Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

New member

I'm brand new - registered a few minutes ago - almost like a virgin:p . Courtesy is that I say "Hi" and something about me, huh?
Well, as I tried to suggest in my "handle", I'm originally from Guyana, the only English-speaking country in South America. Guyana is situated on the northern tip on S.A and over-looks the Atlantic Ocean (and Caribbean Sea). I now live in the GTA, Canada. At this time of the year all I think about is - sun, beach, bikinis - home:cool: .
Since I was 17, I have been "fooling around" with electronics and dabbled in some of its off-spring - computers, electronic-security. And, as I'm sure will be the case with many of you, I will be doing this till I cease to exist:devil: .
My new interest (well for sometime now) is FTA satellite systems. I realise that the best place to get information, help, reviews and reassurance than I'm not the only stupid-person-involved-with-satellite-systems, is to join this happy family - SatelliteGuys. I feel priveledged!
Again, feels great to be part of this family. Thanks for having me:up .
As a teacher I just started Spring Break and decided to join the club.

I have been a Bell Expressvu Subscriber here in Nashville for the last seven years and was just looking at my options to upgrade to HDTV and stumbled across this site. Looks extremely useful and I will be a frequent viewer and probably a sparse poster.
Joined a little while ago.
This is my first post.
I'm a Dish user. Had been using a 6000 but just upgraded to a 942 (I don't really care about the new MPEG4 HD channels). I'm sure I'll learn a lot from this site.

GaryPen said:
You need to post your question in the FTA/MPEG2 Forum. I'm sure that Iceberg or one of the others will be able to talk you through it.

Thanks for the suggestion, GaryPen. I contacted one of them and hope to get a response soon.

Hi to everyone from lower Alabama. I joined to learn more on the free to air satellite. I've been lurking around that forum trying to make an educated purchase. I have just bought the Direcway 7000 Pro package and am enjoying it. Please feed me more technology:hungry: LOL Ed
First Post – Looking forward to participating

Hi all! Just wanted to thank you for this excellent forum. A brief history of myself. I worked in broadcasting for about 9 years for PBS and ESPN in Connecticut. As a technician I learned about C/Ku bands and even had the opportunity to uplink various feeds on W2 for WGBH/WNET over the years. (we used to call it WASTE-STAR II) When I moved to Rhode Island (my current location) a friend told me about an Elks club that wanted to get rid of all their equipment for free! So about 8 years ago I picked up; a 10 foot fiberglass dish, C/KU lnb positioner, cables and a couple of GI receivers with VCII+ modules. I brought it all home, hooked it up and could not believe the quality and detail of the then (analogue VCII+) picture on my Panasonic 27" "monitor" TV(>600 lines of H res). I now enjoy even better quality (if you can believe it) thanks to addition of a GI DSR920 and a COSIP DVB FTA receiver. I added both about 2 years ago for a total of about $300. I never thought when I left PBS/ESPN that I would ever see the quality that I had experienced working in a studio again............You can imagine the excitement when I realized I could receive these broadcasts in my home and for a truly reasonable investment and minimal (if any) monthly charge. I now routinely view the growing number of free and commercial C/Ku broadcasts that are received by broadcasters and those who bear the honorable title of Dish Head. Every day thanks to forums like yours I discover more programs. It seems that the sky is the limit as I have just begun to explore radio broadcasts and those mysterious serial streams of data that pour form the demod of all my receivers! Who said that C band is dying? I look forward to more discoveries from your current members and perhaps joining into a lively discussion on a technical topic or two.
Just a few words to say hi to all and hope I can be of some help and vise a versa. Perhaps more vise a versa at this point of my stb career, nonetheless I´m glad to be aboard.
patioangel said:
Hi guys,
Thank you for the welcome. I am new at this, hope will not be to much trouble with my stupid questions. Again thank you
You are very welcome, we were all new once and if you ask questions that means you want information and I hope we can give you the answers you want and need. :welcome to SatelliteGuys.
A little about me, myself, and I...

Hello everyone, my occupation is as a chef in
Oakland, Ca., allows me more time than other jobs allow to watch daytime TV.I have been an enthusiastic satellite hobbiest for goin on 6 years now. All the way back to the HU card days. I realize that I still have much to lean about the hobby but I am in love with learning and look forward to gaining knowledge from all of you as well as sharing my experiences with anyone who will listen.

Thanks for accepting me into your community and here is what I am working with at my lil corner of the whitest trailerpark in Oakland:yikes :

Coolsat 4000,2 DP Twins,110, 119,and I am going to try to get 129 and 121 or 148 with a Primestar dish I acquired this week. Also using the DP-34 and My Pop's is in the trailer next door to me with a Coolsat 5000also connected to the DP-34. Any hints or shortcuts you wanna share with me as to how to dial in the signal with the Primestar dish would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.

Favorite TV shows:The Shield, Nip/Tuck, The NFL Football Season, General Hospital, Law and Order, and Jeopardy.
Just saying "Hi!"

We live in Maple Valley, Washington, about 20 miles (as the crow flies) southeast of downtown Seattle.

Since locals in HD are coming, I registered here to find out as much as I can. I currently have a 721 dual DVR connected to my new Sony HDTV & 2 510 DVRs connected to 2 other TVs in the house. I have not been able to tune into OTA HD network signals so we have limited basic Comcast cable with HD locals - but it doesn't carry all of them. I can't wait to get rid of Comcast TV (I will keep the broadband internet, though.) The ABC, CBS & NBC transmitters are just north of downtown Seattle. FOX is on a hill across Puget Sound & don't really expect to get it. I can get PAX & a couple of shopping networks that are at 2000' or so elevation about 12-15 miles northeast of us.

Im Slimrw and I'm havingf trouble with my 811 reloading guide info.Sometimes guide "reloads ok" but when you look at guide no infoem seems to get locked up then pressing guide does nothing