VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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I keep on searching for the "stronger programming" that Dish added to replace Voom but can't find it. All I see is cartoons, news programs, weather, and a lot of sd or stretched material.
I keep on searching for the "stronger programming" that Dish added to replace Voom but can't find it. All I see is cartoons, news programs, weather, and a lot of sd or stretched material.

MGM HD sure is not a replacement for Film Fest. They are showing some movies with the lowest IMDB ratings ever, and many of them totally bombed at the boxoffice. This is too bad considering MGM own the United Artists library which has thousands of GOOD movies. Bond, Pink Panther, Chitty Bang Bang, The Apartment, ect. What's funny is that FilmFest was showing alot of United Artists pictures that were better (Exodus, Man of La Mancha, well known westerns, ect).

Oh well.
I finally watched Poltergiest that I DVR'd off of Monsters a few months ago. What a great presentation. Pq was great but the DD for a 1982 movie was awesome. Monsters (Voom) really transfered to hd very well. MGM in this regard has been poor. Do they even present in DD? I still have not found much to watch on these new HD/SD channels. Very poor offering IMO. I guess if you like a ton of Cartoons, political stations, and fishing your in heaven now.

I totally missed Poltergeist on MonstersHD, DARN IT!
we will not necessraily hear the term ofa deal with Cablevisoin. IF we do great. But if it i still there and there is no announcement it could mean anything from the two sides ageeing to carriage at the old rates while they negitiaite to a lonh term deal.
I'm still wondering why the PQ went downhill. HD Looks better on D* now ,and it never used to.

Interesting. I get basic cable for free QAM through Comcast. Sometimes Discoveryhd sneaks through and I compare it to Dish. The pq on Comcast is noticably better than on Dish. Brighter and sharper/better on motion.
I don't think that Ergen is going to be replaced if for no other reason than just because he controls amajority of the voting shares. But if you are that dissatisfied perhaps you should leave DISH.

A lot of us are considering leaving Dish and some already have. I believe people pissed about Dish's handling of Voom are using this threat/site to weigh our decisions.

People are taking time to switch, I'm not doing it just because of Voom, but it's a big big factor.

Leaving Dish when I move to Hawaii would have hurt bad if Voom was up and running. Now I really do not care about Dish and look forward to signing with DirecTV.

This will give Dish 2 years to replace DirecTV as an HD leader again.

I fully believe in switching, these two companies often take 2-3 years to out do the other. Switch in the beginning and enjoy the best service, when the power shifts again, then switch again. I've never had a contract last longer that the power switch, if you switch as soon as the power shifts. It has never cost me any extra money to switch either.

For me, DirecTV was better before Dish got Voom and their new DVRs. I switched and enjoyed 3 years of superior programming (including voom , which no one will probably ever see again). Today, DirecTV has better service and more national channels and more premium HD channels and an ever improving DVR (with no fear of being deactivated by a court ruling).

This should give Dish 2 years to launch birds, get new channels, clear their court cases and make me want them more than DirecTV.

Good luck Dish Network! I don't want you any more, but maybe one day you can change that (and 2 more years of soon isn't going to cut it, I need to see change in reality first).
A lot of us are considering leaving Dish and some already have. I believe people pissed about Dish's handling of Voom are using this threat/site to weigh our decisions.

People are taking time to switch, I'm not doing it just because of Voom, but it's a big big factor.

Leaving Dish when I move to Hawaii would have hurt bad if Voom was up and running. Now I really do not care about Dish and look forward to signing with DirecTV.

This will give Dish 2 years to replace DirecTV as an HD leader again.

I fully believe in switching, these two companies often take 2-3 years to out do the other. Switch in the beginning and enjoy the best service, when the power shifts again, then switch again. I've never had a contract last longer that the power switch, if you switch as soon as the power shifts. It has never cost me any extra money to switch either.

For me, DirecTV was better before Dish got Voom and their new DVRs. I switched and enjoyed 3 years of superior programming (including voom , which no one will probably ever see again). Today, DirecTV has better service and more national channels and more premium HD channels and an ever improving DVR (with no fear of being deactivated by a court ruling).

This should give Dish 2 years to launch birds, get new channels, clear their court cases and make me want them more than DirecTV.

Good luck Dish Network! I don't want you any more, but maybe one day you can change that (and 2 more years of soon isn't going to cut it, I need to see change in reality first).

I have no problem with that. If you feel that way you should. I am skeptical about another poster's comments about foricing ergen out over this. But I completely agree that people that are dissatisified witha service provider should switch to another.
I have no problem with that. If you feel that way you should. I am skeptical about another poster's comments about foricing ergen out over this. But I completely agree that people that are dissatisified witha service provider should switch to another.

I doubt that would ever happen but Charlie seems to be making some questionable decisions lately. This might have some stockholders nervous. First the big fib before Voom was taken off, the Voom feasco, and all these legal problems. I would be a little nervous if I owned stock in E*.
VOOM was one of the best things that happened to Dish Network in a long time. Not only it made them HD leaders overnight, but it also made them different and unique. Now it's all lost. :(

First, Dish Network have lost their leadership to DirecTV in the quantity of channels. Now, by dropping VOOM, they've lost their uniqueness too. They've dropped the ball in the quality department as well: by replacing 24-hour commercial-free HD-only channels (which in spite of excessive repeats had a lot of quality programming to offer) with channels that hardly have any HD programs and most of which are not much different from their SD counterparts.

The only edge that Dish Network still have is their equipment. But that alone may not be enough to keep their customers happy.

Bad move Dish!
Dish's equipment will only be better for so long, when Directv catches up Dish will have nothing to offer that the other doesnt, Voom was unique to Dish and they got rid of them.
First, Dish Network have lost their leadership to DirecTV in the quantity of channels. Now, by dropping VOOM, they've lost their uniqueness too.

Charlie still claims that Dish is the hd leader!:) And that is what Charlie could be banking on. Why would we switch if we are just getting more of the same crap Dish already offers?
It's amazing that Direct ever managed to pass DISH in new subscribers without the wonderful bounty that was VOOM, and by adding all those channels that never show any HD when they had even less. Must have been all sports related, I guess. Most new subs have never even heard of VOOM, and beyond the 5 or 10 people who post over and over about it on threads like this, most on here aren't passionate about it. For all the complaining that goes on, look at all the people who used to post regularly about new HD and don't nearly as much now because we got those channels that the majority wanted.
It's amazing that Direct ever managed to pass DISH in new subscribers without the wonderful bounty that was VOOM, and by adding all those channels that never show any HD when they had even less. Must have been all sports related, I guess. Most new subs have never even heard of VOOM, and beyond the 5 or 10 people who post over and over about it on threads like this, most on here aren't passionate about it. For all the complaining that goes on, look at all the people who used to post regularly about new HD and don't nearly as much now because we got those channels that the majority wanted.

Its called marketing. D* is far superior in how they market their product. Though expensive to make those commercials really worked well for them. And in the last year or so their marketing machine has been going like crazy. Popular celebs, claims of 100 hd channels, nfl ticket. How could Charlie compete with that. The fact he claims to still be the hd leader should give you some idea about what this guy is about.
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Just wanted to say THANKS.

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