What's Happening with Suscom Transition to Comcast?

The Williamsport system got The Comcast Network today. Thrilling. Local digitals are still scrambled.
SusCom/Comcast Brunswick, ME

A press release from Comcast carried today as a news story in The Times Record, an afternoon newspaper published in Brunswick, ME restates the info about its takeover of SusCom Brunswick provided earlier in the mass mailer sent to subscribers. The newspaper piece is not on the web at this hour.

The story claims that the change affects "more than 50,000 homes in the Brunswick area..." That seems excessive as the SusCom web site, still up and running, claims 21,000+ households in the 11 community system.

Two HD channels are added that were not previously mentioned: TNT-HD on Channel 524 and ESPN2-HD on Channel 523.

The other new channels cited are OLN Channel 56; Golf Channel 60; WCSH/NBC Weather Plus Channel 166; and Current TV Channel 119. The latter two are on the digital tier.

These channels are active today.

I've gotten 2 bills already from Comcast in the 3 weeks I've been with them (both of them wrong). They tried to charge me more for installation than what they quoted, and they still are charging me full price for HSI when it should be $19.99. Neither bill has had any updates on lineup changes.

Our digital tier is pretty weak thanks to Suscom, much of it is MTV and VH1 channels. I'm hoping for a big upgrade there. Can't complain about the HD tier since we have the big 3, PBS, HDNet, HDNet Movies, UHD, ESPN, and Discovery.

I just wish we could get some news. This "in the fall", "next year", or "in a few weeks" BS doesn't cut it.
Glad to see some of you other Suscom areas getting something at least. We are getting nothing here in MS. Comcast Sports Southeast has been the only channel added and the picture quality and sound is horrible most of the time. They didn't even move our NFL Network to another channel like the paper had said they would.

We've gotten no messages on the box, no updated lineup cards in the bill, NADA. The installer at my brother's house even told him some BS that it would be next year before we got VOD and they would have to switch out all the digital boxes for customers to receive it (I have a Motorola 6412, so I know he's full of crap). I'm waiting patiently, but it gets more and more irritating not hearing anything.

9/15 Update: Supposed to be a Starz free weekend, but I guess the powers that be at the ol' Suscom office neglected to flip the switch. Thanks!
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No change

September has come and gone with no change whatsoever. The only action I've had with Comcast so far was when i called the 1-866# on my bill to question a charge and got routed to call centers in Maine and Vermont due to a glitch in their phone system.

We have not received anything in the bills with news regarding channel lineup changes since the takeover. The only change that we have had was what I posted before, CSS. And that channel has been horrible to say the least. Sound completely absent or at very low volume, and grainy picture quality at best. There has not been a message sent thru the box indicating any kind of changes upcoming.

Checked another forum a couple of weeks ago and they indicated that it was a Starz free weekend. Ours was never turned on. In fact, our PPV and premium channels still show the local Suscom call # for ordering.

I wasn't expecting the world when I signed up for Comcast. I realize that VOD and a new expanded lineup aren't going to pop up overnight, but since the Comcast website indicated "early fall" as the date in which we'd see Comcast services take effect, I was hoping to see more than just the Comcast logo on the cable bill and service trucks.
Nothing in Williamsport either, other than the Comcast Channel and OLN/VS. My main concern is getting the local HD channels unencrypted. On another site someone who works for Comcast says there probably won't be any major channel changes until they put up VOD, but this isn't so much a channel change as fixing an idiotic thing that Suscom shouldn't have done in the first place, and it shouldn't even be difficult.
Williamsport finally unscrambled the local digital channels last weekend, and this weekend I see they've added a subchannel. We now have WNEP-DT, WNEP-2, WBRE-DT, WYOU-DT, WVIA-DT, and WOLF-DT. This is from a PC-based QAM tuner, I don't know if it's all showing up on their STBs yet -- Fox was on for testing a long time ago but never showed up while I was a digital subscriber -- and there's no channel lineup available from their website.

Where do old satellites go to die?


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