VOOM Installations

Don Landis said:
I'm still in "install mode" here. Been reprogramming my MX-800 remote to work similar to all the other receivers. Had to build a few macros but that's OK. Voom is looking great. Some of the OTA stuff still seems odd but the basic channels look real good when the programming sources are good, bad when the sources are bad. Just like HBO for that matter. GIGO. So far, I can't see any reason to blame VOOM signal processing on a bad PQ.


thanks for the small review so far. Once you settled down and watch some of it, I like to know your full review.
I'm getting voomed on June 8. Should I be calling some one to verify installation date. I've read some scary e-mails about waiting and resetting dates.

welcome. Yes get in touch with the local installer. Call Installs Inc so that the installer can give you a call. Keep in touch with about the equipment arrival.
Set up today ?????????

got a call from installer this AM stating that equiptment hasn't arrived for todays AM install and he was told the holiday screwed up delivery of stock. Stated if truck comes he will do this afternoon. Hope so - am on hold at this point. Got to admit he was very congenial and seemed as though he wanted to install.
thanks for the info. Sean. i called and they said I should be Vooming on the 8th.
Well after 3 reschedules due to no equipment my installer has me on standby till some arrives.ive tried calling voom saturday requested a callback.here it is thursday no callback called voom again and again it will only let me request a callback.
I just rescheduled by calling Installs, Inc. direct. Hopefully I will be a go on June 22nd (almost a month after original install date!) Lady I talked to (very nice) said they were just slammed with installs and it is all a mess. I guess that is both good and bad.
I signed up on the 18th of last month, have been rescheduled three times (5/27, today, and now for 6/8), and still have no idea if/when I will actually get hooked up! My installer had told me on Monday before he scheduled the install for today that "They must have the equipment, otherwise you wouldn't be on my list".

Voom said it was installs fault and transfered me to Installs INC. logistics dept who in turn stated it was Vooms fault.
This is really getting old, and I can't keep taking time off work.
Love Voom

I have had Charter Cable (joke) and Direct TV HD services and now Voom. Vom is by far, in my opinion, the best out there. Direct Tv has not added any channels (in HD) for a while and Voom has added TNT and not Equatot HD on the 15th. Picture seems better and I got an decent OTA antenna to boot for free....all for $39.90. IF you like HD in WI there is no better option.
Reschedule (again)

Called Crave Lectronics (in Ca.) this AM to check on tomrrows install.
He put me on hold, came back and said he called the voom? wharehouse.
The equpt has not come in for my order, should be in next tue.
We set the install for next wed. PM
I then e-mailed voom and then called Voom, as it has taken voom 1 week to answer other e-mails.
Voom e-messaged Crave to try and do the insall tomrrow, if at all possible.
Well no call from Crave and they just hung up on me,(after 15 min on hold) it's after 4 now and they closed.

Next wed. will be apx. a month sence I signed up.
This is getting very old very quick.
Between the lack of equpt., flakey STB software, signal drop-outs...
I'm begining to wonder if I want Voom at all.

My job is to look for the slightest inperfections in video in the equpt. I work on.
And I even find that the occ. pixelization of OTH stations annoy's me to no end.
So I worry that Voom's "bugs" wont pi** me off to the point of regreting I ever got it.

June is also a busy mo. at work (end of the 1/2 yr.) so voom has this last chance.
Otherwise I will give up for the summer.

Enough of and thanks for putting up with my ranting...
It just that it has been a fustrating journey - so far.
From the conversation I just had with a lady at Install's, they really don't know when they will get anymore equipment to ship out to the installer's. The best thing you can do is just forget about the install date and wait for a call from your installer that they have the equipment and are ready for an install. That is really what they should just start doing. Don't even tell us an install date and have the installer call us when he has it.

Would you guys send an email to Wilt regarding this? He might be able to escalate this. Please let him know your story. Here's his email. "Wilt Hildenbrand" <wilth@optonline.net>
No install info

No answer back from e/mailing installs on new expected install date. No call from installer either. Poor way of running whatever customer service Voom has. Install date your supposed to have everything ready for the installer to make it easier. What a crock that is - and a waste of our time. Wonder if anyone has had a install time that's been met the first time. Agree with kawdog that don't jerk us around and tell us when install will happen.
It is because they have no idea what to tell you :yes. The whole idea of "install" dates have become comical for me. I honestly don't blame VOOM or anyone else (I am sure it is someones fault though). I know they will send it when they get it and you "can't get blood out of a turnip". The problem is I am very impatient and I want my new toy to play with :D .


p.s. Have you at least gotten your first month free programming out of this? One of the ladies I talked too was nice enough to do that for me and I gladly accepted. I was wondering if they are telling most people in my same situation this because it was a nice gesture by VOOM. I have really been impressed with the customer service, just not the waiting on hold and waiting for equipment. I think when it is all said and done I will have found my new television provider.

Agree - but I want to play also. I also am realizing that I don't see and can't find any dishes in my area that don't say DT* or D**h on them. Gotta be all of V*'s are in transit and not up on rooftops. All them boxes and dishes in trucks aren't making them any $$$$$$. Feel bad for the installers themselves that are trying to make a living putting them up. They got to be more frustrated than we are. I put a hose on my roof in Jan to get the ice off to put up my new dish to get HDTV because DT* was booked up for installs and would have to waited for 4 weeks. Wanted to see the Pats in Super Bowl. Didn't make any diff because DT* didn't get permission in my area to show it. I just haven't had any luck with watching HDTV.
Hello fellow Voomers. First post for me had it installed(sort of ) yesterday. I am another victum of shoddy install syndrome. When the installer did not call me I called them yesterday and they said they did not know when the guy was gonna show up but would call him ( I was sced. for 12-5pm). He told me he did not think he was gonna show up at all. I called Prostar office and said I was not very happy with that so they called him back and told him to show up at whatever time he could. At 3:00 he called and said he was on his way.
When he got here I told him I had called Voom last week knowing as I do from this forum that the ant. they were going to put up would not get my locals and voom said no prob and gave me a work order for upgrade. Installer refused to upgrade. I have a tower with rotor and a decent ant but my locals are 180 deg apart and asked him to install on my pole and join them togther. He refused that too. I then told him I wanted separate lines form dish and ant he refused that too. He constantly whined about how little he was getting paid for this and said he had to pay for the cable and fittings
and how stupid the installation cert. course was.
After the setup was done we went inside to activate he gave me the paper work to sign including the ones to initial about him instructing and setting up my locals. Here is where it get even worse after 15min of trying to activate ( with a signal of 62 I told him people here were getting in the 90's) he pronounced my box dead and walked out the door.
Needless to say I called Voom and they tried to get me up and running but no joy. They said a service call would be sent and while I was waiting for the CSR they hung up. Another call and that Csr did not know about the report back screen and was disconnected while waiting again. Not I am gettin mad.
I went out and climbed my tower only to find the antenna and dish were in the wrong places on the diplexor. Not only that but the ground wire was totally looose in the screw hole that holds it in fact it will never be tight with the setup it has.In addition it is not grounded to earth anywhere along the circuit.
Now I have a 98 signal and finally got someone at voom to turn it on but guess what no locals at all. I disconncted thier ant and took out the diplexer and put mine on and now I am Vooming to my hearts content. I personally think after 7yrs. with DTV the picture is much better even on std channels.
I called everyone i.e. Voom, Installs, made my complaints and will be sceduled for an antenna upgrade. It seemed the installer did not want to put up an antenna at all as he kept saying you already have one but I dont care that one is for the other TV's as far as I am concerned even though I want to couple them to my booster to get both directions of locals here. One other thing of note is my OTA mapping does not match zap2it at Voom either so I would say this install overall gets a D- :mad: :mad: :mad:
Got my Voom installed a week ago, and never posted any pics.

I had a great install, and here ya go...

In the first pic, you can barely see the dish on the rear of the house...
And well, you can see that even a dog loves the Voom picture... :p


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  • Rasheed Finals.JPG
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  • Diplexor.JPG
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Orlando Vol said:
Got my Voom installed a week ago, and never posted any pics.

I had a great install, and here ya go...

In the first pic, you can barely see the dish on the rear of the house...
And well, you can see that even a dog loves the Voom picture... :p
Now that's my kind of dog. Does he fetch the beer?

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