What is ETA for 811 fixes? - Rad, Scott?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 13, 2003
Rad - any update on the fixes? Scott - have you heard anything.

I won't post my list of issues since the major once have been rehashed enough times, but I would like an idea on time. Rad mentioned this past weekend, but that didn't happen. It would be nice if Dish could give us an identication of what they feel IS an issue (Darkness, etc) and when to expect a fix.

Also - just another gripe. I really wish the Dish HD software team would spend two weeks with the SD software team. The 322 is a work of genius and its menu and On-Screen display are works of genius. The 811 looks just like the 6000 menu and OSD with some new colors. You'd think they would spend a little more time on it. And I do wish the OSD channel surfer would let you go more than 30 minutes forward (like the SD receivers).

I'm wondering the same thing.I hope the sd pq issue is addressed soon and that it is a software fix.
Well as we can all tell no new code over the weekend. The person I was talking to called and left a voice mail about another problem that we're working on but he did say that the plan is to have the new software spooled for download later today. He mentioned that this would include the aspect ratio/format fix and a change to how the 8VSB looks for PSIP on OTA channels. That's all I know for now. My receiver is off and just waiting for some good code to come its way (I hope).

On the guide issue, he did mention earlier that the two day guide would be coming soon and when I say soon it sounded like it should be less then one month. RAD

just so i know, the so-called "aspect ration fix" is it supposed to let us keep the 811 recvr on 1080i under "HDTV Setup" allowing you to watch any channel in HD, and for SD channels - automatically stretch them to fit the screen without having to set the mode to 480p?

also regarding the PSIP changes, does this mean digital OTA channels metadata will show up in the program guide (program name/desc/etc) vs "Local Digital" ?

just wondering..
Re: 811/aspect

javajedi said:
just so i know, the so-called "aspect ration fix" is it supposed to let us keep the 811 recvr on 1080i under "HDTV Setup" allowing you to watch any channel in HD, and for SD channels - automatically stretch them to fit the screen without having to set the mode to 480p?

also regarding the PSIP changes, does this mean digital OTA channels metadata will show up in the program guide (program name/desc/etc) vs "Local Digital" ?

just wondering..

For question #1, yep, you use the * key on the remote to pick what mode you want the 811 to use, normal/stretch/grey bar/zoom, and if it's like the 6000 HD and SD channels have seperate settings, aka HD is set to normal and SD is set to stretch.

For #2 that's not what I understand it to do, it's just a change on how the 811 picks up PSIP says it's good or not.
thanks for clearing that up, rad. i kinda didn't think they were going to do that either with the ota guide at this point.

you mentioned pressing the * key.... but does this mean we won't be able to configure the recvr to automatically change aspect ratios based upon content? ie, watch movie on Showtime HD then change the channel to an SD channel like TNT and it will automatically switch to 480p without user intervention?

we never owned the model 6000, so this is our first hd recvr. i was just curious how it was "intended" to work.
javajedi said:
thanks for clearing that up, rad. i kinda didn't think they were going to do that either with the ota guide at this point.

for what you're saing though with the aspect control, does that means that we'll be able to configure this to work automatically? ie, watch a movie on Showtime HD then change the channel to an SD channel like TNT and it will automatically switch to 480p without user intervention?

we never owned the model 6000, so this is our first hd recvr and i was just curious how it was "intended" to work.

It will always output at 1080i or 720p, depending on how you have the output on the 811 set. It will the upconvert the SD material to that setting and pass it to your set, applying whatever formatting option you've selected.
rad said:
Well as we can all tell no new code over the weekend. The person I was talking to called and left a voice mail about another problem that we're working on but he did say that the plan is to have the new software spooled for download later today. He mentioned that this would include the aspect ratio/format fix and a change to how the 8VSB looks for PSIP on OTA channels. That's all I know for now. My receiver is off and just waiting for some good code to come its way (I hope).

Rad... does this also include the major PQ problem with the dark/dim video. I would gladly wait a few more days to get rid of dark video than have my aspect ratio buttons work... though having it all fixed would be cool...
normang said:
Rad... does this also include the major PQ problem with the dark/dim video. I would gladly wait a few more days to get rid of dark video than have my aspect ratio buttons work... though having it all fixed would be cool...

Not that I know of. He did mention that they changed the black levels on the 811 vs. the 6000. He didn't say one way or another if they would be changing this and if yes when.

To clearify a bit, I got in contact with this engineer because of a couple of problems I had and he called me back for some more info. I got talking about some of the problems and he told me a couple of things that were on the scheduled that I said I was interested in. I'm not like Scott that has a pipeline into these folks so I can't answer many of the questions being asked. Sorry - RAD
Not that I know of. He did mention that they changed the black levels on the 811 vs. the 6000. He didn't say one way or another if they would be changing this and if yes when.

To clarify a bit, I got in contact with this engineer because of a couple of problems I had and he called me back for some more info. I got talking about some of the problems and he told me a couple of things that were on the scheduled that I said I was interested in. I'm not like Scott that has a pipeline into these folks so I can't answer many of the questions being asked. Sorry - RAD

Rad, appreciate the feedback, perhaps I'll call Dish today and see if I can get some clarification on this issue, it is a problem and needs to be fixed. Depending on what you watch, its really annoying. BattleStar on SCI-FI last night, many scenes were difficult to watch..

Scott.. If you've got any additional info, feel free to chime in what info you might have about what issues are priority and if you've heard anything yourself in relation to whether a code update is coming today or soon....

thanks Norm

811-"Acquiring Satellite Signal" - STILL?!?!

Is anyone receiving Baltimore Locals Yet?

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