Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hey Y'all...

Here I am in the sunny south, trying to figure out what FTA reciever to buy, and where to find some used Primestar/FTA-usable free dishes....new to this game, I do all my D* installs, so I should be able to handle this....Back when I was a wee tot my family had a BUD, and one of my pastimes as a kid was looking at wildfeeds, I see that the FTA world is so different, symbol rates and channel numbers and transponder numbers....<sigh> I gotta lot to learn...:D

Lots of good info here though, thanks for having me!:hatsoff:
Hello all.

I've been lurking for a while checking out what's new with E* and D* on the HD front. Was a previous E* sub for about 8 yrs but switched away to try and save some money. Looking to possibly go back to get more HD since there is hardly any on my current cable provider (TWC). I'm looking forward to catching up on what's new.
Just wanted to say Hi to everyone!

I like the way you have your site, glad to be a part of it. Hope I can be able to help others out when they need help, been in this since the ole H-cards days. I have 2 FTA's and a few cards, just running FTA at this time, done losted 1 card. Again I hope I can be able to help other's here and get help myself. You can learn something new everyday if you read alot. Nice site, glad to be here!:up :cool: :hatsoff: ;)
Hi. I was looking for some information ablout D* H20 receiver and happened onto this siste and found out what I was looking for by reading a couple of possts and I decided to take a closer look and do some more reading to learn, if I can. I may not post a lot but I will read everything until I learn enough to ask questions.

As an expatriot from the BUD community back in the early eighty's, I haven't seen this much enthusiasim in quite some time. They say there's no fool like an old fool. In that light, after reading a bit here, Iv'e made the plunge. Purchase a Pansat 6000hxc, Invacom QPH31, and an 85cm dish with enough RG6 to rewire the house from a reputable national dealer. Probably paid a premium. Doesn't matter. I haven't been this excited in quite some time. Besides, the wife must have a months supply of Iams Hairball care in the pantry. She makes a cassarole with penne that's out of this world. Enough till the next check at least. Everything should arrive next week and Iv'e been making a list of the items I need to carry up on the roof. It's been raining as of late so I've dug out my old boat shoes in case the roof tiles are a bit slippery. Got the small pill box of nitrostat tablets and the portable oxygen. Figure I'll need a power cord and manifold. I'll make sure their plugged in before I bring them up. I'll slide the dish, lnb, and receiver on the eves first thing. Probably should put the tv up there also (27", Ill get the wife to help). I know in a hello post you are not supposed to ask questions. However, I know you shouldn't do this in a hard rain, but what if it is just a little misty? I'm so excited. I can hardly wait till it gets here.


p.s. All kidding aside. And I think, thanks to Iceberg, the best 6000hxc support forum.

I wanted to take a moment to welcome all our new members to SatelliteGuys.US! Yesterday was the busiest new member signups day ever in the history of SatelliteGuys.US with 175 new members joining us!

We want all of our members to feel at home here at SatelliteGuys, if you are a new member why not take a moment to say hello and tell us about yourself.

Welcome home to SatelliteGuys, we are happy to have you here!

im new to the forum...just wanted to say hi:hatsoff:
I joined a few months ago and have really enjoyed this site. Picked my fta equipment from reading the reviews on this site and bought most of my equipment from your sponsors. I read everything I could before buying, but there's nothing like getting the gear, putting it together and seeing your 1st find. I have the simplest motorized system (1 receiver, no switches, single lnb), but can see why it's an advantage to have the dish on the ground after having climbed the ladder a thousand times to get things right. The good thing about my setup is that I'm on a hill and from the roof, have just about horizon to horizon view. Yes I'll have questions, but up to now the issues that I have had have been asked by others, so I haven't had to PM. Thanks for the site
Been a long time since I've discussed satellite tv. But I still enjoy it. Please direct me to the correct place to find out info on a9s dish. I just got one on ebay but no installation/alignment book. I have a h-10 tivo and hope I can start getting locals soon. they are to begin in Jacksonville in late February. Directv told me all I needed was a new dish.

Hi Guys,
Hello, i,m eliang old enough to join and i,m from the Caribbean, Central America Area... Glad to be here,hope i can post and get to know some good people,we speak predominantly English.
Do all kinds of dishes for internet and tv as a job help and info is important all the time.....

thanks for having me
Nice to be part of the club! I've enjoyed coming to the website the past few months. I'm a big home theater and Satellite fan. Directv subscriber for 7 yrs. (HR20, HR10, SAT-60) and a Sirius member for 1 yr. (starmate) I joined because I just started having HDMI audio issues with new Directv HR20 and my Vizio L32. Hope to find others that can help, or offer better solutions than tech support.

Newbie here and glad I found this forum. Great info. Just now getting into the sat program and enjoying what I've read. I live in a remote area and am looking forward to learning all I can about all this. You will see me around that's for sure.
:hatsoff: Have a good one folks.
howdy folks. just a note to say hello. i'm a new member and have been looking at your site for a couple hrs. and really like what i see. i have been installing sat's for 5 1/2 yrs. d*,e*,and WB and am always looking for tips and suggestions. i found your site on the transmitter forum as i have been researching fta systems and will be getting one in the future.

clad to be here and God bless:hatsoff:
hello, guys i am new at this whole thing. I was wondering if any one could tell me what I have to do to find my elevation and true south Satellite? I live in Dallas Texas 75080.