drboyddrboyd; [FONT=Arial said:I'm using the SG 9120 motor and the WSI 9036 dish; my problem is that I have a tile roof, so there's no easy way to just screw a tripod down to the roof. (Don takes another envious look at StanleyJohn's installation)[/FONT]
I'm thinking right now about bridging the eaves with a couple parallel pieces of Unistrut, and then U-bolting the pole to those. The trouble is that this would be off the side of the top of a two-story house, and I'm a little short on ladders and a lot short on huevos to get up there and fasten it on.
You could use something like this, this is easy to make and it's sturdy enough to support a motor as well. It's taken 50+mph winds and still plumb. Just be sure to use thick pipe or double tube it by sliding another inside as I have for the lower section at least, then you can center punch a few areas on the outer tube which will keep the tubes locked together, this prevents the U-bolts from crushing the tube.