Watching a president tank:( (bush)

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Bush would love for us to lose all our rights, next thing you know they will want national ID chips implanted in everyone for positive identification purposes, like the animal AVID chip. this day is coming.....

I am not into republicans or democrats just how the person does their job and what they stand for. Bushes only good point is anti abortion. Although I question he really believes it since he signed lots of death warrants and his iraq war has cost how many deaths and ruined lives.... missing arms legs etc etc etc,,
jeez, bob

stop the hand wringing, get your panties out of the knot they are in, step down from the soapbox and wake up!!

bush is the president , cheney is the VP. they arent getting impeached, they arent stepping down. get over it and deal with REALITY for a while.
so that would make that sack of worthless bones kerry and his ambulance chasing side-kick less than human. considering W won.

that is a liberal site, they are saying they arent LIBERAL ENOUGH,go back and re-read it.

so now you know whos site you were on, do the liberals still warrant your names of "MORONS"? i hope so!!

because to me they are idiots. In decending order in terms of IQ. moron, imbicile, idiot, liberal
dragon002 said:
so that would make that sack of worthless bones kerry and his ambulance chasing side-kick less than human. considering W won.
No. It wouldn't. They simply didn't win the "election. They were both better choices than our Commander-in-need-of-a-special-helmet and his boss Dick "what's a safety" Cheney. (That 78yo lawyer should consider himself lucky. Usually, Cheney eats them after he shoots them.)
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oh, ok.

i guess your elite group of schumer, rangel, pelosi and fienstien would all disagree with you as that site is backed by them.
so are you dem. rep, indy??

lib , cons, mod??

or an AMERICAN??

be glad you were born here, with all our faults, we are still the greatest nation this world has ever seen.
So if Bush is SOOOOO STUPID. why do you democrats keep crying that he showed everyone the information to go to war in Iraq, and you agreed to do it. BUT he was lying all along!! If he is 1/10 as dumb as you say he is, then you all are clinical brain dead!

Think about what you have said in the past before you make yourself look REALLY dumb today.
Eric Goempel said:
So if Bush is SOOOOO STUPID. why do you democrats keep crying that he showed everyone the information to go to war in Iraq, and you agreed to do it. BUT he was lying all along!! If he is 1/10 as dumb as you say he is, then you all are clinical brain dead!

Think about what you have said in the past before you make yourself look REALLY dumb today.
I didn't agree to it. I didn't vote for the lying buffoon. And, I'm far from brain dead. (Actually, the first two points sort of prove the third.)
dragon002 said:
jeez, bob

stop the hand wringing, get your panties out of the knot they are in, step down from the soapbox and wake up!!

bush is the president , cheney is the VP. they arent getting impeached, they arent stepping down. get over it and deal with REALITY for a while.

Yeah impeached is probably more than will occur:(

But the next congressional election will neuter the idiot in the white house!

The democrats will be in firm control.....

I REALLY DONT like that! But its better than busn and company!

Me? I am looking for any local anti war protests. its time to protest the useless war!
I just wish more people had spine, brains and the will to support breaking the two-party system by thinking independent and acting thereupon. If we had a slew of watchdog and truly moderate parties to draw candidates, i.e. REAL public servants, from, you'd see some needed reform happen in D.C.

Most people like hierarchies, enjoying comfort in the crowd, thereby letting other people set their platform, their talking points, their supposed agenda--it saves them from reading, seeing, discerning the facts beyond the rhetoric. If a nation of sheep/parrots/cattle is what we've become, then what human rights do we deserve? How else could you explain the illogic of calling those looking out for such some vague/empty insult like a liberal or extreme in any way...human liberty and the dignity and necessity of protecting the individual citizen's rights is the lifeblood and bedrock of our nation. The real Patriots, the real Christians and persons of any true faith, have nothing akin to the hypoctritical ditto-heads and hate/fear-mongers. I believe in the kind of hero that, in his day, stormed through the temple turning over the tables of the, the hypocrites would label him a Commie liberal. His name I need not explain--the fools among you wouldn't get/accept my point anyway and the bright/insightful among you don't need me to.

Bush is only the tip of a very dark iceberg. I just hope we don't all have to go down because of that black ice shunted through our nation's capital and other seats of power... Some of us knew/know better, but we aren't steering the boat. Hopefully, someday soon, we will.
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