VOOM Installations

you got a 50/50 chance. I would keep busy if I were you or you will go crazy woundering where they are and if it were me , if I didnt here something from anyone by 10 I would call voom or the installed or both .

Good Luck
I called Tue. and asked the CSR about the install, he said its still a go otherwise he would have something on his screen saying otherwise..

I should call now!
Dr J,

welcome. Are you still having problems? On channel 100 what is your signal strength? How was your installation done - diplexer or no diplexer? What resolution do you have the stb set to? What is the native resolution of your tv?
HOLLY sh*t!!! 7:45 guy called, he is up the road!!

DAMN... Was I suprised... He's even a muscle head guy ( commented on my 71 nova show car and 88 mustang race car :) )

Seems like a real pro, this will be his 212th install of voom he said.. :) 20.00 is in his pocket at the end of the install..

I will let you all know!
Well its done!! The guy was a real pro.. With that many installs I guess you would expect it.. I got him food and water, and a nice 20.00 tip..
All my boxes already had the upgrade. Workin on my friends car so i will not be voomin right now..

Thanks all! GO VOOM!!
Congratulations Fastfed. Once you get Voomin let us all know what you think.

See, all that worrying for nothing. :D
Today, I am officially a VOOM customer. I look forward to receiving those HD channels not carried by Dish or DirecTV.

My install was done on a standby basis because of the equipment shortage. Someone cancelled so the installer got VOOM's permission to switch their hardware to my account. The installer called about 45 minutes before his appointment time. He arrived right on time and I gave him a tour of my HT system and the existing antennas. He seems reluctant to use my stuff but with a little chit chat, agreed to start with the VOOM receiver first.
All my connections were there in place in the rack so he just had to plug everything in and begin to register the receiver. That took a couple of minutes. He was shocked at the signal strength I had which was 95. He said the average they get is between 70 and 80 all over town. His boss called and wanted to know what dish I had because they have been having some signal strength issues. He was not surprised when I said it was a 28" long diameter by 26 inch.
Now for the problems. (Are there any installs without problems?) No OTA channels at all. No signal. I took the OTA cable from the VOOM and connected it to my DTC-100 and showd him the signal was good. He called tech support at VOOM. They had to "hit" the receiver 7 times. I believe that is what he said and then after each power plug reboot and finally one of the channels popped up. VOOM tech guy said the rest would shopw up in time. 4 hours later all are showing up.
One oddity I did notice is that VOOM had two digital channels listed that do not exist. They once did. but no longer. Our WTLV stopped sending it's douopoly channel on subchannel 2 in January but it is still in the guide. Al;so, there is no channel found when I try to receive it but why is VOOM saying it's there? Also they are mapping a channel to another number that the station engineer told me he stopped doing in March. So either the station is doing something wrong on their uplink or VOOM is getting some bad info for their guide. My bets are it's the station still uplinking out of date stuff as I know these stations and wouldn't be surprised at no communications between programming depts. and engineering.

Anyway, the VOOM installer left quite happy after completing his 45 minute visit.

He gave me all the antennas in the box so if I cancel I can return everything.

Glad my install experience was simple and easy for us both.

PS- the installer told me that all his DVI installs so far have failed. He was surprised that mine worked.

did he know how to change the resolution? I wonder why all his DVI installation has failed. Glad you got installed Don and looking forward for your review once you settle down and start watching some of it. Did the stuff about 169time ever go anywhere with the firewire and voom stb?
Getting installed 6/1

I'm scheduled to be installed 6/1.

I'm in Orlando, Ordered the 1st week in May.Funny how others have ordered after me and have been installed already in the area. What's up with that? :confused:

Called twice this week to get some kind of conformation from VoOm and installs but they couldn't tell me if the equipment was shipped or not.
Called the installer direct but only got his voicemail on Friday :(
Hope he's just on vacation for the weekend.
Not going to be happy if they call on 6/1 to say it's off.
This is why i called them twice this week, since i have to schedule my days off a week in advance.
I'll be out another day's pay if they cancel. :no
Still hoping it will be ok for Tuesday.
I'm still in "install mode" here. Been reprogramming my MX-800 remote to work similar to all the other receivers. Had to build a few macros but that's OK. Voom is looking great. Some of the OTA stuff still seems odd but the basic channels look real good when the programming sources are good, bad when the sources are bad. Just like HBO for that matter. GIGO. So far, I can't see any reason to blame VOOM signal processing on a bad PQ.
:) Happy New Voomer as of May 29!

So, I was tired of the limited hd programming on dtv and I decided to give voom a try. I have been reading through these threads ever since I put my order in a couple weeks ago, and I have to tell you that this forum has given me a lot of knowledge in everything voom. I have been reading about all the problems with installations and shortage of equipment. So, I was ready for a long process to get everything right. This is why I waited till now to post, that way I could give it a few days to see if any of the problems many of you have noted appeared in my install.

Well, I am happy to say that the installers showed up right on time, had all of the equipment and were really knowledgable. They also install dtv and dishnet and they told me that 75% of their installs are now voom. My install was done in just over an hour and a half with a two room setup. I am getting 98 signal strength on my dish and I am getting every local station including some from a another nearby city. They said they needed to use the diplexors for the amplified antenna after I asked about running them separately. I figured that if it did not work right they could switch it after. But, everything has worked flawlessly so far. I still have my dtv stuff setup, but I think all of that is history now that I have seen the light that is voom.

I could not be any happier. I just love the fact that I can almost always find something that I want to watch in hd. I am so happy I decided to switch. Thanks for all your info everyone from a very happy new voomer.