Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

I wanted to take a moment to welcome all our new members to SatelliteGuys.US! Yesterday was the busiest new member signups day ever in the history of SatelliteGuys.US with 175 new members joining us!

We want all of our members to feel at home here at SatelliteGuys, if you are a new member why not take a moment to say hello and tell us about yourself.

Welcome home to SatelliteGuys, we are happy to have you here!

i just joined. this is all new to me, so i'm hoping to learn from everyone else. i want to buy my first fta receiver and just trying to learn all the fta lingo. if you hve any advice please reply. :)
If you 2 will look in the Free To Air (FTA) Discussion section
paulh5093, you will find the people with 4dtv knowledge in the C-Band Satellite Discussion sub-section.
racevedoz, you will find the people with FTA knowledge all over the FTA Discussion section
It wouldn't hurt both of you to read the FTA/Mpeg2 FAQ's sub-section
And also, "Welcome to SatelliteGuys"!

I just joined today--mainly because I'm always interested in satellite technology, and I'm always looking for a good deal. I like to know what's really going on when I call Dish techies or when an install guy visits my home. I also figured this was a good compliment to AVS forum. I saw something earlier today about members getting special buys because of being a member--can anyone point me in the right direction?
Hello and Happy New Year to Everyone

My very first post here=very happy to have finally found a forum where the users actually talk about the legal use of their FTA receivers. Took me a bit of googling to ever find one> I was surprised that the other places talk so openly about theft of satellite signals. I'm an die-hard c-bander who has been learning about DVB for nearly a year, and recently bought a new Viewsat Ultra. Hope to find others who use this model and share some experiences.
Hi Folks...

Just poppin me head in to say hello to all you guys,, seems like a great place
that you people have here,, and since im a newbie to this stuff,, im looking
forward to learning fast. . . . :)
Hi, I am here learning a lot of things about the FTA and satellite world. Is the first time in my life trying to find out everything related to this. I've been reading like crazy because I want to buy and setup a C Dish on my backyard very soon.

I am from Costa Rica, thanks in advance to the people that will be helping on my questions.

I'm a new member and new user of the Dish Network. I switched from Direct TV and TIVO when I got rid of my 50" SD TV and bought a 60" SONY HD.

The D* DVR is certainly the most "full-featured" I've ever seen. (I've had our local cable company's DVR, Bright House Networks, and TIVO since their Series 1.)

However, with full features comes complexity and coupled with, IMHO, an awful menu system makes for a steep learning curve. I've had the system two weeks and am still trying to figure out how to do things. (I'm an electrical engineer and have been in the compouter business most of my life.)

I have a new HDMI ONKYO TX-SR674 AV receiver and have been unable to get the remote for the VIP 622 to turn it off and on or adjust the volume. None of the codes in the D* manual work and neither does autoscan. Does anyone have a fix for this?

I haven't called D* tech support on this because the two times I called to ask them how to do something with their DVR they told me it couldn't be done and later I figured out how to do it.

Thanks for any help.
Hey. Just recently subscribed and this is my first post. I've been in the satellite i ndustry for 16 years now. Seen a lot come and go and been involved in every brand at this point.

This site is invaluable. Thanks very much for keeping it rolling, people!
Just bought my first FTA package from gosatellite.com and trying to get it installed, up and running. So far I have the boxes unpacked, the dish on a pole and today I'll hook up the motor to the receiver and dish. I may be checking back with questions.
hi, im new to this scene, been having dtv, for a while now and just wanted to know what exactly this fta is? how much does a receiver cost? how much do i pay monthly? why is it different from dtv? or any other cable programming?

Hi everyone I hope you haven't had too many beers yet
Imp interested in most electronic devices and cars.
I have a Manhattan Plaza ST 350 and a 90cm Dish
car BMW 645 at the present time and spending most of my spare cash
on petrol. ( 2$ a litre )
I hope to find out more about your world of satellite operations in the US
and be able to inform you of what its like in the UK if I can.

Happy New Year to Everyone
Hi new to the forum yesterday and was directed to this site by son-in-law as I have questions about my system. Had it installed by Dish Net Work representative and tried to do dish mover and they are not being too helpful or timely. So moved my dish and set it up myself. I have two dvr recorders and 2 tv's wanting to add a third. Used the setup to aim dish and got a signal strength of 83 to 84. Good viewing on both receivers at this time. I have a dish I believe a 500 with a dual lnb I think you call it, so what do I need to be able to have a third tv with 2 channel capability?