Never knew the credit card VISA was a acronym as it was originally known as BankAmericard before it was known as Visa, atleast when our restaurant accepted it in the mid-1970s.The spelling "Visa" means something different yet. The term VISA as applied to the popular credit card is a "recursive acronym" and is capitalized as as an acronym. It stands for Visa International Service Association.
The "visa" spelling is the immigration document.
These useful distinctions are being chipped away at by texters and those who post "in crayon" (all caps).
Visa is actually used by the credit card company because I own the stock and even it it's form 10-K found here:
on page 2:
and ofcourse, their legal page also references Visa:
Visa Legal
Review Visa legal rules information and feel free to browse, download from and otherwise use the Visa Site.
The acronym is interesting though as it can use the entire acronym for the first word.
as for the immigration document, it is both capitalized as "VISA" and also as "Visa" as seen in the sample USA version below:
As for the all CAPS, it's fine if only the word itself is capitalized but if the entire message is capitalized, that's supposedly the same as yelling or shouting. LOL.