Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hi, Y'all

I just found "here" several days ago, and I'd like to stick around if I can. I've been away from the messaging part of my computer for so long, it took me 15 minutes to figure out how to post this meager effort (did I mention I'm not the brightest bulb in the carton?). Anyhoo, thanks for letting me say hello.

Hello From Chip

I have joined this forum out of anger fueled by the way I have been treated by Dish Network. I paid my $299.99 for the new 622 to be installed. The wait time was three plus weeks—so I waited. Finally installation day came, and guess what—no installer. He had a"minor car accident". OK, I'll re-shcedule for the next day (April 17) and all will be well.
No way. I called an hour after my appointment time had passed (another day out of work) and was told that all was well—it's just that the dispatchers were not answering. After the third 20 minute plus cal to Colorado (where many persons of Indian or Pakistani extraction must have recently settled) I was finally told the tuth—they were fresh out of 622s!
My new appointment is for May 17th. I will not hold my breath. Has anyone else had a similar problem? Is Direct TV a better company, because Dish is a joke.
I have been looking at this site for awhile I think this site is a cool site I can program a welding machine but cant program a VCR ha! ha! I hope you guys can tech me some thing here
Just saying hello!

Hello everyone! I have had the opportunity to look around, and enjoy the reading here so I decided to join. I've been into Satellite TV for over 15 years starting from the BUD days and have knowledge regarding all providers. I hope I can share some of it with you and hope I can learn even more from you. Great site!
newbee here thanks for welcome

am from Florida and my son who is from Florida recommended that I should join
and if I wanted to learn more about my viewsat to come here that there are some great forum members here He also told me to read, read , then read more and then maybe post lol great Son huh! well great to be on board and hope to be a asset to this site but I think I will learn a lot more before I can be of any help , I have always been interested in satellite and always wanted my own system so please go easy on me lol:hungry: eager to learn
Just wanted to say hi looking forward to getting to know you folks been fooling with satellites for about 15 years and always ready to learn something new.:)
hi , i'm a new member from egypt and i hope to have friends here and to have the help i need as being a beginer ( and i hope to see the arabic interface of your forum soon )

m7md alfat7
Hi, new member here. Just made my first posting concerning this week's 622 installation which went surprisingly well. I live in a very small town on the Central Oregon Coast with no possible OTA due to the intervening Coast Range and lousy local cable service ("What's Hi-Def?"). So Dish and Direct were the only logical choices. Since I'd been with Dish for many years in California saw no reason to change. Eagerly awaiting Portland Locals in HD, hopefully in a month or so.


Hello all, first post, long time lurker. I've learned a lot and enjoyed everyone's opinions. (Well, at least the ones who agree with me::devil: Been with satellite tv for about 10 years, sure glad to have competition with cable tv (the Houston area cable, TimeWarner & predecessors, have had a monopoly for as long as I can remember). Currently have a 921 (15 months), will probably upgrade to a 622 later this year. Keep up the good work, a knowledgeable & informed customer makes better decisions!
Hello to all and greetings. Being a newbie to sat TV and just looking around, I have been amazed at the informative and helpful people of this forum, please be forgiving if I ask a dumb question. I try to reseach or search for the question before I post. HELLO to everyone.
Hello Satellite Guys Buddies!

My nick/login is SlimTim due to many people saying I was Slim. :D
I am recently married and we're expecting our First Child in August.
I found Satellite Guys via Google & DBS Forums. I was searching for info on 3ABN/SkyAngel/E*3/etc... I work at a ministry that helped 3ABN get 5 million books printed. I just flew down with my boss to 3ABN this last week to drop off a DVD...and got to see their Master Control Center/Studio(s)...Danny Shelton..etc
It was a great time. These forums have been such a great source of info in the short amount of time that I have viewed them! Thanks to all those regular members that give us those great tech insider knowledge to explain to us laymen what is happening on those special little satellites in space. :-)

I'm from Union City, MI and am currently exploring options for friends/family on getting 3ABN on AMC4 instead of E*3/SA. .... Thats all for now. :-)
