What's for dinner ?

This is how the conversation to decide on supper tonight went:

Me: What do you want for supper?

HiFi: I don't care. What do you want?

Me: Tacos.

HiFi: Seriously?

Me: Yeah, why? What do you want?

HiFi: Tacos.

Me: Seriously?

Both of us: LOL:D

So, we're having tacos again!:D
Burgers with Grilled Cuban Corn

For dinner I made a standard burger: ground meat seasoned with salt, pepper and a few dabs of Worcestershire. Grilled to a medium temperature and melted Colby Jack cheese over top. Served on a fresh onion roll.

For a side, I experimented with a recipe I found in a Bobby Flay cookbook. It's called "Grilled Cuban Corn on the Cobb." You may find this recipe kind of weird and atypical, but let me tell you something.... it's to die for! Trust me....


  • Peel back the husks and remove the silks. Tie the husks up and soak for about 15 minutes. Grill the corn in the husks over medium heat for apx. 15-20 minutes.
  • For the sauce, you mix mayonnaise, ancho chili powder, salt, pepper, garlic, lime juice and zest.
  • Next, grate up some queso fresco or other mild white cheese. (I used white cheddar, because that's what I had).
  • When the corn is done, remove from the grill. Pull back the husks and slather the sauce over the corn and roll in the crumbled cheese.

It may sound weird to put mayo on corn and I was a little hesitant myself, but when you taste this, you'll understand why this combination works so well. Evidently this is a popular way of serving grilled corn on the cobb in Mexico, Cuba and Southern Florida. All of these flavors work so well together. I'll definitely be serving this style of corn the next time we have a cookout. I just won't tell them what's in it until after they eat it ;).

One more note: All my life growing up we ate corn on the cobb, boiled to death in a pot of water. That was the way all Mom's did it. This past week, we went over to my wife's parents house and her Mom cooked the corn in the microwave. Yack! I'm not trying to bash the Mom's, because that's what they knew. Boiling in water makes corn soggy and it's easy to overcook it that way. Plus, corn is left pretty much tasteless after cooking this way. By doing it in the husks, you get this great smokey flavor from the husks and the corn tastes nice and crisp and flavorful. To me, there is no other way to cook corn than in the husks and on the grill.

And this Cuban style is just another way to enjoy your Grilled Corn. :hungry:

See attached picture....


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Today I'm going crazy with some of my garden harvest.

Tomato-Parsley Soup.
Romaine Salad with cherry tomatoes.
Couscous stuffed rainbow bell peppers.

And mediterranian chicken...which is just a chicken breast grilled in foil with tomatoes, basil and olives and oliveoil.