the race to put it in the consumers hands will be on.
Wrong. pure speculation.

Now that the format war is over.

Microsoft pulls plug on HD DVD
