joedekock said:
Your abortion standpoint has to look no further than Europe. They have legalized abortions over there. Have you ever been over there? No one smiles over there. They are in more turmoil as far as divorce and broken homes with children goes. Abortion is not the Sole reason for this, but its a big FACTor. We are bad enough off with 36% of families with Children being broken homes. And remember, the father has NO RIGHT to say anything about whether or not his wife or girlfriend gets an abortion. Is that fair?
Legalized abortion has nothing to do with whether or not Europeans smile. That's just silly. The divorce rate in the US is among the highest in the world. And, yes, a woman shouldn't have to consult the father-TO-BE. (He ain't the father yet.)
joedekock said:
Veteran's pay and Military pay has never been higher. My brother is a Marine, and has been for 10 years. His rank has stayed the same and he got a huge pay raise in 2002 REMEMBER. And that is not a result of inflation. Get your facts straight.
Hmm. I wonder what happened to the family benefits when a veteran dies. Is that the highest in history? I think not. And, why did the company I work for have to donate money to a foundation to build to build a shelter for veterans families so they can visit their loved ones while their torn and twisted bodies are being partially reconstructed. You'd think a gov't that supports their troops would see to it that they are taken care of. (Then again, you'd think a govt that says they support their troops wouldn't send them to die so various indstries could make money.)
joedekock said:
Condoms out of school??? If you finish that question with the rest of the TRUTH, yes because they are instilling abstinence in place of giving out condoms. And no one can deny that abstinence is 100% safe from unwanted pregnancies, and STD's Right or Wrong?
I did not say anything about "condoms out of school". Although, I'm not sure what that means. Are you refering to dispensing condoms in schools? I never said they should do it, nor do I think it is proper.
However, expecting teenagers not to have sex because you tell them it's bad is ridiculous. It's not bad. It's quite good, actually. I'm sure most men would agree that the sex they had as a teenager may not have been the best techinically, but they probably look back at it with the most fondness. Sure, abstinance is 100% effective against pregnancy and STD's. But, not eating is 100% effective against food poisining, as well. Asking teenagers not to do either is stupid.
joedekock said:
If you want to receive the health care that the Iraqis are receiving from us. Be my guest. I prefer to have a real doctor or surgeon operate on me and prescribe my pills, not a Military doctor who has not been to a real medical school for his training. If you want national government run health care... ask the hard working Canadians or Europeans how they like the long lines of waiting to see a doctor that is overworked and is wondering why he got into his profession. And if they need surgery for something life threatening if they can get it taken care of right away. They can't in fact, they prefer to come To America for any life threatening procedure that they have to get it taken care of on time with a good doctor. Research this... its true.
Nobody, except the most goofy liberals, are suggesting a completely socialized medical system in this country. They are talking about ensuring that everybody has access to decent healthcare. Sure. the poorest have gov't help. The richest can afford it. Many middle class have decent private insurance. But, too many hard-working Americans have no health insurance, and cannot afford to get sick. They need the govt to step in and help. THAT is national security, not bombing the sh*t out some piss poor country half way around the world. Research's true.
joedekock said:
I don't know where you are going with the global warming and creationism deal. Be more specific.
You're kidding, right? You do watch or read the news, don't you? Or, are your only news outlets FOX and the 700 Club? Ya see, a number of school boards, even as high as the state klevel, are trying to teach Creationism as "science". SCIENCE. We might as well teach that the Earth was once populated by Hobbits with magic rings. That story also comes from a fantasy book with lots of fans.
joedekock said:
As far as your reference to Limbaugh's MEDICATION addiction, pills are not illegal if they are prescribed to you, which he did get. Yes he has connections to get those pills and that is wrong, but he was not committing a crime... the doctor did. And that's how it was worked out in the courts. I am not a huge Rush fan, but this same thing happened to Howard Stern back in the early 90's, and even though I hate Howard, I say the same for him. Drugs like Marijuana, cocaine, LSD are illegal, that is plainly written in our laws. Don't compare the two.
"Hey Consuela, run down to the parking lot behind the 7-11 and ask Big Jimmy for a couple of bags of my MEDICATION. And make it snappy. I'm on the air in 10 minutes."
joedekock said:
I don't recall the media playing off Bush's alcohol addiction, in fact, I don't recall Bush doing it. I remember quite well that he publicly numerous times (in the first election), admitted to it, and that made the libs and Dem's mad. You didn't hear much about it after that, except from the extreme lib blogs, because in the second election they had nothing on Bush except for a phony military record, which we all know what happened to that in the end. And yes Bill Clinton doing Drugs is a crime, (remember what I said in the last rebuttal to your statement about Rush). Alcohol is not a crime, unless you are hurting someone else while doing it. I happen to not care that Clinton did those things back then, I understand people are stupid when they are young, I know I was. So forgive and forget. But the whole thing about having an affair on my dime. That does not sit well with me, especially when your the leader of the free world. You care so much about our image with other countries while Bush is president, but Clinton can have an affair in the white house, and our image does not matter???
Actually, I was talking about cocaine, not alcohol. I don't remember Bush admitting to it. And, it certainly is a crime, which usually has stiffer penalties than marijuana, if I'm not mistaken. Of course, as long as he's not doing big fat rails off of the desk in the oval office, I don't care that he used to snort coke. Just fess up.
joedekock said:
Is has been a privilege doing these rebuttals... I mean that in a serious friendly matter.
Likewise. It's a pleasure being able to disagree with someone without having personal insults hurled at me (and having to hurl them back in response, which I am usually far far better at than any of my opponents.)