gutter said:
Justa lurker...All you have been doing in all the threads you participate is make accusations and claims you can't back up. I agree with you in many things you say especially about Cablevison confirming their plans, but being mean and vicious is hardly the answer. This is a forum for VOOM supporters. You obviously made a wrong turn and found the wrong board. We all make just seem to make more than most.
I agree! Justavoomstalker is blinded by his lame trolleresque agenda, which is getting very old, very fast. Hopefully, he will soon depart this Forum and move on to a better place where he will find contentment. I would like to take this opportunity to complete Justa______'s (fill in the blank) pathetic Epitaph, "Brothers, do not be ignorant...rude, crude or blatantly argumentative and annoying like me."
Just added entry #3 in my Ignore List. Thank goodness I don't have to moderate this Forum. Is it possible to create a VOOM Troll Forum and limit access to some of our notorious posters? Perhaps new Forum members should be restricted in their ability to post until they have earned additional privileges by posting useful information and commentary. I don't certainly don't mind people posting valid complaints about their VOOM Service, but the Trolls, who typically have never subscribed to VOOM, are posting so much garbage on this Forum that I find myself spending less-and-less time here. I can just as easily find these VOOM haters at the AVSFORUM.
Personally, I feel this is the best maintained, best organized, best staffed, and most up-to-date Forum on the far!!! However, my only complaint is that the Trolls have way too much freedom to spew their 'Death to VOOM, VOOM is DOOM' propaganda. I, for one, would like to see this Forum locked down much tighter in regards to posting rights. I am wrong? Perhaps I'm just way too sensitive.