Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?


Speaking of Bioshock, It looks like there is a chance of the Bioshock movie being resurrected. Sony Pictures has been registering internet domains like bioshock-movie.com lately. I actually think this could be a cool movie but who knows if it will ever get made.

The world of Rapture has so much potential for long-range character development, political intrigues, and plot twists, I'd almost rather see it come to the small screen in the form of a high-quality premium cable (or Netflix) TV series. As a movie, I'm afraid it'll be more about squeezing in as many action sequences, special effects, and explosions as possible.

Thanks! That sounds like exactly what I need. I should have known to look for mods. I'm still new enough to PC gaming that I don't have any experience with mods except for the ones that can easily be turned on and off from the Steam workshop. I have tried a couple for Skyrim and Civ V that way and they were super simple and pretty cool.

My copies of Dragon Age 1 and 2 are tied to Origin instead of Steam so it will probably be a little trickier. I'll see if I can get this running tonight so I can get back into 1080p gaming.
What are you guys playing right now? I'm still working my way through inFamous Second Son on the PS4. I am still planning to complete 100% of the content in inFamous and maybe try for the platinum trophy. I really like the game but I've got myself stuck on a detour too.

I fired up Dragon Age Origins on the PC. I have been seeing the recent trailers for the new Dragon Age game coming out this fall and I got 1 and 2 on sale a while back. As people here know, Mass Effect is my favorite game franchise so this is something I always wanted to play but never tried it for whatever reason. Well now I'm hooked.

The combat is a clunky click fest and some of the voice acting is terrible. Like Skyrim and many other RPGs, your character's dialog isn't voice acted. This always feels weird to me after playing Mass Effect and it certainly takes away the cinematic feel that the Mass Effect franchise did so well. It still has enough of that KOTOR/Mass Effect feel I love so much to keep me hooked even with it's problems. Now I want to play through 1 and 2 before I get to Inquisition.

Strangely, I think a clunky RPG from 2009 has replaced the game I was most looking forward too since it was first shown off at the PS4 reveal event as the top game on my priority list. I'm still mixing inFamous in from time to time but Dragon Age Origins is typically the first game I want to play when I sit down for the night.

I still have Borderlands 2 in my PS3 but I haven't gone to the basement to play it in over a month. Every time I get a chance to play some games I end up playing Minecraft. That game just gets me excited to play every chance I get. There's always something I want to work on in it. One of the other reasons I've been playing it so much is because I play it on my laptop in the kitchen. It's nice because that's generally where I sit and watch TV anyway. So I can watch TV, make supper and I never have to get up to grab a beer.
Stopped playing BL2 while I wait on the BL2/Vita. So I started playing Knack. Just finished the first run through. Started it again to collect more stuff. Starting to get board with it. May get back into some KillZone again.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys

Thanks! That sounds like exactly what I need. I should have known to look for mods. I'm still new enough to PC gaming that I don't have any experience with mods except for the ones that can easily be turned on and off from the Steam workshop. I have tried a couple for Skyrim and Civ V that way and they were super simple and pretty cool.

My copies of Dragon Age 1 and 2 are tied to Origin instead of Steam so it will probably be a little trickier. I'll see if I can get this running tonight so I can get back into 1080p gaming.

Just a quick update. I got the mod setup and it couldn't have been simpler. That site has a little program that automatically installs the mod for you so you don't have to mess with anything. The mod has options to set the font to whatever size you want. The game ships with 8pt font and the mod default was 16pt. I find their default to be perfect for me so I didn't even bother to go into the mod configuration stuff.

Anyways, I'm back in my 1080p glory and the font is bigger and easier to read than it was when I was resorting to sub-720p resolutions. This is important in a game with lots of dialog choices and weapon stats to compare. Just one more benefit to PC gaming, if the developer won't fix a problem there is a good chance the community already has.

The only downside to the whole process was the fact that they make you register to their forum before you can download mods from them. That's not a huge deal to me because I suspect I will be checking them out in the future for other games. The problem is the way they setup the registration process. They send you to a page with lots of different types of premium memberships making it look like you have to pay anywhere from $100 to $11 to download your mod. Only when you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page do they tell you that there is a free membership option and it wasn't obvious at first glance. I don't mind them doing something like our pub memberships here but it felt like they were trying to trick me into thinking I had to pay to get the mod.

All in all it was a pretty positive experience. It was super easy to get the mod downloaded and installed. It actually took longer to register for their website than it did to get the mod running.
I finally finished plowing through BTTF, The Game, although a review at this point seems rather fruitless, as everyone here has probably either played it or picked it up at the 99 cent PSN sale.

The game is exactly what it claims to be, a continuation of the plot of the original trilogy,where Doc has suddenly gone missing. A DeLorean shows up with Einstein (Doc's dog) in it with coordinates back to 1931. There Marty finds Doc in jail for a crime he didn't commit, and it's up to Marty to free him and get back to the present. Obviously there's more to it than that, similar to the previous movies where just one simple task gets mucked up by some oversight that causes them to go back and fix the mess they made.

As far as mistakes go, this game doesn't make a lot of them. The voice acting is decent, although sadly only Doc is back to reprise his voice. Everyone else is cast by someone else. The actor doing Marty does a rather good job, although his pitch is a little too high. Michael J. Fox does make a cameo as another McFly in the last episode, but that's about as close as we get to the original cast.

The puzzles are not overly difficult. It was nice for Telltale to include an in game hint system, so that players like myself weren't constantly referring to a FAQ for how to guide through the game. Still, for adventure game veterans who grew up with Lucasfilm and Sierra games, this will likely come off as insultingly easy. Not as easy as The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us, but those are more interactive narratives than they are adventure games. The puzzles for the most part make sense, and it doesn't implement "moon logic" like some other adventure games do.

While the tale is fun, it's far from perfect. The overall plot slows down to a crawl at times. It seems like the developers didn't think they had enough actual story content at times, so they came up with padding the gameplay with various over complicated puzzles. Episode 3 is especially guilty of this, where you're forced to break the law multiple times in various contrived ways in order to meet the leader of a town. And near the end of the game, when the plot has CLEARLY run out of steam, I constantly found myself saying, "Jesus, can we just wrap this up already?"

Speaking of the end of the game, I suppose this isn't much of a spoiler, but basically this game doesn't end. It pulls a Bullsh!t move by opening up a brand new conflict at the last minute, and then saying, "To Be Continued." Sorry, but when I finished Episode 4, I was told this story was "To Be Concluded," so WTF is this? Some may say that they did this to leave it open for a sequel season, but I personally don't see that happening anytime soon. This series finished nearly 3 years ago (3 years this July actually), and I haven't read anything or heard anything from Telltale about another season. And given the fact that they have so much in the pipeline between The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, and now they've been commissioned to do a series on Game of Thrones, I think it's fair to say that this series was a 1 and done, even if it wasn't intended to be. And it's a shame because had they not pulled what they did in the last minute, I would have been very satisfied with the ending I was presented. Now I'm just annoyed that there's a whole other adventure that I'll likely never get to embark on.

Still, the ending isn't nearly as infuriating as the The Last of Us to where it can truly sour my views of the rest of the game. Overall Telltale has done a fine job adding on to the BTTF mythos. Lord knows they couldn't have done much worse than the OTHER BTTF game that we all had burned into our memories...If you like BTTF and enjoy prodding your brain a bit, you'll probably find a good amount to like in this. If you don't like either of those things, then stay away. I give it a B-.

I suppose I should finally start playing Sonic Lost Worlds before I have to send it back to free up a slot for Watch Dogs, but we'll see what happens.
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I'm getting closer to being able to assemble my own gaming PC. I've got some extra spending money that I've been putting away and my wife is starting to come around. Right now I'm thinking I can put together a fairly basic rig that will play the majority of games on medium settings for about $650 and that's including Windows. I've got a pretty good understanding of what I all need but I'm concerned I may screw things up when I actually try building it myself. I'm still debating if it's smarter to purchase one that's already built but allows me to upgrade when needed.
I'm getting closer to being able to assemble my own gaming PC. I've got some extra spending money that I've been putting away and my wife is starting to come around. Right now I'm thinking I can put together a fairly basic rig that will play the majority of games on medium settings for about $650 and that's including Windows. I've got a pretty good understanding of what I all need but I'm concerned I may screw things up when I actually try building it myself. I'm still debating if it's smarter to purchase one that's already built but allows me to upgrade when needed.

You can do it. Most of the stuff only snaps into one place and it's as simple as following the instructions. I think it would be hard to actually damage anything without being completely careless. If you do it yourself you will be able to get a lot more power for your dollar than buying something.

Besides, you mentioned buying a prebuilt PC and upgrading it later. Building it isn't much harder than upgrading parts later. When you upgrade parts you still have to open the case, pull out the old part, and then snap the new one in. The process of snapping an upgrade part in is the same as if you were building fresh.
You can do it. Most of the stuff only snaps into one place and it's as simple as following the instructions. I think it would be hard to actually damage anything without being completely careless. If you do it yourself you will be able to get a lot more power for your dollar than buying something.

Besides, you mentioned buying a prebuilt PC and upgrading it later. Building it isn't much harder than upgrading parts later. When you upgrade parts you still have to open the case, pull out the old part, and then snap the new one in. The process of snapping an upgrade part in is the same as if you were building fresh.

I feel confident I'll be able to put the parts in properly but for some reason I'm concerned that it won't start up properly or I'll have a software issue. I think it's worth trying though. I love learning new things like this.

The other thing is figuring out where I'll put it. I know I can add it to my TV but I'm not sure that's where I want to play it all the time. The great thing about my laptop now is the fact that it's so easy to use in the kitchen. I'd love a great gaming laptop but do not want to spend the extra money and don't want to give up the ability to upgrade it.

More evidence that the Mass Effect Trilogy will be re-released on the new consoles. I'm sure yourbeleifs will love this news.

If I didn't already buy the Trilogy on PC for the second time (I originally played it on PS3) I would probably pick this up. It's my favorite franchise and it's nice to know I will be able to go back and replay it if I ever want to even after my PS3 is boxed up for good.
I know you guys are more in favor of building a PC on your own and I agree but if I can find a sweet deal for a used one that is all put together then I'm interested. I was curious what you think of this one. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-Gami...1147878349?pt=Desktop_PCs&hash=item2c814d27cd

I priced all the parts that are listed and it comes out to $980 on Newegg. He claims it cost him about $900 so that sounds in line to me. He has it listed at about $550 if you include the shipping which is right below my budget for building a new one. To me this looks like a decent upgrade.
I know you guys are more in favor of building a PC on your own and I agree but if I can find a sweet deal for a used one that is all put together then I'm interested. I was curious what you think of this one. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-Gami...1147878349?pt=Desktop_PCs&hash=item2c814d27cd

I priced all the parts that are listed and it comes out to $980 on Newegg. He claims it cost him about $900 so that sounds in line to me. He has it listed at about $550 if you include the shipping which is right below my budget for building a new one. To me this looks like a decent upgrade.

Assuming everything works properly and he took good care of it, that isn't a bad machine. It's probably a little less powerful than he PS4/Xbox One but not by a huge margin. It should be able to play most games at medium or better settings for the foreseeable future. As far as pricing, I've never looked at the used PC or PC part market so I couldn't tell you if that is a good price or not. It seems reasonable to me if everything is in good condition.

More evidence that the Mass Effect Trilogy will be re-released on the new consoles. I'm sure yourbeliefs will love this news.

If I didn't already buy the Trilogy on PC for the second time (I originally played it on PS3) I would probably pick this up. It's my favorite franchise and it's nice to know I will be able to go back and replay it if I ever want to even after my PS3 is boxed up for good.
Just another case of making games for the sake of making games. Unless they price this at about $20-$30, I don't see this selling, as it's 3 games that all require a ~40 hour time commitment each. More importantly, anyone who wanted to play these games likely already has. The only way I'd pick it up is if they did something drastic and reworked the combat/space exploration mechanics of the first one with those in the 2nd, but that obviously won't happen. As a Wii U owner, it's amazing to see such a drastic difference in One/PS4 releases versus the U.
Just another case of making games for the sake of making games. Unless they price this at about $20-$30, I don't see this selling, as it's 3 games that all require a ~40 hour time commitment each. More importantly, anyone who wanted to play these games likely already has. The only way I'd pick it up is if they did something drastic and reworked the combat/space exploration mechanics of the first one with those in the 2nd, but that obviously won't happen. As a Wii U owner, it's amazing to see such a drastic difference in One/PS4 releases versus the U.

To be fair, it's not like the Wii U has more new games launching than the PS4 or Xbox One. The PS4 just has re-releases in addition to the new games while the Wii U isn't getting a whole lot of anything. I have nothing against Nintendo games but I'd take the PS4 library over the Wii U library any day.

More evidence that the Mass Effect Trilogy will be re-released on the new consoles. I'm sure yourbeleifs will love this news.

If I didn't already buy the Trilogy on PC for the second time (I originally played it on PS3) I would probably pick this up. It's my favorite franchise and it's nice to know I will be able to go back and replay it if I ever want to even after my PS3 is boxed up for good.

Just another case of making games for the sake of making games. Unless they price this at about $20-$30, I don't see this selling, as it's 3 games that all require a ~40 hour time commitment each. More importantly, anyone who wanted to play these games likely already has. The only way I'd pick it up is if they did something drastic and reworked the combat/space exploration mechanics of the first one with those in the 2nd, but that obviously won't happen. As a Wii U owner, it's amazing to see such a drastic difference in One/PS4 releases versus the U.

As a big fan of Mass Effect, I would gladly replay it again on a next gen system if 1) There was a significant upgrade in graphics and all known glitches were fixed and load times were improved (esp. ME2); 2) my PS3 saves could be imported; 3) All DLC for all three games was included for a reasonable price <$40.
I know you guys are more in favor of building a PC on your own and I agree but if I can find a sweet deal for a used one that is all put together then I'm interested. I was curious what you think of this one. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-Gami...1147878349?pt=Desktop_PCs&hash=item2c814d27cd

I priced all the parts that are listed and it comes out to $980 on Newegg. He claims it cost him about $900 so that sounds in line to me. He has it listed at about $550 if you include the shipping which is right below my budget for building a new one. To me this looks like a decent upgrade.
Looks decent. Makes me wonder though why he's selling it for so low, but he appears to have a high seller rating, so hopefully that shows he's legit. Surprised he opted for a 1000W power supply. That's pretty hardcore. Mine is 700W, and most standard (read: Non-gaming) PCs have around 400.

As King said, don't expect PS4/XBone level graphic performance, but it'll definitely look nice, and should keep you set for some time. I would suggest though splurging and getting a 256 GB SSD for some of your main games and OS. No matter how fast your other specs are, the HDD will always hold you back from true screaming performance. Also, if you want to really be future proof, you'll likely need to get a copy of Windows 8. Yes, we all love 7 and our start menu, but 8 is simply more secure and will be the only way to get DirectX 12 soon.
As a big fan of Mass Effect, I would gladly replay it again on a next gen system if 1) There was a significant upgrade in graphics and all known glitches were fixed and load times were improved (esp. ME2); 2) my PS3 saves could be imported; 3) All DLC for all three games was included for a reasonable price <$40.

I have to think all DLC would be included. This long after release it would be silly to release the entire series without the DLC. As to the point about the games taking 40 hours each I think that would be a benefit to most gamers instead of a negative. I wouldn't pay full price for a re-release but even if you did that's about 50 cents per hour of entertainment. That's a ton of content for your dollar. That's certainly a better value than paying $60 for 5-8 hours worth of content.

For the gamer who can only allocate enough money for a couple games a year something like this would be a great choice. I can see newer gamers buying this to get some background before the new Mass Effect game comes out too. Again, I won't buy this unless their are major changes from the PC and PS3 trilogy I already own or I see it on sale for a great price.
Looks decent. Makes me wonder though why he's selling it for so low, but he appears to have a high seller rating, so hopefully that shows he's legit. Surprised he opted for a 1000W power supply. That's pretty hardcore. Mine is 700W, and most standard (read: Non-gaming) PCs have around 400.

As King said, don't expect PS4/XBone level graphic performance, but it'll definitely look nice, and should keep you set for some time. I would suggest though splurging and getting a 256 GB SSD for some of your main games and OS. No matter how fast your other specs are, the HDD will always hold you back from true screaming performance. Also, if you want to really be future proof, you'll likely need to get a copy of Windows 8. Yes, we all love 7 and our start menu, but 8 is simply more secure and will be the only way to get DirectX 12 soon.

I thought for my first custom PC that was a good amount of power for the price. I don't plan on building my own PC for much more than $600 so this used one would give me more bang for the buck. The other nice thing is that I can always customize it myself down the road. I'm going to keep an eye on it.

Currently all I've been playing is Minecraft but I would love to get DayZ working on it since I already purchased the game on Steam.

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