Who is having problems with HDMI with 211/411/622



I placed an order to upgrade my DISH HD package.

Today I received my new BROKEN 211vip. As an existing customer I paid $49.00 to get my new BROKEN 211Vip receiver. The HDMI is receiving an audio signal (I can hear it) BUT THERE IS NO VIDEO SIGNAL going out to my Panasonic 42" Plasma.

I just got off the phone with a representative from Dish Tech support. They are aware of this problem and said that they are working on it, but for now I need to use the RGB component or composite cables. I wish they had of told me about this issue when I placed my order and told them so. The DISH rep explained that their sales department is not aware of the problem. OH WELL......TOO BAD FOR us "DISH VALUED CUSTOMERS". Maybe someone should tell sales.

Unfortunately, I invested in a new HDMI card (160.00) and a HDMI cable (100.00) before I was let in on DISH's little secret. They are actually continuing to lease these receivers without telling anyone about this issue.

I told the rep that I wanted to return the receiver, and use my old HD receiver until the issue was resolved. The response was "ALL SALES ARE FINAL" and they would not take it back. They said they were working on the problem....I asked when do you think there will be a resolve....2 days? 2 weeks? 2years? The rep informed me that Dish does not know when the issue would be resolved.

DISH also hooked me into an 18 month contract in order to upgrade. Dish's position is that, even though they knowingly sent me broken equipment, I am still obligated to the 18 months and cannot return the equipment.

I was using a DVI cable with the old receiver and getting a much better picture. This has been a downgrade in picture quality, and I paid through the nose for all of it.

I plan to continue the fight with DISH, but they really don't care, as their position is that they have me under contract, I'm SOL, and the broken receiver may be fixed eventually.

Did I mention that I've only had the receiver for 5 hours. DISH'S response makes me fell that I've just entered the twilight zone.
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I told the rep that I wanted to return the receiver, and use my old HD receiver until the issue was resolved. The response was "ALL SALES ARE FINAL" and they would not take it back. They said they were working on the problem....I asked when do you think there will be a resolve....2 days? 2 weeks? 2years? The rep informed me that Dish does not know when the issue would be resolved.


Is it leased ? I just sent my leased 211 back without a hassle.
And I plan on dumping the dish in 6 months.

I placed an order to upgrade my DISH HD package.

Today I received my new BROKEN 211vip. As an existing customer I paid $49.00 to get my new BROKEN 211Vip receiver. The HDMI is receiving an audio signal (I can hear it) BUT THERE IS NO VIDEO SIGNAL going out to my Panasonic 42" Plasma....
Email ceo@echostar.com and explain your problem. They'll get you a new 211 that has a working HDMI. Mine's been working fine for 10 months now.

When you get the new one, don't put any downforce on the HDMI connector at the 211. It pops the socket off the 211 motherboard.

And :welcome
I have not had any issues with HDMI on my 411 and 211 things run fine. If you are having issues then it will be a issue with your receiver and your TV. Some brand of TV's have more of a issue with their HDMI inputs than others. This is why if you have a issue always include your brand and model of TV you have. That way others can compare and if you E-mail Dish make sure to include that information as well.
Does Dish maintain a list of "approved" HDMI-equipped HDTVs that are know to be supported by their HDMI-equipped receivers? I'm assuming the HDMI input has to support HDCP as well in order for Dish to enable the full resolution. That may be seetv's underlying problem.
The vast majority of HDMI problems reported here have been fixed with a receiver swap. Even the Tech Chat crew admitted on-air that there's a problem with the HDMI connector on the 211/622. I'd say it's at least 90% connector problems, 10% other problems.

But it would be nice of Dish to supply a list of "Echostar tested and approved" HDTV/HDMI sets.
I have not had any issues with HDMI on my 411 and 211 things run fine. If you are having issues then it will be a issue with your receiver and your TV. Some brand of TV's have more of a issue with their HDMI inputs than others. This is why if you have a issue always include your brand and model of TV you have. That way others can compare and if you E-mail Dish make sure to include that information as well.

I think your right about that one. I decided to return my VIZIO plasma and get a Panasonic TH50PX6U. And although I still get a pop and delay when switching channels between OTA to DISHHD (native 1080I) and ESPNHD(720P). The panasonic does not drop the HDMI signal, like the VIZIO did requiring me to toggle the inputs to bring it back. I still beleive their are some issues with the VIP 211 HDMI that DISH needs to work on.
Well I thought on one Tech Chat about month ago or more they said that they were seeing more issue with certain brand of TVs. So my guess would be that some of the software updates would be to address certain brand of TV's to address the HDMI issue. We all can hope they don't mess up others in the process. This is something that I will E-mail Dish that they should have like a "TV Compatible List" showing what brands and models that dont have issues with HDMI. Which no matter what kind of receiver you have your TV is going to play a factor. Due to each manufacture going to be a little different on the HDMI input. Either way it's something everyone should include that is the make and model of your TV if your having issues.

Why did you sign off on an installation that was not working? You should have refused to sign.

Many people have had their boxes exchanged by Dish, so it's not true that they won't take them back. You should be able to call again and get the "right" answer- a replacement. And it is certainly NOT a case of "all sales are final." Or did you buy from someone other than Dish?

What is this $160 "HDMI card" you mention? And why pay $100 for an HDMI cable when you can find them for a fraction of that cost?

The ViP211 works fine for the large majority of customers. If that were not the case, they could not keep shipping them and stay in business, could they? So therefore, they hardly "knowingly sent broken equipment." Some percentage of every product is defective, and there can certainly be incompatibilities, especially with electronics.

You would be better served spending your energies calling another Dish rep than posting your anger. They can replace your unit with one that works, just as they have for others. Clueless CSRs are the bane of our existence.
my hdmi on the 211 das not work at all, dish told me it's a software proplem and theyare working on it. told me new software will be relaesed in december (l 342) and should fix the problem, anybody else has this problem? let me know ,

I've had 2 622s that had HDMI outputs fail. I gave up and went with components.

Supposedly HALF of all units have the problem. My father has a year old 32" Sony Bravia LCD that has somehow dodged this problem with his 622.
Where did you hear that ratio, Bob? I'm not challenging it, just curious as to the source. I was 1 for 2 on the 622 myself (not statistically significant, I'm sure !!)and the bad one was DOA. So I'd tend to agree with your 50% number.

(I'm connected to a 40" year-old Bravia, BTW. Love that set! Only have one "weak" pixel so far, and it was an infant "mortal". How has your father's unit performed? Any issues with the display?)

We have a small sample reporting in here. How well does that represent the population?

Tom Bombadill - any update on your original survey? Can we project the experience of the whole population with any confidence?

BRgds all!
I speculated on this in my latest survey. From the numbers I've seen in this forum, my guesstimate is that about 60%-70% of all HDMI connectors in use for more than a few months have failed.

Now it could be that people not having problems are not responding to the survey in the same proportions of people having problems. That would decrease the failure rate. But I tend to think most readers here will respond even if their experience is positive, if they read the thread.
My 211 worked out of the box with the HDMI cable ($30) for about 4 months then just quit (Samsung lcd tv). They gave me the same BS story about the software issue, so I guess ill wait untill december to see if the get it fixed.

The component cables are working atm, but no one buys a HD receiver to use component cables, I expect the HDMI cable work or quit selling junk receivers, and 18 month contracts.

BTW. What do you think the odds are that the HDMI socket on the back of the 211 "Just broke" from the circuit ??? The reason I ask is because I could have sworn I saw the signal "blink" as I was sliding the receiver out to check the connection...
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I can not believe the HDMI connection to the motherboard is that weak. However... After reading some of the HORROR stories here, I took the upmost care in providing support to my HDMI port. My HDMI cables... (Monoprice 3') Hooked to a (Monoprice 2 to 1 Switcher) Which sets on top of my (VIP 211) supports at least 6" of the cable. No movement what so ever. Got my replacement VIP 211 yesterday (Remanufactured in Mexico). Activation on Thursday. I'll keep in touch.
I got both of my 622's replaced. So far two weeks strong with the hdmi connection on the new F receiver. Now on both receivers, I get the remote 2 setup screen, when I power it on. Never happens with the old boxes. But, atleast the hdmi works.
If my HDMI cable worked fine when I got the receiver out of the box in June 2006 with my Samsung TV , then why would it stop working in november ??? Because of dish software upgrades ???

Can it not be set back to an earlier version that worked fine before?

Smart card mailing schedule

Any reason to buy a Dish receiver?

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