Voom vs. Direct sucks!

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Sean Mota said:
60" GW Sony LCD KF60-800-XBR.
42" DLP Samsung.
You have the XBR version of my TV, I need to get that thing calibrated, I've done the best I can on my own but I know it can look 100 times better...
I have a swap out occuring this Thursday on the V* IRD. Last night an icon appeared in the middle of my screen about 1/2" in size. It looks like a exclamation point. I turned the IRD off and then back on and it went away. It again appeared this morning and I cannot get rid of it. It is not present with any of the other "feeds" so it must be a bad V* IRD. Also, after turning the box off and then back on last night I had a significant improvement in some of the HD channels. The picture quality is back to poor today.
InSync said:
Last night an icon appeared in the middle of my screen about 1/2" in size. It looks like a exclamation point.
It's a bug in the software. Some portions of the on-screen PG are not erased correctly in certain cases. Pressing VOOM and then WATCH on your remote usually takes care of this.
InSync said:
Also, after turning the box off and then back on last night I had a significant improvement in some of the HD channels.
Well, if that's the case than your problem must be specific to your STB or to your TV set. Has nothing to do with the quality of VOOM in general (IMHO). ;)
vurbano said:
II have heard NOTHING from voom about PQ improvement, only more HD channel capacity!

That worries me too. All they talk about is "crisp...mirror like PQ." I don't expect them to admit they have a problem. Certainly not with their competitors watching. But at least tell us that "If you think the picture is great....wait till you see us when we go WM9" or something like that.
gutter said:
That worries me too. All they talk about is "crisp...mirror like PQ." I don't expect them to admit they have a problem. Certainly not with their competitors watching. But at least tell us that "If you think the picture is great....wait till you see us when we go WM9" or something like that.

"crisp mirror like PQ"? Hey look the Iraqi minister of information landed a new job :)
Sean...I think Sean or I and a few others have been very specific about the PQ issue. InSYNC in his first post here talked about it looking like he was viewing a pic thru an aquarium. I and others have spoken of the crushed look and lack of detail or contrast. Again, I think it may not all be VOOM either. For my part, I blame VOOM for picking a Motorola product. I think a lot is in the box. As I have said when I compare local HD Digital thru my Sammy STB to the same picture from the Motorola, the difference is sticking. loss of detail, crusted colors, lack of higher contrast in the bright areas to the low . I also had a ISF calibration and when I connected VOOM. It looks like it was lost money. I have played with it myself and improved it slightly but can't get the snap back. I have a Sammy DLP.

As I said, I will stick with VOOM and hope they address this and not ignore it. INSYNC or others int he profession definitely have a stronger experience base than most of those who own an HD. They as I have been with high tech engineers for years and know a good monitor and a well calibrated monitor,. One from the other. It does make you more critical and that is the cross those of us in video production have to handle. But don't expect us to look the other way when the goal should be near perfection.
rkr0923 said:
I can speak of both.........after being with Dtv for 4 years and Voom for 1 month, I dropped Dtv. Voom HD is much much better than Dtv HD. With 3 HD channels on Dtv for 11.00 a month........it was a no brainier. The SD PQ are about the same on both.
Like I said, Voom @ 39.99 is a better value on quantity, but based upon my viewing preferences, the 10.99/mo at D* suits me better. My problem with Voom as pure PQ issues. They gave me two months free and I still cancelled because I could not stand to watch it.

Oddly enough, in the last 2 weeks D* have been having PQ problems on thier pay channels ... let me see Total Choice + VaVaVoom = 120/mo ... I can almost justify that!
I never gave picture quality a second thought when I bought my Sony HD receiver. It was the menus that attracted me vs. Hughes and Samsung. I just expected to be able to plug the box in and enjoy great HDTV and that is exactly what happened. I use the tv to mindlessly watch the programming after a day cluttered with thoughts. I was disappointed with the amount of HD programming that D* offered because I would almost NEVER watch non HD programming this is because my profession trains me to look for picture quality issues all day long and HD was soooo good. When I saw the V* advertising I was elated to have a much broader choice of HD programming. The fact is that V* programming doen't really have that much more to offer in the way of HD channels. I mean "Ultra"-give me a break. How many times can you watch the "Thing with two heads" or "Thelma and Louise". 30+ channels of the same thing over and over really boils down to just a few--just like D*. I really miss HDNET exclusives with "Odyssey 5" and then Tom Sizemore doing his detective work. Given the content and the repeat frequency I would say V* really does not offer that much more programming. It all comes down to quality and content for me. Ok so maybe everyone else is willing to settle for this (but, then again they may have a great picture and it is just my V* IRD that is bad) and like the guy said I should just "go kill myself". I don't thinks so.... I like Sean know what is good and what is not. I don't need someone else's opinion. I will continue to explore what is available and rely upon my own good judgement and I will listen to what others have to say and then verify for myself if what they say holds water. Right now my picture is not as good as what it used to be. Right now I have to deal with a lot of V* issues that were of no concern previously with D*. I just want to grab a beer, sit down, push the tv on button and enjoy, no more-no less. We shall see this Thursday if I am able to do this with V*. If not "Hello Big D*"!!

I agree with you that the content needs to get better and it has been getting better. Today I can always find a program to watch with V* everytime I sit down to watch something. The same I cannot say with E* and since D* and E* carry almost the same channels, it will have to apply to D* as well.

In conclusion, (as I always said), V* does not tie you to any contract and you can make your final choice and stay or leave. In whatever decision you make be happy with E*, D*, V* or cable. I have E*, V* and Cable and have planned it in a way that fit my budget and get most content. Until some comes alone and provides more, I am staying put.
InSync: the fact that your standard of good HD PQ is D* makes me think there really IS something wrong with your Voom box. D* is known to compress the hell out of their channels. It also makes me wonder about your judgement, regardless of your credentials or your equipment.
I can see we are getting into a pi**ing match here. I would love to see the Neilsen ratings or ULTRA, AUCTION, GALLERY OR MOOV. And let me count the times I have said "I can't wait to see the new Video Art show" or how about this "Hey Bob, did you catch that On the Block Show last night. LMFAO!!! Go ahead, stick your head in the sand and keep telling yourself how great your picture is. I never realized that a guys tv was so much of a symbol of his "other" equipment or lack of. I could care less if someone criticized my tv signal as long as I new for certain that it was good.
InSync said:
I can see we are getting into a pi**ing match here. I would love to see the Neilsen ratings or ULTRA, AUCTION, GALLERY OR MOOV. And let me count the times I have said "I can't wait to see the new Video Art show" or how about this "Hey Bob, did you catch that On the Block Show last night. LMFAO!!! Go ahead, stick your head in the sand and keep telling yourself how great your picture is. I never realized that a guys tv was so much of a symbol of his "other" equipment or lack of. I could care less if someone criticized my tv signal as long as I new for certain that it was good.

Of course, as you may or may not know, Neilsen ratings are not even applicable to HD material no matter what the channel is. Neilsen ratings just started to look at HD ratings and planning to put it into practice.

Getting back to the HD content issue. When I speak to HD content on V*, I talk about these channels. Give me these channels, and I can always find something to watch. See I am not even including my local channels, CBS, PBS, WB, ABC, NBC. As I said before, if you feel happy with D* and think D* has as much content, go for it. That's all. No pi***g contest here.

100 HDNews
101 HD Cinema10
102 HD WorldCinema
103 HD Cinema10
104 HD Cinema10
105 HD Cinema10
106 HD Cinema10
107 HD Cinema Classics
108 HD Cinema Epics
109 HD Cinema Gunslingers
110 Divine HD
121 Monsters HD
122 Epics HD
123 WorldSport HD
124 Rush HD
125 Rave HD
126 Ultra HD
127 Auction HD
128 Gallery HD
130 Animania HD
201 HBO HD East
202 HBO HD West
221 Cinemax HD East
222 Cinemax HD West
241 Showtime HD East HD
242 Showtime HD West HD
251 TMC-HD
261 Starz HD East
262 Starz HD West
271 Encore HD East
311 NFL HD
501 Bravo HD+
521 TNT-HD
601 Discovery HD Theater
701 Playboy HD
InSync said:
I can see we are getting into a pi**ing match here. I would love to see the Neilsen ratings or ULTRA, AUCTION, GALLERY OR MOOV. And let me count the times I have said "I can't wait to see the new Video Art show" or how about this "Hey Bob, did you catch that On the Block Show last night. LMFAO!!! Go ahead, stick your head in the sand and keep telling yourself how great your picture is. I never realized that a guys tv was so much of a symbol of his "other" equipment or lack of. I could care less if someone criticized my tv signal as long as I new for certain that it was good.
could you take a picture of all of that AV equipment. It sounds impressive.
I sure don't understand all the comments regarding D* and Voom PQ.. what are you comparing?

I have both and as far as I know the only feed you an do back to back comparisons with is Discovery, and I have. I have both sources hooked via DVI switch and on numerous occasions have done comparisons switching back and forth with various people there to pass judgement. EVERY time they lose track of which is which so there is no clear difference at my house.

Comparing other feeds is pretty difficult because they don't both carry them. I can say HDNet looks great on D* but it also does on one of the local stations here that carries it on occasion.. and probably would on V* if they had it.

Comparing SD is a different story with V* winning on some and D* winning on others. (I actually think E* had the best overall SD but I dropped them for other reasons).

I find most of these arguments amusing and am constantly baffled by the brand loyalty I see when it comes to networks. I have none and will continue to switch to the best deal for my household.
Brand loyalty is easy to explain: people make a decision that costs them money. They then feel the need to justify that cost so they insist that the decision is a good one. In this case, they champion the service they have signed up for.
WickedDyno said:
Brand loyalty is easy to explain: people make a decision that costs them money. They then feel the need to justify that cost so they insist that the decision is a good one. In this case, they champion the service they have signed up for.
If that's the case then I formally endorse the Gold Cup in Houston ;) I've lost track, is this thread about PQ, content, or "equipment"? Also, where do we find impartial judges for these comparisons? I personally am unqualified and very unwilling.
cyuhnke said:
If that's the case then I formally endorse the Gold Cup in Houston ;) I've lost track, is this thread about PQ, content, or "equipment"? Also, where do we find impartial judges for these comparisons? I personally am unqualified and very unwilling.
Im not sure anymore either but I think INSYNC wants to show off a little more than his mystery AV equipment.
I hereby self appoint (NO better yet, ANNOINT) myself as the all-knowing authority on picture quality and equipment. Now I have to go "kill myself" because it can't get any better than this.
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