Bradley...a reasonable judgement. I just don't understand why some are so hateful. VOOM may or may not last, but why do some go out of their way to just be spiteful to those who do support VOOM. After all, this is the VOOM forum isn't it? Maye I have been lurking in the wrong place all these months.
There are those who thrive feeding off the misery of others. You may even attempt to assist them in recognizing there are more beneficial methods of communication, yet they will persist attacking in their narcissism.

Remember the age-old-adage, "misery love's company."

Censer is the only viable means to deal with those who do not respect others while they abuse their own civil liberties.
There is a topic in this thread, right? The purpose of this thread isn't for certain Voom supporters to post personal attacks and refuse to back up their accusations and claims when called to account.

We await real word from the FCC ... not just assumptions based on the titles of documents and guesses based on meetings we barely can prove happened.
We await real word from Cablevision ... 4Q figures to show how well their fall efforts paid off and not assumptions based on "how busy" certain installers felt.
We await real word from Echostar ... on what they plan on doing with their latest aquisitions of transponders and satellite.

Justa lurker...All you have been doing in all the threads you participate is make accusations and claims you can't back up. I agree with you in many things you say especially about Cablevison confirming their plans, but being mean and vicious is hardly the answer. This is a forum for VOOM supporters. You obviously made a wrong turn and found the wrong board. We all make mistakes...you just seem to make more than most.
gutter said:
Justa lurker...All you have been doing in all the threads you participate is make accusations and claims you can't back up. I agree with you in many things you say especially about Cablevison confirming their plans, but being mean and vicious is hardly the answer. This is a forum for VOOM supporters. You obviously made a wrong turn and found the wrong board. We all make mistakes...you just seem to make more than most.
You know, this board would be more fun without your lies. This isn't a forum for "supporters" ... this is a forum for discussing Voom. Deal with it or leave. And certainly stop posting lies like what you have above.

The other thread got closed before I could answer your question. You can wish Voom in to eternal existance all you want to. But it is a blind wish not based on the facts. Facts that include Cablevision selling the assets that make Voom a satellite service. Facts that include no announced plan for continuance beyond the completion of that sale.

gutter said:
Justa lurker...All you have been doing in all the threads you participate is make accusations and claims you can't back up. I agree with you in many things you say especially about Cablevison confirming their plans, but being mean and vicious is hardly the answer. This is a forum for VOOM supporters. You obviously made a wrong turn and found the wrong board. We all make mistakes...you just seem to make more than most.
I agree! Justavoomstalker is blinded by his lame trolleresque agenda, which is getting very old, very fast. Hopefully, he will soon depart this Forum and move on to a better place where he will find contentment. I would like to take this opportunity to complete Justa______'s (fill in the blank) pathetic Epitaph, "Brothers, do not be ignorant...rude, crude or blatantly argumentative and annoying like me."

Just added entry #3 in my Ignore List. Thank goodness I don't have to moderate this Forum. Is it possible to create a VOOM Troll Forum and limit access to some of our notorious posters? Perhaps new Forum members should be restricted in their ability to post until they have earned additional privileges by posting useful information and commentary. I don't certainly don't mind people posting valid complaints about their VOOM Service, but the Trolls, who typically have never subscribed to VOOM, are posting so much garbage on this Forum that I find myself spending less-and-less time here. I can just as easily find these VOOM haters at the AVSFORUM.

Personally, I feel this is the best maintained, best organized, best staffed, and most up-to-date Forum on the net...by far!!! However, my only complaint is that the Trolls have way too much freedom to spew their 'Death to VOOM, VOOM is DOOM' propaganda. I, for one, would like to see this Forum locked down much tighter in regards to posting rights. I am wrong? Perhaps I'm just way too sensitive. :rolleyes:
Everybody has a right to their respective opinions, it is what keeps this country this forum and many forums from becoming redundant and boring.
Why doesn't someone lock this tread. It has become unreadable as far as the original topic goes.
Thread has been locked for clean up. All personal attacks and OT discussion will be deleted. All who were involved in the personal attacks and OT discussion have been sent individual PMs. Thanks for your cooperation. Once the clean up is done, thread will be open once again.
To All Members:

At Satelliteguys we tried to give you the best information available in the satellite business today. Sometimes the FACTS are known (such as public information) while others are not. While we do not mind anyone posting their own opinion (whether bias or not), we do mind when the posts become Off-Topic and personal. The latter do not help our community. In fact, most people don't want to go through endless amount of post trying to find the good information.

On this particular thread, the first few posts were good information but at the end of it, it has become worthless. I have warned everyone involved to stay away from these type of discussion in our main forums.

We appreciate your cooperation on this matter.

justalurker said:
They can ... assuming E* would lease the space back. But at this point in time there is no such deal.

Post Edited by Moderator

According to another thread the FCC doesn't even have a filing yet for a transfer so technically (at this particular moment 17 days after the public annoucement) there is no request for a transfer on the FCC docket. So as far as the FCC in concerned, the clock hasn't even begun. VOOM is frozen in a legal time warp.
justalurker said:
Your verbosity in this and other posts in the forum astounds me, and yet mean little unless Mr Dolan has the fortitude to support your prognostications. Are you basing your opinions on internet rumors and industry reporting or do you have insider knowledge of the dealings within Cablevision?


What do you care if people WANT to write letters? Anybody can write any goverment office that they choose. What is your vested interest if someone wants to write this letter or eight more just like it?

You don't like it? Don't write one but stop discouraging discourse between people and their goverment.

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