Hey- Stonecold-- I'll give you credit for the idea for DirecTV. But not credit for getting the company to follow through with your concept because they didn't. That has to go to Dish Network for actually getting it done. The DIRT Team deserves the credit for how they executed their assigned task. As I recall, you didn't really work for DirecTV, rather for a sub contractor so it isn't your fault as you were probably almost as removed from getting any idea executed with DirecTV as I would be. Besides, when I think about it, the concept goes back much further than stonecold and DIRT. It was first suggested and executed by David Bott of AVS Forum in the late 90's when he invited television network reps to have presence on that forum to work with us early adopters of HDTV.
No offense and you're a nice guy and all but you need to be careful at insisting you invented the light bulb.

Not everyone will just believe that cause Stonecold said so.