Watching a president tank:( (bush)

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shugo77 said:
Exactly which part of what I said did you not understand?
Let me know and I can attempt to simplify it for you, pal.

None of it, pal - bu8t the first sentence is quite interesting: you're writing like you're replying to a different post, other than mine.:rolleyes:

I am not as "rightwing" as you believe. I’m PRO -aborting -ANTI death penalty- PRO assisted suicide- Pro balanced budget (in non war time)- Pro no religion in government or school- and I do NOT believe in ID or "GOD" - I am a Pantheist (look it up) so what makes me a non thinking Kool-Aid drinking extreme right wing neo-con (whatever that is)?

I have personal friends in Canada-Norway-Israel- GB-Australia –Sweden -Iraq-AND Iran!!! I talk to most everyday and all once a week!

I read more left wing news than right wing- I do not listen to RUSH or Fox news AT ALL. I seek out both sides on the net and form my own opinions- My father in law is a retired teamster shop steward for Pepsi 40 years- I have 3 uncles that work for the UAW (all lazy bums).

I watch the democrats promise the world and knowing they can not deliver. They will say anything to get elected. Hillary told a meeting of immigrants that Bush was tiring to make the US a "police state" to keep them out. And that we need to be more understanding abd compassion of the Middle East. Yet she jumped all over the president for the port deal.

I think it was a good idea, as do most free thinking people the world over- this company has been doing this in the UK and numerous other European countries for decades with no problems. We need these countries as alias now.

Yes we backed the Taliban- when they were fighting our enemy (the USSR) yes we backed Iraq- when they were fighting our enemy (IRAN) yes some of the countries we back now will turn into problems in the future and we will no longer back them- This is not a crime. The enemy of my enemy is my friend!
T2k said:

Tell me you aren't talking about the sarcasm above... no way somebody didn't get that... :eek:

Sorry Chief talking down to people is not sarcasm- it is not necessary and wrong- it is not a "joke" to judge someone based on their grammar. Not everyone is a career student. some people work for a living and do not take the time to run everything they type through a spellchecker.

I do because my spelling SUCKS but that does not make me dumb. I am not going to go further into that because it will simply give you more reasons to attack people instead of the message.
NightHawk said:
Your joking right? Did you miss my post with the USA Today poll? It's typical. Blind to anything that doesn't support your point.

There are obviously contradicting polls on any issue, especially on this one. I served 22 years, much of it overseas and believe me, soldiers in combat dissatisfied with their current status is no earth-shattering newsflash. The numbers are bound to fluctuate and both polls are meaningless.

Ouch. How high did you manage to get in 22 years with this shockingly low level of comprehensive skills? Corporal? Or even - Dear God! - Sergeant? In case you haven't noticed, you're invoking a poll conducted by Military Times, not USA Today.
What a surprise: a Military Times Media group (Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times and Marine Corps Times), financed by war criminal Rumsfeld-led Pentagon, shows a much more friendly picture about Iraq! :rolleyes:
Wow. Really surprising. :rolleyes:

I'm so embarrassed.


Get a grip.

Ouch. Apparently it's not me who needs more information than most of the distorted and manipulated US mass media spit out at every top of the hour... even if you don't speak any other language - BTW do you? - like most of the 'reds', you can still watch Canadian or other English-speaking news.
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Eric Goempel said:
Sorry Chief talking down to people is not sarcasm- it is not necessary and wrong- it is not a "joke" to judge someone based on their grammar. Not everyone is a career student. some people work for a living and do not take the time to run everything they type through a spellchecker.

I do because my spelling SUCKS but that does not make me dumb. I am not going to go further into that because it will simply give you more reasons to attack people instead of the message.

Would you, please, link the matter at hand (assuming we're talking about my post)? :)
It'd be great, TIA.

PS: just to be clear, I was referring to my sarcastic "un-American" fix - that's the only grammar fix I've 'committed'.
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a bit off post,

they are going to sentence old joe smith for the rape and killing of carlie brucia, in a couple of minutes.

liberal view, rehabilitation and or life.
conservative view, rehabilitate him with 25,000 volts.

dragon002 said:
a bit off post,

they are going to sentence old joe smith for the rape and killing of carlie brucia, in a couple of minutes.

liberal view, rehabilitation and or life.

No, it's not a liberal 'view'...

conservative view, rehabilitate him with 25,000 volts.

and no, it isn't a conservative one either.

I agree, it's funny to see your posts. :D
T2k said:
No, it's not a liberal 'view'...

and no, it isn't a conservative one either.

I agree, it's funny to see your posts. :D

go turn on your voom motorola reciever , and watch it for a couple of hours.
That's where I swing away from both liberal and conservative.

I think penal colonies should come back in vogue. If somebody is a repeat offender of any stripe, or has committed something truly pathological and large in scope--in short, if it wasn't a one-off crime of passion or desperation, but illustrative of a total disregard for community and the American public at large...I say let them tough it out in a society/landscape of their own making. There has to be some desolate but habitable ex-strip mine riddled land somewhere where we can set up such a thing. Maybe I've seen "Escape from New York" too many times, but its an idea whose time left us prematurely, imho. Oh, and the Ken Lay/Andy Fastow's of this world go in, too. Federal prisons for the elite 'soft' convicts should be dismantled...there should no longer be a distinction between white and blue collar pathological criminals. That would make a few cannibalistic capitalists check themselves next time they want to steal grandma's pension...

The thing about executions is, they bring out the bloodlust in the saddest sorts of folk. It doesn't repair any damage, it only promotes a false sense of justice. The thing about life imprisonment is, it fails the ideal of rehabilitation as one of the main points of prison. Its just a horrible hotel stay at the public expense and what's the point?
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shanewalker said:
That's where I swing away from both liberal and conservative.

I think penal colonies should come back in vogue. If somebody is a repeat offender of any stripe, or has committed something truly pathological and large in scope--in short, if it wasn't a one-off crime of passion or desperation, but illustrative of a total disregard for community and the American public at large...I say let them tough it out in a society/landscape of their own making. There has to be some desolate but habitable ex-strip mine riddled land somewhere where we can set up such a thing. Maybe I've seen "Escape from New York" too many times, but its an idea whose time left us prematurely, imho. Oh, and the Ken Lay/Andy Fastow's of this world go in, too. Federal prisons for the elite 'soft' convicts should be dismantled...there should no longer be a distinction between white and blue collar pathological criminals. That would make a few cannibalistic capitalists check themselves next time they want to steal grandma's pension...

The thing about executions is, they bring out the bloodlust in the saddest sorts of folk. It doesn't repair any damage, it only promotes a false sense of justice. The thing about life imprisonment is, it fails the ideal of rehabilitation as one of the main points of prison. Its just a horrible hotel stay at the public expense and what's the point?

so you would ship them to EUROPE, no way that would be cruel and unusual punishment:eek:
shanewalker said:
That's where I swing away from both liberal and conservative.

I think penal colonies should come back in vogue. If somebody is a repeat offender of any stripe, or has committed something truly pathological and large in scope--in short, if it wasn't a one-off crime of passion or desperation, but illustrative of a total disregard for community and the American public at large...I say let them tough it out in a society/landscape of their own making. There has to be some desolate but habitable ex-strip mine riddled land somewhere where we can set up such a thing. Maybe I've seen "Escape from New York" too many times, but its an idea whose time left us prematurely, imho. Oh, and the Ken Lay/Andy Fastow's of this world go in, too. Federal prisons for the elite 'soft' convicts should be dismantled...there should no longer be a distinction between white and blue collar pathological criminals. That would make a few cannibalistic capitalists check themselves next time they want to steal grandma's pension...

The thing about executions is, they bring out the bloodlust in the saddest sorts of folk. It doesn't repair any damage, it only promotes a false sense of justice. The thing about life imprisonment is, it fails the ideal of rehabilitation as one of the main points of prison. Its just a horrible hotel stay at the public expense and what's the point?

You actually make a few good points.

Prison work camps up in Alaska come to mind. Make the did for coal or whatever by hand- I'm sure there would be a few "hunters" out there willing to set up in heated tree blinds to take out anyone trying to escape.

And putting the Enron boys in with the bloods and crips makes some sense. But I do not think putting someone that messed up on their personal taxes or could not pay their child support should face the same fate as a murderer or someone that destroyed the future of thousands of their workers.

T2K i was talking about your grammar correction-thought I made that clear- EVERY one needs to bring the anger level down 5 notches before this thread is shut down and we are all banned. :eek: Read the announcement from Scott. :eek:
T2k said:
Ouch. How high did you manage to get in 22 years with this shockingly low level of comprehensive skills? Corporal? Or even - Dear God! - Sergeant? In case you haven't noticed, you're invoking a poll conducted by Military Times, not USA Today.
What a surprise: a Military Times Media group (Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times and Marine Corps Times), financed by war criminal Rumsfeld-led Pentagon, shows a much more friendly picture about Iraq! :rolleyes:
Wow. Really surprising. :rolleyes:


Ouch. Apparently it's not me who needs more information than most of the distorted and manipulated US mass media spit out at every top of the hour... even if you don't speak any other language - BTW do you? - like most of the 'reds', you can still watch Canadian or other English-speaking news.

Can't debate anything without insults can you? It's all distortion and war criminals when it doesn't support your point. I knew exactly who sponsored the poll. That wasn't my point Mr. comprehension. Perhaps you should enlist. Make you feel better about your country.
Eric Goempel said:
T2K i was talking about your grammar correction-thought I made that clear-

Grammar correction actually never been done - I only made a sarcastic joke, see above. ;)

EVERY one needs to bring the anger level down 5 notches before this thread is shut down and we are all banned. :eek:

True... :)

Read the announcement from Scott. :eek:

Got linky? I'm not sure which one...
NightHawk said:
Can't debate anything without insults can you? It's all distortion and war criminals when it doesn't support your point.

I really didn't like your propaganda spin. BTW I only wrote facts.

I knew exactly who sponsored the poll.

Ah, so you deliberately wrote "USA Today poll" instead of "Military Times poll"... I see.

That wasn't my point Mr. comprehension.

I've noticed - it'd show the missing credibility behind poll numbers...

Perhaps you should enlist.

1) I'm too old (when I've moved here, I've contacted them) and 2) the country isn't danger. Should the situation change, I''ll take care of my duties.

Make you feel better about your country.

You mean serving a corrupt Administration's own interests for fraction of my current paycheck? Highly doubt it'd make me fee better...

BTW you might be interested: I did serve in Europe. During the Yugo war, in a special border security force of my native country - though draft has been abolished since then, it was mandatory at the time.
images atilla.jpg

images il deuce.jpg

images kaiser.jpg

images kruschev.jpg

images lenin.jpg

images milosevic.jpg

images stalin.jpg

images tito.jpg

images hitler.jpgt2k,

i found a few more "progressive" european "role models" for you to long for. yes sir a real trip down memory lane. yes sir bush is REAL evil. just look at all these euro peace lovers:rolleyes:
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T2k said:
I really didn't like your propaganda spin. BTW I only wrote facts.

There was no propaganda spin. I posted a link to poll, in response to another posters identical act, simply to illustrate the point that for every biased poll he can find, I can find another biased poll to refute it. I assumed I made that clear, I was mistaken.

You had no excuse to insult my service, my comprehension, The Military Timesnor the secretary of defence.
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