You forget Joe, the Magic Fairy is going to appear and give everyone BOPL running at a JiggleByte Per Second, all for free and overnight. And no one will care that the PQ & AQ is lousy, because they will all only have SDTVs in small sizes. People won't buy large HDTVs because they cost too much and always, always will! <stamp foot> And, of course, everyone knows that since HD DVD didn't make it, that means HD itself is dead, and upconverted DVDs are More Than Good Enough. No one cares about higher resolution or a wider color gamut. And most especially, no one at all cares about what movies sound like.
And, of course, nothing will ever, ever improve, gain new features or get less expensive. And studios, who are concerned about losing their DVD revenue stream, would never dream of doing anything about it! Why, no one will ever buy BDs because they can't copy them, and studios really don't care about their movies being pirated. Of course every Joe Six Pack, present company excepted, is vitally concerned about putting his movies on massive hard drives, while not being concerned at all about waiting hours for a download. OH that's right- he won't have to wait, there's the Magic Fairy.
And no one is concerned about paying to "rent" a movie by download. Heck, if you want to see it again, just pay again and download again!
Of course, there's only going to be one winner- it's downloads or it's ownership, never both. Remember how you used to own your car, before we all switched to renting/leasing?
Nope, all the major CE companies, studios, etc are stupid. They wasted all that money on HDM when any fool can see there's no future there at all. Microsoft, kindly, benevolent Microsoft, will ensure we all can download anything we want, using their rock solid software and for no money at all! Just a moment while we validate your software license.
This should be made a STICKY!