Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hello everyone, Newby here, but this seemed like a good place to start. I found this because of the unreliable sources tv show. One of my favs.

Greetings from the great white? (no snow currently) north. I have been reading your site for about 2yrs off and on, have got close to buying a reciever several times but always found something else to spend money on. I am self taught C-band, I installed my own system, an old Uniden 10ft mesh, and have since changed recievers and dish to a 10ft Echo star. I have also picked up a "Town and country system" dont know off hand who made that one, it is complete with a 8ft mesh. I was told the system is about 8yr old. I just today hauled a 12ft orbiton dish home. I came with an actuator but no reciever. none of my dishes have Kband feed horn but two receivers have K band inputs.

so heres where I am at. I would like to use the BUDs coupled maybe with the c-band reciever, though not nessecary, I have a "manual" actuator control also. I dont need or want a super duper top of the line do all recording, turkey basting, bell ringing reciever. I would like a good solid user friendly, reliable reciever, preferribly one that can control the big dish moving as well. I have several LNBs to choose from and both pulsed servo and electronic feedhorns. one has is an adjustable ?steller? ring. it appears to me that you use that to set focal length? Anyway, I expect to buy a unit soon, looks like a Pansat or Coolsat may be the way i go however I am open and would be grateful for any thoughts on the matter.

Thanks for a good and informitive sight I look forward to be a part of it!:hatsoff:
Hello...I'm a newbie to this forum and I hope I can pick someone's brain for some answers to my situation. I'm stuck in my tracks trying to install a new system and until I find out what I'm doing wrong, I guess the equipment makes a nice display but nothing else!
So if anyone wants to take on a whole lotta questions...please let me know.
Thanks in advance and let me say I appreciate this forum. Hats off to the founders and staff.
Just wanted to say Hi or Hello everyone and are looking forward to more interesting topics on improving equipment and PQ. Thank You
Welcome howie14, I wouldn't just put down the c band dish, Realize you are receiving first generation HD for what is out there and in "true HD" as well. It was just announce that several networks are working on launching HD this year so maybe a few of those will will be accessible as well on the BUD. If you really want to add some HD for now outside of bud, you can always buy your own Dish Network HD receiver and sub to the HD alone and keep the bud. Some of it is in full resolution and some of it is not on the pizza pan.
Hello All

I have been involved in satellite viewing, ham radio, and am a electronic junkie as a "hobby" and a Dish customer since 1995, having installed my own installation which at that time was a small package with boy scout compass! I have spoken with and engaged with Charlie Ergen as a consumer a few times and put forth a few suggestions and pot shots here and there as an enthusiastic viewer and supporter of the Dish effort.
I have read the Satellite Guys forum for a few years and have to chuckel once in awhile as some members complain about a $2.00 increase here and there yet realize the costs involved in sattelite programming.
I look forward to participating now and then in this forum
Glad to be a member.
New to this forum but not new to satellite use.
I've been using C and Ku band satellites since late 80's.
I'm at the point where I need a new feed horn, actuator, motor, and receiver for my 12 ft dish.
Time to make the switch.
Here is hoping everyone has had many blessings in the just past Holiday season. I am a new member here and am looking forward to listening to some of the comments on satellite tv. I am a RADIO Broadcast Engineer in the Northern part of West Virginia. I am responsible for a couple networks on "C"band that covers the state.

As for me personally I am 61 years young with about 40 years in radio in various capacaties. I love Ham radio working around the house and talking to my two grand children.

I just joined

I am just aware of FTA.
Now I want to find out what equipment to buy to get going with.
I also want to know if I can get the major networks.
I am on the far west coast of the US
in Florence Oregon.
Hello guys and gals...my name is Jonathan and after reading the posts and enjoying them, I thought it was time to register. I am located in Altamonte Springs, Florida and I have Bright House Networks. Look forward to having fun and getting to know you all...
Long time stalker, first time poster!

Hello All!!! From NJ and getting to the last steps of gettin HD thru E* (DN). Looking forward to getting and giving as much info as possible and to meeting many new people here!

PC or Mac? Android or iPhone?

Do you wear glasses or contacts or don't you?
