Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

scott this astor have been into free to air for 8 years & still am lost at times, i spend moast of my time looking at this form thank,s to ever one i think this is a great form later on i may ask some ?,
Looking to expand my hobby

Hello. I am new to the satellite world. I would like to set up true FTA system. My hobbies include radio communications, scanners, and ham radio. I am excited about 'scanning' the skies. See you all in the forums :)
New to the Forum

I'm a long time silent lurker, been around since of old "HU" card days of fun. I
have a couple of 18" & 20" dishes, & a Neusat 118 dual lnbf, anything I can point at in the sky to watch? I have a Coolsat 6100.
Hi guys

I live in the uk and have at technomate tm6800hd, i know you guys dont use these but just thought i would say hello from the uk!! Oh and i can get e~~n america over here for free!! lol
Hello Satguys

Hello guys, making the formal intro, like the site very much, hope I can help and make friends, Mod at a few sites, if info is needed I'll PM where am I a mod.............see ya in forums.TURBO..................................


This is my first post. I'm in Fairbanks, Alaska and my primary interest here is Dishnetwork. I also RV, ski, snowmobile, 4-wheel and hike. I am a Ham although not active. I'm looking forward to having a lot of good exchanges on this forum.


hey guys im new to the site just wanted to drop by and say hello, i have always enjoyed watching the sattelite installers doing their jobs and i was wondering if someone could possibly provide me with some information about that particular feild

PC or Mac? Android or iPhone?

Do you wear glasses or contacts or don't you?
