What are you watching on D*?

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Pub Member
Original poster
Feb 11, 2006
Ok How many chaneels do you normally watch on your HD D* system? Which is your favorite?:confused:

And how many on your SD D* system? Which is your favorite?

I watch 6:eek: on my HD system, Discovery HD is my favorite.
I watch 8:( on my SD system, History channel is my favorite there.

I want ala cart programing:) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't follow any programs on cable anymore. South park when they have new shows. But for the rest of the cable channels I only catch them when something of interest is on.
I have both E* and D* HD's depends... HDNets, Tnt, UHD or Espn's On D* otherwise same plus V* pack on E*... otherwise on SD... OLN on D* and I gave up rights to locals on D* to keep distants so locals on E*.(for local news and weather only...I have a strange mix of distants from both and no ABCHD, local only )
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right now more the networks (excluding Fox which has nothing really I like). Will watch HBO and Showtime once rome and Huff are back on. now, since I got free starz for 3 months and with the refurb DVR I got kinda hooked on their "mystery" channel. Non HD content looks much better on my 20 inch zenith TV!:D Oh yeah, and definitely I also want A LA CARTE like dish does!
fox news channel

nfl network

pittsburgh locals

the kids do all the nicks, cattoon net and disneys

weather channel
I watch pretty much OTA HD Locals (NBC and FOX, mainly) and Sci-Fi, with the occasional "first-run" HBO HD show (and Rome)

If one channel showed House, 24, Rome, Battlestar Galactica, West Wing, ER, LOST and Stargate, i'd never have to ever change a channel.

(My wife loves Animal Planet and Discovery Health, though -- go figure.)
Did an chart for my wife. 85% + is OTA HD.
Lost, Scrubs, Office, CSI(The real one), Survivor, and NCIS.
Other than that it is Fox News, Monk and BSG.
Eric Goempel said:
Ok How many chaneels do you normally watch on your HD D* system? Which is your favorite?:confused:

None ----> complete HD Lite in my book. Rather watch them on another provider or OTA

Eric Goempel said:
And how many on your SD D* system? Which is your favorite?

Don't watch SD channels on any provider (except for downloading scifi to dishpocket -- BSG). It is waste of time to watch them (poor quality).

Im sorry to hear you dont watch much TV if I were you I would cancel my D* service.

Guess someday 1080p will be aval and you can turn your tv back on.

Eric Goempel said:

Im sorry to hear you dont watch much TV if I were you I would cancel my D* service.

Guess someday 1080p will be aval and you can turn your tv back on.


I did not say I did not watch Tv. I watch a whole lot but not on D* HD Lite channels. Just waiting for contract to run out and I will be gone from the D* HD Lite nightmare.... I do not have to wait for 1080p there's plenty of 1920x1080i HD available today (reason I carry two services). It is just not available on D* :(
I see, well I am glad you do get to watch tv, and I am sorry D* did not work out for you.
Sean Mota said:
I did not say I did not watch Tv. I watch a whole lot but not on D* HD Lite channels. Just waiting for contract to run out and I will be gone from the D* HD Lite nightmare.... I do not have to wait for 1080p there's plenty of 1920x1080i HD available today (reason I carry two services). It is just not available on D* :(

Why wait, just pay the prorated early termination fee or return the hardware so you don't even have HD Lite channels entering your home. That way you don't need to post in the D* forums anymore and have more time watching your other service.
Good point.

Everyone knows you hate D* because of the unwatchable siginal.
rad said:
Why wait, just pay the prorated early termination fee or return the hardware so you don't even have HD Lite channels entering your home. That way you don't need to post in the D* forums anymore and have more time watching your other service.

Sorry but if you maybe if I should get the $$$$ from you guys I could go and terminate earlier and not post on the D* forum anymore.:rolleyes: What kind of response is that?.... You know better than that.

Again this is a public forum and not a censored type of forum. The original poster asked a question and I honestly answered the question. He then asked another or imply it by his statement. I went ahead and answered it. Some do not like it but that does not mean that I should not answer it. After all I pay the bill and no one is.

I am sorry if I did not answer the answer you guys were expecting but I thought the original poster was expecting all sort of answers not only the "party type of answers".
Eric Goempel said:
Good point.

Everyone knows you hate D* because of the unwatchable siginal.

Hate? it is a very strong word to describe my feelings.... Well do I feel dissapointed? You'd bet. But hate ----> C'mmon you have to be kidding? After all this is a business/customer relation where you expect to get a service level for the amount of money one pay. That's all not more... So I express my dissapointment with the service and it is understood as hate :rolleyes: No man.. I am not such a person. All I expect is to get the level of service for what I pay --- that's all. My response was not well taken but it does not mean hate towards anybody...
Sean, maybe it's just that some folks get tired of the same folks always bashing D* about HD-Lite. We know it's a problem and it's either put up with it or go somewhere else. Do I like it, no, but in my situation it's the better of all the other providers out there.

Did your orignal response add anything new to the discussion, IMHO no. You just used it as another place to bash D*. The OP was interested in folks favorite HD channels on D*, not another response about how bad D* HD is.

How much would it cost you to leave D* early? Doesn't it start at $300 for a commitment with HD/DVR's and get prorated down each month that you're into your commitment? You might save money just paying them off vs. paying your monthly programming charge. You should call and ask then you can save yourself time posting in D* forums and save is time reading them.
rad said:
Sean, maybe it's just that some folks get tired of the same folks always bashing D* about HD-Lite. We know it's a problem and it's either put up with it or go somewhere else.

Therefore I should never post again on the D* forum because you do not like to hear what negatives I have to say about D*. Is that what you are suggesting?

rad said:
Did your orignal response add anything new to the discussion, IMHO no. You just used it as another place to bash D*. The OP was interested in folks favorite HD channels on D*, not another response about how bad D* HD is.

Well, I thought my original response was legit based on his original question? What HD channels you watch on D*? I said none. He did not say "those that do not watch any do not response". Did he? If you only expect positive answers on the D* forum, you are walking a very dangerous line that will resemble other forums where "apologists" will get you to believe anything about a service provider. So maybe I should be banned not only from the D* forum but also from the E* forum since I am also negative there about their HD lite VoOM channels.

rad said:
How much would it cost you to leave D* early? Doesn't it start at $300 for a commitment with HD/DVR's and get prorated down each month that you're into your commitment? You might save money just paying them off vs. paying your monthly programming charge. You should call and ask then you can save yourself time posting in D* forums and save is time reading them.

rad, the problem is that you are selecting people that have a different view than yours to say "butt out" my forum because that others person's view do not agree with your particular views about a service provider. If this is allowed on a public forum then there wouldn't be a difference of opinion. No one can tell me to go ahead and cancel the service and pay the penalty because you are not on my shoes to say so. The same way I cannot tell you to do this or that. That's how I read your response which it was kind of offensive.
Sean, you ask in a prior post who's going to donate the $'s to allow you to cancel D*, and I sugguested that you check to see if cancelling early would actually save you money. Since you make it sound like the ONLY reason that you still have D* is because of the commitment I'm giving you something to check out to allow you out of your commitment and save you money.

There's a difference in open discussion and just continuing bashing, which is what you and other appear to do whenever you have the chance. As I said, your response offered nothing new to the OP's question, just another chance to bash D*. If you're not happy with D* just leave.

Since you're a mod, why not just put up a sticky where you and other can place your comments about D* and HD-Lite and just get it over with so everyone can see your comments in one central place and get it over with?

BTW, I don't remember seeing you this passionate about V* when they were downrezing their channels.

You have your opinion, I have mine, guess we just need to leave it at that. Peace

NOW YOU'VE DONE IT!!! you sir , have used the name ,of the Deity known as voom, in vain.

they will never admit it was doomed from the gitgo.

they will bury you under a thousand voom boxes for that heresy!!!!

praise be ergen, praise be cablevision, a thousand lashes to the directv infidel!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

dragon002 said:

NOW YOU'VE DONE IT!!! you sir , have used the name ,of the Deity known as voom, in vain.

they will never admit it was doomed from the gitgo.

they will bury you under a thousand voom boxes for that heresy!!!!

praise be ergen, praise be cablevision, a thousand lashes to the directv infidel!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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D* HD upgrade woes

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