Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Very nice site

Been lurking for few hours now :)

I was a satellite guy for few years 5-6 or so ,In Northern BC

Lots of Expirence in Star-Choice,Express-vue,and those American Dishes,And the satellite internet (Lincsat)

But I got tired of chasing the $$ all the time so I got a job with a Small Cable company ...But guess what ...they want me too be thier satellite guy now LOL

I will post in appropriate Forum though

P.S. thanks for having me
Welcome aboard, hendomatic, tectron, salide, mike4c, hhhmmm, and hundreds of other new members who joined our forum this week!


I have been in this family since last October.

I really got lots of information here, and I have got my own equipments since then, and I learnt lots... It's my school.

Thanks a lot, and especially to iceberg. His reviews to the receiveres are quite attactive and practical.

Have fun here!!!
Hello I'm Tink! Got the name from some old linemen back in the day! I am the wife of a Sat/Cable guy. We have been in the biz for a long time! Just love the travel. Full of info and always looking to learn more!
Welcome all new members,enjoy the site.There is alot of info on here covering a wide variety of topics.Great site!! :up :)
Been lurking for a while now, decided to sign up... so just saying hi all. Thanks for all the information you've got floating around here!
Dropped in just to say Hi to everyone. I'm from the GULF COAST area. I've been into programming a minute or two. I don't post very much but do a lot of reading. I help out when I can, as for I am still learning everyday. This is a lot of fun to me, so I'm here to have fun. Like I said just wanted to say Hi.
Hello and other useless trivia

Hi guys. Just saying hello, as a relatively new member; and I have to say, I have thoroughly enjoyed this site, and it has provided me with exponentially more useful information than I have gotten from my service provider (DishNetwork) - OK, technically, that isn't saying much, because so little information is even available from them; but still, you know what I mean. I just really like this site - it's been extremely helpful.

If that isn't enough useless information from me:
I currently use the 522 DVR, which I really like, despite a few bugs (which, as I said, I only got actual help and information about here, not from the provider). Right now, I'm usually splitting the feed to TV2 into a PC to capture video and audio, because I rarely actually watch the TV2 feed, which goes to my bedroom. Like many other 522 owners, I'm sure, I'm crossing my fingers and hoping DishNetwork eventually incorporates the ability to feed the video out as data, (so I don't have to capture it in real time, and can just get the file itself from the 522 to my PC) - without having to buy a pocketdish, which I have absolutely no need for.

Do DishNetwork techs read frequent the boards here? Is there a place where recommendations are posted, in the idle hopes they read them and consider them? Just curious.

Ok - that's quite enough for now. Thanks for this site!
WELCOME :) There are tones of techs that visit here quite often. Mostly everyone in our DN fourm is very knowledgeable in installation. Being a former dns tech myself I know quite a bit. Usally recommendations for the boards are posted in the operations forum. Recommendations for Dish network specifically are in the general dish network forum. :)
Hello everyone, I’m very happy to be a member of this forum. Although, I’m new at this, but willing to learn all I can about satellite.

New member

Hi Guys and Gals,

This is my first posting to this forum. I previously posted on another forum
which directed me to this one.
Anyway, I am a Starchoice user and having an RV, am trying to adapt their dish
(for twin satellites). I have a spare one.
I have a background as an electronics technologist, have access to a machinist
and have already installed my home system.
A while back, I read something online about an RVer who was using StarChoice on the road. I would welcome any ideas!!

Gilles Cote
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Hello SG and Greetings from Alaska!

I am very interested in Satellite TV, even though I'm having the hardest time trying to get DirecTV to have someone actually schedule a date for them to come out here and hook up the dish (its been 1 1/2 months already).. Your forums are very informative and already feel at home here.. Please take it easy on my potentially noobish questions, I will read all FAQs first of course.

Thanks again and I look forward to talking to you all. :up

PC or Mac? Android or iPhone?

Do you wear glasses or contacts or don't you?

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