Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

A guy on the pcpartspicker forums came up with this build for me, http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3BiVn.

What are your thoughts on it king?
I know I wasn't asked but I'm going to participate anyways:

Not a fan of getting every part from different vendors. Try to stick with one or 2. Try to find comparable hardware from 1 or 2 single vendors.

That power supply is too low IMO. Even the video card recommends a minimum of 500W.

Video card has a good Price/Value rating, but for $25 more you can get double the RAM.
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I know I wasn't asked but I'm going to participate anyways:

Not a fan of getting every part from different vendors. Try to stick with one or 2. Try to find comparable hardware from 1 or 2 single vendors.

That power supply is too low IMO. Even the video card recommends a minimum of 500W.

Video card has a good Price/Value rating, but for $25 more you can get double the RAM.

I don't like to use the exact prices they list since they use so many vendors. I just use it as a guide. I plan on purchasing everything from Newegg or possibly Amazon because of my Prime membership.

When I priced it out on my own using Newegg it came out to $35. I also saw that it was only like $5 more to go from the 430w PSU to the 500w PSU, which is what I would do.

I'm glad you chimed in as well, I appreciate everyone's input.
I don't like to use the exact prices they list since they use so many vendors. I just use it as a guide. I plan on purchasing everything from Newegg or possibly Amazon because of my Prime membership.

When I priced it out on my own using Newegg it came out to $35. I also saw that it was only like $5 more to go from the 430w PSU to the 500w PSU, which is what I would do.

I'm glad you chimed in as well, I appreciate everyone's input.
I'd say you play it on the safe side and go to at least 600W. Don't forget, 500 is the MINIMUM suggested by the video card. If you add any other hardware down the road it's going to be using that same power source, and like I said, replacing a PSU is a MAJOR PITA..
I'd say you play it on the safe side and go to at least 600W. Don't forget, 500 is the MINIMUM suggested by the video card. If you add any other hardware down the road it's going to be using that same power source, and like I said, replacing a PSU is a MAJOR PITA..

I'm surprised by how many people say to use the 430w then. Even the DIY combos on Newegg use the 430w PSU.
Anyone here Play League of Legends?
No. LoL is one of those games I've been mildly interested in, but when I read about how unfriendly the community is towards new players, along with the rather long length of games coupled with the inability to pause, it's 3 strikes right off the bat for me. Obviously it's fun and popular to a large group of people, but I got enough of a gaming backlog to where I don't need to delve into that at this point in my life.
Just finished watching the credits roll after beating Bioshock Infinite in 1999 mode. Normally I get a chuckle when I see the list of individuals charged with "Quality Assurance," wondering how many remedial basket weaving classes one needs to fail to qualify for that job. But I have to say BI was probably the most glitch-free AAA title I've ever played. I can't think of a single hiccup in my two full runs. I'm sure there was something, and yes there were a handful of times when I was certain I landed a headshot that didn't register, or equally sure I missed when a guy's head blew up. But otherwise this was a relatively flawless experience. My biggest complaint would be some issues with casting the Possession vigor. Oftentimes if it caught too much of a rail or pillar, it wouldn't affect the enemy. But then there were also times when I almost blindly cast it, popping out of a corner, and it would hit someone. There were also occasional 1-2 second loading pauses when moving quickly across a big area that would take you out of the immersion, but no big deal.

In my earlier assessment of BI, I noted that the ability to have Elizabeth pull supplies and objects from tears during combat seemed like unnecessary icing on the cake. But in 1999 mode, as you could imagine, it could be game-changing... or at least make the experience much less frustrating. This is especially the case when not using Dollar Bill machines, as in many battles, you can have her pull a crate of full health kits or full salt bottles.

As far as dealing with the difficulty jump, like beating the first Bioshock on Survivor, it's hardest at the beginning when you only have a pistol, machine gun, and a couple basic vigors (and no Elizabeth). But once you get a shotty, a sniper, and the Bucking Bronco vigor, the game gets much more manageable. The Handymen were surprisingly the least of my problems. I just made sure I had full salts, a nearby salt bottle, and a Volley Gun with full ammo. And when the Handyman appeared, I simply spammed the Crow vigor and the Volley Gun. Handyman handled. The only slight issue I had is if I hadn't cleared out enough other enemies in the area, who had line of sight on me. Patriots were another story. They were the hardest to take down IMO, mainly because they would often get dropped in toward the end of a big battle when your ammo and salts were almost completely gone. That's when I died the most. Otherwise, the best technique I found was Shock Jockey and pretty much any weapon, ideally with a clear shot at the gears in the back, of course. For vigors, I only used Possession, Bucking Bronco, Undertow (for pushing enemies off ledges/bardges only, until I learned I used less salts using a fully upgraded Possession), Crows (for the Handyman), and Devil's Kiss (for laying mines to take out the Siren where she spawns). So I guess you could say there were a lot of unnecessary weapons and abilities in the game. (The Vox Populi weapons I learned in my first playthrough were almost worthless, partly because it was almost impossible to upgrade them at the point in the game you start seeing them.)

All in all, I found this a very fun experience, challenging myself to beat a game like this on the hardest difficulty. It's been almost a year since I've attempted something like this, and will be picking up my 55th platinum in the process.
Just finished watching the credits roll after beating Bioshock Infinite in 1999 mode. Normally I get a chuckle when I see the list of individuals charged with "Quality Assurance," wondering how many remedial basket weaving classes one needs to fail to qualify for that job. But I have to say BI was probably the most glitch-free AAA title I've ever played. I can't think of a single hiccup in my two full runs. I'm sure there was something, and yes there were a handful of times when I was certain I landed a headshot that didn't register, or equally sure I missed when a guy's head blew up. But otherwise this was a relatively flawless experience. My biggest complaint would be some issues with casting the Possession vigor. Oftentimes if it caught too much of a rail or pillar, it wouldn't affect the enemy. But then there were also times when I almost blindly cast it, popping out of a corner, and it would hit someone. There were also occasional 1-2 second loading pauses when moving quickly across a big area that would take you out of the immersion, but no big deal.

In my earlier assessment of BI, I noted that the ability to have Elizabeth pull supplies and objects from tears during combat seemed like unnecessary icing on the cake. But in 1999 mode, as you could imagine, it could be game-changing... or at least make the experience much less frustrating. This is especially the case when not using Dollar Bill machines, as in many battles, you can have her pull a crate of full health kits or full salt bottles.

As far as dealing with the difficulty jump, like beating the first Bioshock on Survivor, it's hardest at the beginning when you only have a pistol, machine gun, and a couple basic vigors (and no Elizabeth). But once you get a shotty, a sniper, and the Bucking Bronco vigor, the game gets much more manageable. The Handymen were surprisingly the least of my problems. I just made sure I had full salts, a nearby salt bottle, and a Volley Gun with full ammo. And when the Handyman appeared, I simply spammed the Crow vigor and the Volley Gun. Handyman handled. The only slight issue I had is if I hadn't cleared out enough other enemies in the area, who had line of sight on me. Patriots were another story. They were the hardest to take down IMO, mainly because they would often get dropped in toward the end of a big battle when your ammo and salts were almost completely gone. That's when I died the most. Otherwise, the best technique I found was Shock Jockey and pretty much any weapon, ideally with a clear shot at the gears in the back, of course. For vigors, I only used Possession, Bucking Bronco, Undertow (for pushing enemies off ledges/bardges only, until I learned I used less salts using a fully upgraded Possession), Crows (for the Handyman), and Devil's Kiss (for laying mines to take out the Siren where she spawns). So I guess you could say there were a lot of unnecessary weapons and abilities in the game. (The Vox Populi weapons I learned in my first playthrough were almost worthless, partly because it was almost impossible to upgrade them at the point in the game you start seeing them.)

All in all, I found this a very fun experience, challenging myself to beat a game like this on the hardest difficulty. It's been almost a year since I've attempted something like this, and will be picking up my 55th platinum in the process.

Wow! That's a lot of platinums. I'm still only on 2 (The Walking Dead and Resogun). Feel free to add me on PSN. I'd like to look through your trophies and compare some of the games we've both played. The PSN name is king3pj just like here.

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Wow! That's a lot of platinums. I'm still only on 2 (The Walking Dead and Resogun). Feel free to add me on PSN. I'd like to look through your trophies and compare some of the games we've both played. The PSN name is king3pj just like here.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

FR sent. As you'll see, most of my plats were more a matter of determination and perseverance (and finding good guides and videos). I checked your list and see you've started Dead Nation on PS4, one of my all-time faves. How are you finding it?
FR sent. As you'll see, most of my plats were more a matter of determination and perseverance (and finding good guides and videos). I checked your list and see you've started Dead Nation on PS4, one of my all-time faves. How are you finding it?

Yeah, A lot of your platinums are from pretty long games that require multiple playthroughs like the Mass Effect series and Fallout 3. You really got your money's worth on some of those games. I have gotten a little more into trophy hunting lately but I usually want to move onto something else instead of playing a second time on expert difficulty. I originally wanted to try to get the platinum for inFamous Second Son but I don't know if I will want to keep it long enough to do that with Watch Dogs coming out soon. I may have to settle for doing 100% of what I can do on a single playthrough so I can get it sent back to gamefly. I really like it so far but I don't know if I like it enough to play twice when I have so many other games I want to play.

I like Dead Nation but I've only played the first chapter so far. I have been hooked on inFamous and Dragon Age lately so I haven't put much time into it yet. This is one of those games I think would be perfect for the Vita. Unfortunately they only made the PS3 version cross buy with the Vita. My free PS4 copy is considered a different edition with included DLC so it didn't give me the Vita copy.
Yeah, A lot of your platinums are from pretty long games that require multiple playthroughs like the Mass Effect series and Fallout 3. You really got your money's worth on some of those games. I have gotten a little more into trophy hunting lately but I usually want to move onto something else instead of playing a second time on expert difficulty. I originally wanted to try to get the platinum for inFamous Second Son but I don't know if I will want to keep it long enough to do that with Watch Dogs coming out soon. I may have to settle for doing 100% of what I can do on a single playthrough so I can get it sent back to gamefly. I really like it so far but I don't know if I like it enough to play twice when I have so many other games I want to play.

I like Dead Nation but I've only played the first chapter so far. I have been hooked on inFamous and Dragon Age lately so I haven't put much time into it yet. This is one of those games I think would be perfect for the Vita. Unfortunately they only made the PS3 version cross buy with the Vita. My free PS4 copy is considered a different edition with included DLC so it didn't give me the Vita copy.

Getting my money's worth was how it started, even before Sony's trophy patch, since I was spending $50-$60 per game at first. If I really liked a game, I simply wanted to do everything there was to do in it (all in-game objectives, trophies or not). It helps that I don't have any other systems (other than a Vita). I soon discovered the various trophy hunting communities on the net and started getting tips and encouragement to challenge myself to do things I never thought I could when I first started gaming at the age of 40. If I rented, I would definitely be more focused on turn around, which is partly why I never got into it, as I like to take my time and return to games months later to try a harder difficulty. At one point, I got so obsessed with trophies, I would go so far as doing some things that were really tedious or simply unfun. Now I only do stuff I enjoy, which is why I decided to go for the Bioshock Infinite plat, since most trophies come naturally just beating the game twice, including on the hardest difficulty. There's something about going through really good games a second or third time, when I feel like I have a good handle on all the gameplay mechanics and can feel a certain level of mastery by developing good strategies to get through on harder difficulties, that I really enjoy.

That sucks about Dead Nation and the Vita, but I guess if Sony made it a three-platform cross-buy, every Plus member would have it for free on Vita, since it was free for the PS4. I actually got it for free as part of the Welcome Back package. Unfortunately, I downloaded it to a sub-account, so now I can't get it for free on the Vita, which is linked to my main account and doesn't allow subaccounts. Otherwise I'd be playing it right now. :)
Here's my thoughts on Sonic Lost World..

It's bad. That's the best way I can describe it. It falls into that unfortunate category of "Did they actually play this game before they released it?" That's not to say it's like Aliens: Colonial Marines where the game is a bugged up mess, but rather the game just isn't fun. The game suffers from 2 critical downfalls. The first is that the controls are sh*t. It's amazing how loose the controls are. A good 75% of the times that I died were not because the game legitimately beat me, but because the game didn't do what I expected it to do. Perhaps the most mind-boggling part is that the game doesn't let you use the D-pad for controls. You're FORCED to use the analog stick. If the game had really tight controls like Super Mario Galaxy did this could be excused, but since we have already established that the controls are sh*t, it just makes things worse. And since at the end of the day this is a platformer, the loose controls are about as beneficial as quadriplegic waiter. As a comparison, I tried out Sonic CD on my S4 (BTW, if you haven't played Sonic CD, stop reading this and get it for your appropriate system because it's arguably the greatest Sonic game EVER made) and THAT had better controls than this, and that was on a touch screen device.

The other arrow to the knee is that the game doesn't FEEL like a Sonic game. Sonic games are all about running fast and a continuous flow of action. This game doesn't have that. If you run fast, you'll constantly find yourself getting hit, so you're stuck trodding around like you're a germophobe mother that against her better judgement brought their child to the local petting zoo.

So in conclusion, avoid this game. That shouldn't be too hard since it was only released on the Wii U and 3DS, and I'm not sure why that was. This game does NOTHING special that couldn't be done on any other console. I suppose it was part of some stupid exclusivity deal, but even if it does open up to other platforms just ignore it. If you need a modern Sonic experience, just pick up Sonic Colors, which is a FANTASTIC game, or like I said earlier, get Sonic CD on your PC/iOS/Android/360/PS3/Emulator.

Sadly I'm basically stuck with this game, as my Gamefly doesn't have a good enough turnaround time, and neither of the games in my list are likely to be available anytime soon. So until Watch Dogs comes out I'm stuck with this POS. Looks like it's back to the PC for my gaming.
It seemed too good to be true. I was watching some videos online about building a PC and was starting to doubt my ability to do it so I thought it may be a better idea to get a great deal like that one. Figured it may be too good to me true. $320 would have been awesome.
Wow! That's a lot of platinums. I'm still only on 2 (The Walking Dead and Resogun). Feel free to add me on PSN. I'd like to look through your trophies and compare some of the games we've both played. The PSN name is king3pj just like here.

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Speaking of trophies, I forgot to mention when comparing our games I noticed The Walking Dead, Season 2 has been patched for episodes 3 and 4, though I haven't heard any announcements. This is the most recent news I found: http://www.joystiq.com/2014/05/02/the-walking-dead-seaon-2-episode-3-on-its-way-with-new-screens/. From what I've seen with other games (DLC and whatnot), trophy patches usually mean about 2 weeks.

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