Who is having problems with HDMI with 211/411/622

Check the connection to the back of the box. Jiggle it and see if maybe the physical connector is going bad.

Already tried that , although the hdmi port on my 211 seems pretty tight , doesnt jiggle much. My TV says "searching for signal" then "no signal" . But Thanksgiving night when it first quit working it gave me some kind a "cant decode signal" or somthing close to that , and was blinking on and off untill I unhooked the cable and switched to component...
I got the Vip211 in Sept and the HDMI worked fine with my Sony GW until the L3.41 software update which caused the TV to flicker as if changing resolution whenever I changed to a channel that was in 720p format. It still worked though.

This week I bought a new 46" Samsung DLP and the HDMI works great. No flicker like with the Sony so I am guessing the software update contained something that the 3yr old Sony didn't handle particulary well and the new Sammy does.
My 211 worked out of the box with the HDMI cable ($30) for about 4 months then just quit (Samsung lcd tv). They gave me the same BS story about the software issue, so I guess ill wait untill december to see if the get it fixed.

The component cables are working atm, but no one buys a HD receiver to use component cables, I expect the HDMI cable work or quit selling junk receivers, and 18 month contracts.

BTW. What do you think the odds are that the HDMI socket on the back of the 211 "Just broke" from the circuit ??? The reason I ask is because I could have sworn I saw the signal "blink" as I was sliding the receiver out to check the connection...
In many cases the PQ via the component (analog) HD connections is the same as, or even superior to, that via the HDMI (digital) connection. So I believe many owners/leasees are quite satisfied with their component connections. In my case, I have both connected. I usually watch via the HDMI connection (seems like a sharper image) but sometimes the component connection looks better (deeper color/"warmer"). It varies by program content, and no-doubt other factors.

Odds on the HDMI socket connections "just breaking" after several monts - rather high! Wiggling the plug in the socket from moving the unit or cables will take its toll over time. Also, just the unsupported weight of the cable hanging from the HDMI plug puts excessive force on the PCB connections that will probably eventually fail, possibly accelerated by the natural thermal cycling within the unit. YMMV...
HDMI should either work or not work. If it works and you like component better, then component is better with your TV. Switching receivers won't change that.

However on my TV, I had to change several of my TV settings to make HDMI look its best. When at the same settings of color, brightness, picture, and tint as component, the HDMI input looked terrible. But after tweaking the settings, HDMI at its best looked better than component at its best.
Activated my new VIP211 yesterday. HDMI works, Too bad the picture is inferior to component. Guess I'll get back on the phone and order another replacement.

Order me A new one too... I cant get a reply from the email I sent , guess Ill have to call again I had better not hear "HDMI is not a standard yet" BS speach again.
Well I shouldn't have posted a while back about my HDMI working flawlessly for almost a year. I guess I jinxed myself. It worked in the morning, but when I turned it on that evening, NOTHING. Tried everything. I don't have an extra set of component right now since I used them when I bought another 622 in September. Thanks E* for not sending cables with the receivers.

Sorry to hear about your loss.

If you haven't yet voted in my poll, then please vote to record your experience. If you have already voted there, then let me know so I can change the results to reflect that one more working receiver has failed.
Sorry to hear about your loss.

If you haven't yet voted in my poll, then please vote to record your experience. If you have already voted there, then let me know so I can change the results to reflect that one more working receiver has failed.

I don't remeber if I voted or not. I might have. Anyways, it is being replaced.

If you try to vote now, and it won't let you, then you already voted.

if you wonder how you voted, just look for the responses in italic font, as those are the ones that you voted for.

If nothing is in italic and it lets you vote now, then you haven't voted yet.
HD sound drops out

I have a 211 using optical connector... I noticed sound on VOOM HD channels would sporadically drop out for a split second on more than one channel. I have had no dropping out from regular programs or my DVD player. Has anyone had just audio problems with the 211? (mine was installed in Feb 06). :confused:
I have a 211 using optical connector... I noticed sound on VOOM HD channels would sporadically drop out for a split second on more than one channel. I have had no dropping out from regular programs or my DVD player. Has anyone had just audio problems with the 211? (mine was installed in Feb 06). :confused:

Similar. On my receiver connected via optical, I get a split second dropout of sound on every DD5.1 channel about 2 or 3 minutes after tuning that channel. I chalked it up to the 211 locking in the DD5.1 signal.
I have had my 622 for about 6 months now using the HDMI connection since the start. Today when I turned on the set, no picture. I wiggled the HDMI cable at the 622 and got the picture back for a couple of hours. Then the picture would come and go when I played with the connection, and now all I get is a distorted picture, Blueish-green with moving lines. I called tech support and they claim it is a known software problem. BS. Has anybody been able to get a replacement for a rented 622 with this problem ? How do you do it? Thanks
Talk only to Tech Support, and be prepared to call-in several times until you get one that will give you the RA number. The first time I called (in the infancy of this problem) they gave the canned SW bug story, but at the same time seemed open to the idea that it might be a HW issue. They asked me to try a different cable, source, etc. so I did all that with no change - it was definitely the 622. When I called-in the second time they acquiesced. My unit is owned, but that shouldn't make any difference. Also - tell them that you are aware that they announced the HW problem during their Sept. "Tech Chat" (someone correct me if I'm wrong on the month) and you're having the "same symptoms".

Good luck with it! Here is another situation where persistence pays. Please report back...
Last night the problem came back with my 622. Now all I had to do is bump the cabinet the receiver is sitting in and the signal would jump. Called tech support yesterday and was told it was a known SW problem and just use the component cables, he would not sent out a replacement. I Called back this mourning and when the tech suggested to use the component cables I said the picture quality is better with the HDMI, the truth, and wanted to use the HDMI for the better PQ. This time I got a RA number and the replacement is on the way.
Software BS

I had a 211 that worked for months then no HDMI output. I was told the cover story of the "software problem" and that it would be fixed "sometime in the future". Not acceptable. I asked to speak to a supervisor and they immediately sent out a replacement which is working fine.
NO! Not every receiver they sell is junk! Their could also be some other issues as well that is causing problems. Folks always want to pass the buck to the receiver yes their is times it is but not always. Point is folks keep having issue's give Dish a call or e-mail them. Either way I'm sure they will try to address the issue and get it taken care of.

Smart card mailing schedule

Any reason to buy a Dish receiver?

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