Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hi guys! I've been a member for a bit - but only one post - but as of last saturday my FTA rig is operational.

I have a winegards 76cm dish, motor, and a traxis FTA receiver that I'm looking to upgrade soon to start chasing feeds, especially HD. I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Hi guys! I've been a member for a bit - but only one post - but as of last saturday my FTA rig is operational.

I have a winegards 76cm dish, motor, and a traxis FTA receiver that I'm looking to upgrade soon to start chasing feeds, especially HD. I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Hello. I am brand new to the site, and am hoping to get some tips about putting up a satellite dish on an apartment balcony. The complex won't let me attach it directly to the balcony, so I've had it in a bucket with cement --- which is totally falling apart!

Any suggestions?
New meber


My name is Raoul.
I live in the city Tilburg in the Netherlands.
Mij location is, LENGTH 5.3'24 E-LONGTITUDE / WIDTH 51.34'24 N-LATITUDE

My hobby is look to satellite from 78 degrees east to 57 degrees west ( 60 satellite's ) about 5000 TV broadcasting stations and including 3000 free TV stations.
Radio stations about 2500 not free including 1500 free stations.

My dishes, 1 prime focus from 2 mtr's special for C-BAND receiving with a corotor II plus wideband feedhorn from Chaparral (movable and possible turn over)

2 dishes 70 cm's for HOT-BIRD (13 degrees east and ASTRA 19,2 degrees east)

1 disch 50 cm for EUROBIRD & ASTRA 2A/2B/2D at 28,2 degrees east.

1 ofset dish from 180 cm's for KU-BAND receiving (movable)

For the rest technology is my hobby.

Goodbye R@oul.


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I have been a member for a while and have read forums for many years.

This is my first post. Just a quick one.

My Dear Wife & I are full time RVers. Have moved around the country in a 5th-wheel for the past 10 years. Therefore, our concerns center around technology that can be used while mobile - often in remote locations. We use Dish TV (just went to 722k receiver) and available unsecured wi-fi as we travel.

Thanks for all we have learned from reading the forums for many years.
Hi All:

Name's "satpete" from Ontario, Canada. I just setup an old 30" StarChoice round dish with the single LNB aimed at Galaxy 19 (97 W). I hooked it to a $10.00 yardsale QSat 2500 Plus receiver and I'm getting 155 channels, which I have edited to 53 English channels. Only "problem" is that my best signal is 56%. I think because I really need a 36"+ size for my location: 44.7500 N, 79.2560 W. Anyway, even at lowest ss of 30%, I can still get an acceptable picture.

Question: The QSat 2500 Plus acts like a Pansat 2500A. Says made in China, so probably is, eh? I just had to get that Canadian "eh?" worked into this someplace. (LOL)

Also, Iceberg is one of the most knowledgeable people I have seen. What a great guy!

'Bye for now.

charles kuchar from humphrey nebraska. got my geosatpro dish with dsr200c receiver and sadoun h-h motor to move between birds. still figuring out how to use the dsr200 so found this website that was mentioned in the sadoun forums. trying to figure out how to add a new tp to amc21 so i can get pbs. or my dish is pointed wrong.... that wouldn't surprise me... thanks for being here. charlie

PC or Mac? Android or iPhone?

Do you wear glasses or contacts or don't you?
