Why no H3 for me?

I forwarded what I posted to the specific DIRT who was tye only one to agree to do anything which was to setup the tech visit today to assess feasibility of an H3 at my property and tech said absolutely yes. We'll see if the DIRT responds.

I think the issue is that no one at Dish support can do anything but the tech can. When he was at my house the tech had to call in the new work order himself, I assume using a special number to access a different department. The only people who have reported success so far is when the tech actually did the install on the visit. If he just comes out and says "yes it will work" that doesn't actually fix whatever is in their system blocking the install, and they still won't be able to put a new work order in.

I think the issue is that no one at Dish support can do anything but the tech can. When he was at my house the tech had to call in the new work order himself, I assume using a special number to access a different department. The only people who have reported success so far is when the tech actually did the install on the visit. If he just comes out and says "yes it will work" that doesn't actually fix whatever is in their system blocking the install, and they still won't be able to put a new work order in.

After Dish said they wouldn't setup a Hopper 3 install appt I called and informed the tech of this and tried to get the tech to call Dish about it but he refused. The tech isn't a Dish employee, right? Or perhaps some are? There was a company name under "Dish" on the side of his van so I'm not sure what power he has with Dish is my guess why he wouldn't do more than he did.
After Dish said they wouldn't setup a Hopper 3 install appt I called and informed the tech of this and tried to get the tech to call Dish about it but he refused. The tech isn't a Dish employee, right? Or perhaps some are? There was a company name under "Dish" on the side of his van so I'm not sure what power he has with Dish is my guess why he wouldn't do more than he did.
To look at the truck I would've thought that my installer worked for Dish but I'm guessing they are 3rd-parties, under some sort of contract to handle installation and accessory sales for them.
Weird, it is possible it's a Dish employees vs. contractor thing then. They guy at my house was definitely a Dish employee, I asked. Dunno what you can do other than keep calling to complain.

My story is very similar, talked to multiple CSRs and DIRTs told it isn't possible, finally a DIRT setup an appointment for a site evaluation, the tech showed up today, determined a Hopper 3 install will work fine at my location (he said I have to call Dish to setup a separate appointment for the Hopper 3 install), I thought everything finally would be done, the CSR I contacted even saw the tech comments saying I'm eligible for a Hopper 3, but they get to the end of getting everything setup for the work order then it won't let them complete it saying I'm ineligible for a Hopper 3, I told the CSR I know, I've been through this multiple times and the tech who just visited cleared me for a Hopper 3 and the CSR said there is nothing they can do, even after going offline to talk to a supervisor, I said so your computer system knows more than a tech who was just at my property and CSR wouldn't budge UNBELIEVABLE!!!!, so I asked to speak to the supervisor. Based on how this whole thing has unfolded I give Dish customer service about a D- and strongly was considering dumping them and going to DirecTv based on all of this hassle. Your computer system knows more than a tech who was just at my property who I had to pull teeth to get approved to send out? Just unbelievable stupidity. Here's an example of some of the conversation with the original CSR and the supervisor:

Ma. Kriselda (ID: DNG): Your installation is not possible because the equipment the Hopper 3 uses can only look at three satellites when paired with a side dish, and does not support the four satellites your installation requires
I told the CSR to call the tech that just left, gave the CSR the cell phone number and tech's name, the CSR refused. Just absolutely awful customer service.

Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): Well, here's the deal, normally after a tech out, we send a field technician supervisor
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): he's going to give us a second opinion
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): As much as I wanted to set up a technician out, this will result into same situation so I have this one escalated to our Tech Ops Team.
Wayne Reibold: do i have an appointment tomorrow or not? you said you set it up so is it setup or not?
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): Unfortunately not.
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): I just had a word that it won't improve the situation since it is a known issue for customers located in low beam fill areas like South Hill WA
Wayne Reibold: so am I supposed to get a call from some tech ops team? or where is all of this headed?
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): It is highly possible that you may receive a call or email but I can't guarantee the time frame since they are checking on it as we speak
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): We're coming up with the best solution not just for you but for all people whose affected with this situation
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): and Imagine it's not possible without a help coming from a person named Wayne Reibold
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): you'll be like a hero in this
Wayne Reibold: you talked about a field tech supervisor coming out to assess my situation, is that happening or not??
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): That's is our protocol regardless if you asked me to do it or not. Meaning it's part of our Standard Operating Procedures to check every technicians work
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): They could knock on your door though it's not always the case.
Wayne Reibold: here's my opinion: I think your computer system is WRONG for my account and that the tech who was just here is correct
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): You're talking to a supervisor who's been with Dish for couple of years
Supervisor - Lawrence (ID: T7Z): I know you might not have faith in me but trust me, I've been with worse situation than this
Wayne Reibold: who has not been at my home and not talked to the Dish tech who just left my home

By the way I gave the supervisor the tech's name and cell phone number pleading to call him but he refused to call him. Forget logic.

I have never dealt with so many stupid people (office staff) in my life. The Dish techs have all been fine. So the tech who was here Saturday 2/6 who assessed my property and said a Hopper 3 will work fine wasn't a problem yet the CSRs and supervisors ignored what he stated as shown above despite saying they saw his notes in my account saying a Hopper 3 install would work fine. So they believe their computer system has more accurate info than one of their techs who was at my property. I said that to them and they refused to budge.

After the fiasco above I called Dish and was able to FINALLY(!!!) get a useful CSR who setup an install appointment for today for a Hopper 3 to replace my Hopper 2 and a Joey 2 to replace my Joey 1. Guess what, the install went flawless, no drama, no problems, I told the installer about so many CSRs, DIRTs and supervisors refusing to schedule an install since I'm in a "low beam" area and the installer said that made no sense at all, we are NOT in a low beam area, he said he's worked for Dish for 15 years as an installer and has never heard of such a thing.

So both techs who were at my house were no problem at all and had zero problems doing their jobs, but too many idiotic office staff put road blocks up to letting them do their work.

The installer even put the new Dish on the same bracket/same wiring as one of the 2 dishes I had with the Hopper 2, just took away the two old sat dishes, it was as easy as could be.

I have seen a lot of stupidity in my life but the number of people (office staff) I've talked to at Dish, hours spent over many days talking to so many CSRs/DIRTs/supervisor and stupidity shown is just jaw dropping to me. RandallW, a DIRT, was the one who setup the Saturday appointment to have a tech assess my home so he wasn't a problem but I dealt with countless CSRs, supervisor and other DIRTs who were all robots repeating the (non-existent) "low beam" issue to me their computer screen was stating blocking the install.
I have had no success. I'm seriously considering just cancelling my service. I can't get anyone to budge. I have a 1000.2 dish. No other dish. I get 129 at over a 55 signal strength and still can't get an install scheduled.
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I think the issue is that no one at Dish support can do anything but the tech can. When he was at my house the tech had to call in the new work order himself, I assume using a special number to access a different department. The only people who have reported success so far is when the tech actually did the install on the visit. If he just comes out and says "yes it will work" that doesn't actually fix whatever is in their system blocking the install, and they still won't be able to put a new work order in.

tech came to set up my own receivers. he called in with a code. Dish said i am in a low beam zone and csnt activate. i catch the satellites fine. i am using the original hopper and joey. i cant understad why not mine. i had started a thread on this, and a lot of people tried to help, but i hit a brick wall
I have had no success. I'm seriously considering just cancelling my service. I can't get anyone to budge. I have a 1000.2 dish. No other dish. I get 129 at over a 55 signal strength and still can't get an install scheduled.

Unless Dish changes the info in their system no one will be able to activate you at that address. I know it's frustrating but it seems no matter how many you ask at Dish, it won't happen. The system won't allow it and to my understanding there is no manual way to work around it currently. Hopefully Dish can make some changes soon.
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I assume that Vivek Khemka is aware of this? I think he monitors threads here. Hopefully he can get with some higher ups and do something about this problem. Seems like he is very interested in making sure that the Hopper 3 has a smooth rollout and as many customers as want can get one.
I have never heard of a low spot beam area till this thread. We have had spotbeams since early in the last decade. Sounds like a made up term so they can limit the amount of installs they have to do ,since it is demand right now.
I have never heard of a low spot beam area till this thread. We have had spotbeams since early in the last decade. Sounds like a made up term so they can limit the amount of installs they have to do ,since it is demand right now.

It does seem odd but that scenario seems ridiculous.
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I called the Tool Exception Department and they told me I could not currently get a Hopper 3 because it cannot see Sat 77. They told me they would send me an email when they had a solution.
Is this really a money issue for Dish? Apparantly, providing an additional reflector becomes relatively expensive for Dish. This was the case over a decade ago when a lot of the smaller LIL's were put on to wing sats, and UNDER THE LAW, any subscriber who requested their additional locals were to be provied with all means and labor at NO CHARGE to subscriber so they had access to all the LIL's on Dish. This was costing Dish money, so CSR's were told to say "NO" to any sub who requested it or tell the sub they had to pay. As I was told one CSR stated in her refusal " . . . this is costing us so much money . . ." The FCC finally got word of this by complaints and, essentially ordered Dish to act according to law and provide those addtional LIL's or else. Then, as if by magic, the heavand opended up, and all those subs who were told it could not be done, or they had to pay, were provided wing reflectors, the LNBF for them, and labor raining from the sky.

I'm really suspecious at this point. is "low beam" and excuse. It seems from what I've perused so far, that "low beam" was not the issue for some, but just too many "sats" or "LNBF's", used on current set-up, that would seem to be fixed by providing a wing reflector, and CSR's--not knowing much of anything--just look at the screen on the system that says, "NOT SUPPORTED" as a big excuse for Dish NOT to incure the additional cost of wing reflectors and they LNBF to go with it. Yes, those reflectors and LNBF's are faily cheap to Dish, but if they start adding them at a fair number, it might upset Charlie's spredsheet (start costing too much money for his liking) and now the word is NO for any set-ups beyond single reflector ones. Perhaps the NO game has spread to DIRT, as well.

Sorry, I smell MONEY at the heart of this, and that is understandable, but from what was posted on this forum about how Dish does not want customers to leave and they really wanted to enhance the Dish exerience with H3's for current customers, as well, even, it was infered, willing to bear addtional costs to make certainl everybody got the H3 who wanted one.

Yours truly could be very wrong, but I see a pattern NO unless one can magically get it through DIRT--as has happened, but seems to less the case now--or just given up.

It would be nice to hear from someone at Dish, from one of the officers, to give us the complete, straithgt answer to this. Without the Chats or Tech Forums, we are often left to guessing.

The conspiracy theory does not fly. They have new equipment and they want to install it. It may not work for you yet, but they are working on it. The other option for Dish was to wait for it to work for everyone and then release it. There is no company who does not want to restrict you from their products at the risk of losing you as a customer. It's asinine to threaten to quit over equipment that is new, but you can't get due to technical issues. It's not like they don't carry the channels you want or they don't have a triple play or DirecTV is cheaper or you regularly lose service or you just want to try another service. Just does not make sense on any level, plus it's an idle threat. If another service had a better product you would have already left.
The conspiracy theory does not fly. They have new equipment and they want to install it. It may not work for you yet, but they are working on it. The other option for Dish was to wait for it to work for everyone and then release it. There is no company who does not want to restrict you from their products at the risk of losing you as a customer. It's asinine to threaten to quit over equipment that is new, but you can't get due to technical issues. It's not like they don't carry the channels you want or they don't have a triple play or DirecTV is cheaper or you regularly lose service or you just want to try another service. Just does not make sense on any level, plus it's an idle threat. If another service had a better product you would have already left.

That makes me laugh as well. "If I can't upgrade to the Hopper 3 I'm going to switch providers." It makes no sense. lol Getting rid of similar equipment that you must already like to switch to a different provider with inferior equipment just out of spite.
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"Technical issues" in my case was the info in my account being WRONG, no TECHNICAL issue, the worst part is when a CSR and their Supervisor both refused to listen to what a tech said who visited my home and said a Hopper 3 install will work fine at my location. They trusted the INCORRECT info in their computer system vs. the tech who visited my location to assess. Forget logic.

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