Voom Redux:New owners how about Self installations ?


New Member
Original poster
Feb 13, 2005
Hi gang,
Since this seem to be the home of the hardcore voomers maybe the new owners read here..........................So
Hopefully The new owners won't be so damn anal about self installations and allow and Self installs for customers that wish to do so. With or without some kind of discount. I hate taking off from work waiting for installer to show up...............maybe. I'm willing to bite on self installations only for the fools that wish to buy out right the IRD's

what you think new ideas from the new owners or same old same ohhh ? :smug

yeah I know, nice first post :p
jones said:
Hi gang,
Since this seem to be the home of the hardcore voomers maybe the new owners read here..........................So
Hopefully The new owners won't be so damn anal about self installations and allow and Self installs for customers that wish to do so. With or without some kind of discount. I hate taking off from work waiting for installer to show up...............maybe. I'm willing to bite on self installations only for the fools that wish to buy out right the IRD's

what you think new ideas from the new owners or same old same ohhh ? :smug

yeah I know, nice first post :p

Yea, no kidding. I also hope Voom re visits the policy concerning used equipment. Not to activate a second hand receiver makes no sense at all. What will Voom be out if they do activate? $4.50 per month rental? If growth is what Voom is after then change a few of the company policies concerning the installation and hardware ownership issues. This will only help, not hurt. :yes
Wow ! After your post I just now saw all them Voom boxes "CHEAP" on Ebay. What's the deal with them, I thought Voom would not authorize second hand or bought on your on receivers.............Was I misinformed?
No they will not allow the used boxes to be activated and no there are no self installs which is foolish.I was put off 3 times this past summer,then told them after the last failed attempt that I would call them when I wanted the install,in December VOOM started calling every week or so asking if I wanted to go ahead with the install,kept telling them I'd get back to them,I did on 1/22/05,told them politily that this was a one shot deal,either get it installed this time or take my number off the list,7 days later i was installed,don't know if it was the threat or just luck
Your right though self installs are important,they need this if they are going to make it(my thought)Need to have the equipment at Wal-mart,Costco,Sam's club,where ever,just out there saying "Take me Home,hook me up,enjoy all the HD"
they will not authorize or activate these boxes off of ebay cause most of them are stolen boxes very few of them have be purchase by some on out right at the store . So don't buy them they are a waste of you money unless you need some book ends.
Here's a tip for any who want self install and how I got it, sort of...

Keep in mind that you'll be wasting your time arguing about getting a self install because that is engraved in stone VOOM policy. But with every sti=ne that has an engraving there are some who know how to bend that stone a bit. That would be me!

I went through the normal installer signup procedure and had a schedule that was several weeks away. I was eager to get more HDTV so I volunteered to be on a standby list for early install. For me it was easy because I am mostly working from home every day.
Tip #1- Ask to be put on a moments notice standby fill in when they have a cancellation. It happens and contrary to what you may get told, they can and will change the receiver order name to yours if you are nice to them. It's win-win as you get the early schedule and they get to turn and earn on their clock.

So maybe you can get an early schedule but still want that self install. Here's the work around tip #2
Have your Dish mounted and WORKING with something like a DishNetwork receiver so your 61.5 is well tested. The DishNetwork LNB is 100% compatible with the VOOM's equipment, just run a single RG6 from one of the LNB outputs, bypass all E* switches and run your coax to where your VOOM receiver will be placed on the shelf. Run a power outlet and a phone line connection. Also run a well tested and working OTA antenna feed to that same location. I recommend a second coax to avoid issues with the diplexer. Have all these connections right where the VOOM receiver will go. Next have your Fiberoptic audio and what video feed you will be using like a DVI cable in place too. Hey, we are talking about self install, aren't we? :)
OK you have everything ready and tested operational before the "installer" contractor arrives.
When he arrives- Greet him at the door. He will probably want to get to work right away with his compass to do a site survey. Smile and tell him he is going to love this install job because it will be quick! Tell him you already have a working antenna system with 61.5 aimed dish and VOOM compatible LNB plus a great OTA antenna. All feeds are in place so you suggest he come in and look at the place where he will install the receiver. (Notice I always avoid saying "I already did the install for you" Always refer to him doing the install (This is just good psychology) )
Show him the location and let him recognize that all the connections are there and ready. You may say that you just dumped your Dish Network from this system and it was connected to that dish for HDTV on CBS. Anyway, let him do all the connecting of your cables in a couple of minutes he will be about 2 hours ahead of his best install time schedule. He will need to do the phone check and call in your account info to set everything up. If hes friendly in return from the moment he arrives, and responds positively, have some coffee ready to go to keep the good relations going. Always remember that these guys are paid on a flat rate so getting in and out is how they profit. However, don't expect them to troubleshoot your shoddy installation. If you want them to do that they probably will but expect to receive a bill for that service. Don't expect to tinker at self install, screw it up and then try to con the installer into giving you free service to fix your mistakes. A smart installer who is treated badly or is being victimized by a bad home owner may just do his site survey that fails, he packs up and moves on the the next job.

Of course the alternative is to just let them do their job and you get what they give you. I've seen some pretty awful looking install jobs around here. Like a 4 ft. pole in the middle of the front yard, in the way with the dish mounted and the cable stretched across the yard so the lawn mower guy will hang himself on it. Roof mounts with a tangled up mess of coax left all over the roof. Some of these installers are terrible but if you know what you are doing, chances are you will have a better, neater installation than 75% of the rush to get it working installers out there.

Thinking of getting voom......need help

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