Well, then in your view all the other services "sux" as well, given that you could come up with a comparably long list of omitted HD channels for cable, Dish, UVerse, and FiOS. No service out there carries all of the available HD channels. They all leave out something.
That may be true for cable and dish (I don't know about UVerse), but you really can't compare anyone to FiOS for HD. They have BY FAR the most national channels and the best picture quality - I see less compression artifacts in their streams (my buddy has FiOS and the exact same TV as me).
I know many people don't have FiOS offered in their area, but for the few who do, I think DTV may see some people jumping ship soon. I'll be switching as soon as my contract is up since all I watch is HD. I know the DVR is not as good, but I'd rather have SO many more HD channels for the same price - if not a little cheaper.
I know DTV has been rolling out lots of locals for the past year, but they shouldn't be neglecting the nationals. Their national HD additions over the past 12 months have been few and far between.