Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hey SatelliteGuys! It great to join on. I've been browsing the site for a few months and have finally decided to join on. I'm a FSS3 DNS Tech and am a total Geek! Love this site and am stoked for my 922!
Hi jake

Hello everyone...My name is Jake and I am from Shippensburg, PA. I came to this site to help me decide if I want to make the switch to DISH...if you can help check out my post in the DISH forum.

Hi i am Gary from shippensburg my self and i am new at this to and working on getting mine going soon hope to hear from you bud,

Hello from Louisiana.....

Hello I'm Robert from Louisiana and my family and I have just moved here from the UK. I was pretty busy on the Sat systems and eqpt in Europe, but not sure how it goes here. I have a technomate 1500 receiver and was wondering if anyone would have a Americas satellite update? All I have are the European transponders in my box. If I can't update I'll probably just get a coolstream or something.

Welcome to the Bayou state!

I think you will realize VERY quickly, if you haven't already, that satellite TV is MUCH different here than in the UK. Here 99% of all satellite service is through two companies, Directv and DISH network, and they have a monopoly on receivers, you can ONLY use their receivers with their service.

There are a small group of us that Reject their expensive business model, and we use our FTA boxes to watch whatever is free up there...Techomates I don't think are sold in the US, but some kind of channel editor might get you the ability to make a channel list. :)

Join us in the FTA section and we can help ya better.


PC or Mac? Android or iPhone?

Do you wear glasses or contacts or don't you?
