What are you watching on D*?

Please reply by conversation.
rad said:
If you're not happy with D* just leave.

Again you have no right to tell me what should I do with my money... I ultimately decide what to do with it.

rad said:
Since you're a mod, why not just put up a sticky where you and other can place your comments about D* and HD-Lite and just get it over with so everyone can see your comments in one central place and get it over with?

It does not mattter, does it?

rad said:
BTW, I don't remember seeing you this passionate about V* when they were downrezing their channels.

Talking about apple and oranges if you know the history quite correctly.

rad said:
You have your opinion, I have mine, guess we just need to leave it at that. Peace

Of course and I respect your opinion. Just try to respect mine as well.
The point is that it will be cheaper for you to cancel now and pay the fee and be done with it, but you seam to want to pay more to keep a service for 2 years that you are totally unhappy with. Plus it will save you two years worth of bashing D* in this forum (and our rereading your disdane for D*). Can we all pitch in a buck each and help the fella out?

I just do not understand. But thats ok.. because I am happy..I am smart... and dog gone it... people like me.
I have a HR10-250 and a HDVR2 DVR.

Here is what I regularly watch:

Flight Attendant School on Travel Channel

American Idol

Local News

The rest of my family (wife and twin 18 year old girls) will sit up until all hours watching recorded everything from the Food Channel and CSI's, Family Guy, 24, etc.

They would not know how to exist without a DVR so I guess I get my money's worth.
Sean Mota said:
Talking about apple and oranges if you know the history quite correctly.

Is it really that different? Both companies were short of bandwidth and both companies downgraded the resolution of channels in order to provide a larger number of HD channels to their customers.
rad said:
Is it really that different? Both companies were short of bandwidth and both companies downgraded the resolution of channels in order to provide a larger number of HD channels to their customers.


it is no different, BUT, save your breath.

it is falling on deaf ears. sean and the other directv bashers will NEVER change. EVER!

what did they used to call us that said voom was not gonna make it??? oh yeah, trolls.


i happen to think directv is the best at this point and is firmly positioned for the future. but as they say opinions are like a**holes , everyone has one, including the directv bashing crowd.
dragon002 said:

it is no different, BUT, save your breath.

it is falling on deaf ears. sean and the other directv bashers will NEVER change. EVER!

what did they used to call us that said voom was not gonna make it??? oh yeah, trolls.


i happen to think directv is the best at this point and is firmly positioned for the future. but as they say opinions are like a**holes , everyone has one, including the directv bashing crowd.

go dragon
rad said:
Is it really that different? Both companies were short of bandwidth and both companies downgraded the resolution of channels in order to provide a larger number of HD channels to their customers.

hmm.... you missed my points... but that's ok... you guys win... I won't bother you... again...enjoy.... your HD... or should I say "lite"... Read up before you make such a claim....
Eric Goempel said:
The point is that it will be cheaper for you to cancel now and pay the fee and be done with it, but you seam to want to pay more to keep a service for 2 years that you are totally unhappy with. Plus it will save you two years worth of bashing D* in this forum (and our rereading your disdane for D*). Can we all pitch in a buck each and help the fella out?

I just do not understand. But thats ok.. because I am happy..I am smart... and dog gone it... people like me.

again you are trying to read my mind.... and again you are trying to say what should be posted and what should not be posted on this forum. I do not think it is up to anyone what should be in consideration for posting as long as it does not violate the forum rules. Again, answering your question which again did not exclude the "none" possibility did not violate any posting rule that I can think of. Maybe next time when the same question is asked you should exclude the possibility and I won't answer the post.
dragon002 said:
it is falling on deaf ears. sean and the other directv bashers will NEVER change. EVER!

what did they used to call us that said voom was not gonna make it??? oh yeah, trolls.


It is falling on deaf ears. Voom bashers will NEVER change.

With the smell of trolls in the air, it seems like old times.
Actually Ken I do not see those posts again by this guy... I learned to ignore him (ignore feature in the forum) since he hardly has anything to say which it is positive or a contriubition.
Kentstater72 said:
It is falling on deaf ears. Voom bashers will NEVER change.

With the smell of trolls in the air, it seems like old times.


who was right and who was wrong.???

VOOM FAILED, as predicted.

checkmate... game, set, match....end of story
dragon002 said:

who was right and who was wrong.???

VOOM FAILED, as predicted.

checkmate... game, set, match....end of story

Let see, Won, prances around loud and obnoxious, feels good about others misfortunes, Steelers fan.

Sean Mota said:
Ken see what I mean, "ignore list" works beautifully if you get tired of those posts.

Sean, your right.

I am going to stop now. I was waiting for my wife getting ready for dinner.
Kinda like being bored at the zoo and making faces at the primates cage.

Greg (Kent State r)
Kentstater72 said:
Let see, Won, prances around loud and obnoxious, feels good about others misfortunes, Steelers fan.


no i dont prance. girls prance as do brownies fans.

misfortunes?? losing voom?? i would get on my knees and thank God that junk was gone from my home.

just in case you are a cincy fan, how is palmers ,,,,,feminine knee,,,,LOL

if all you can do is talk cr&p on the football team i love (world champs 5X) and cant figure into the DBS debate , ill just ignore ya ,,,ok??

BTW, how are the mud hens looking this year??
Sean Mota said:
Ken see what I mean, "ignore list" works beautifully if you get tired of those posts.

sean, PLEASE, put all of us infidels on you IGNORE LIST,, an early christmas present?

and believe me sean we are tired of yours also.
Kentstater72 said:
Sean, your right.

I am going to stop now. I was waiting for my wife getting ready for dinner.
Kinda like being bored at the zoo and making faces at the primates cage.

Greg (Kent State r)

and dont confuse intelligence with having a brain!
"no i don't prance. girls prance as do brownies fans."
Sorry there was no detectable dialog to determine gender

"misfortunes?? losing voom?? i would get on my knees and thank God that junk was gone from my home."
my prayer tend to be more serious.

"just in case you are a cincy fan, how is palmers ,,,,,feminine knee,,,,LOL"
sorry dislike everything about that town, worst local beers anywhere except for Pittsburgh. (Now there is something to pray for, that no one ever has a Cindi-Pittsburgh beer festival)

"if all you can do is talk cr&p on the football team i love (world champs 5X) and cant figure into the DBS debate , ill just ignore ya ,,,ok??"
Actually did not talk trash about the team, just the fans. Actually I had the opportunity to see a young Ben Rothenberger play our local HS. And yes he was outstanding.

Mud hens won the International League last year and have had four winning seasons in a row, Thanks for asking.

Now if you really want to take a shot. I am a Lions fan.

Also Sean does not deserve the crap you have been giving him.
When I fist joined this forum he helped a lot of Voom customers that as you well know where in a bad situation. He was civil and tried to keep his head, when all around things were falling apart.
I went to D* and am happy here. I cant put you on the ignore list because you do have a lot of good insight into what is happening. But I cannot stand by and let people take shots at someone I know is a stand up guy.
dragon002 said:

it is no different, BUT, save your breath.

it is falling on deaf ears. sean and the other directv bashers will NEVER change. EVER!

what did they used to call us that said voom was not gonna make it??? oh yeah, trolls.


i happen to think directv is the best at this point and is firmly positioned for the future. but as they say opinions are like a**holes , everyone has one, including the directv bashing crowd.

Actually, it's "everybody has one, and everybody ELSES stinks! :D
dragon002 said:
and dont confuse intelligence with having a brain!
In my 2 years of reading this website dragon002 is the biggest fanboy have seen on this website including Dish, cable ... forums. Whenever some one says anything out D* you are pissed off no matter they are right and 100% right.

Sean, forget it, they will never get your point, as they have never saw a good picture so like off-air, for them DTV is best ;)

Rad I have never thought you will become same as others.
Please reply by conversation.

This is Fulphil: you won't beleive this Holsted....

D* HD upgrade woes

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