Who said they have any intention of voiding the contract?
There are more backroom politics involved than what has been reported in the FCC filings. I do believe that there is much more to come. Also I agree with the post about mistakes by corp. You should never have full faith in any attorney to know every detail. Sometimes the file quickly and make mistakes ...sometimes it is not a mistake but intential to allow more time. We will see.
GadgetRick said:
So you're saying, "FCC, step in and stop CVC from selling an asset which they've deemed as unprofitable and they're selling because they've gotten pressure from the shareholders?" Think about that for a minute.

Ok, did you think about it? Now, let's say you want to sell your home (an asset of yours). And the government comes in and tells you you're not allowed to sell it because they really really like you. But you're selling teh house because it's your last ditch effort to keep from going into foreclosure. You wouldn't like that much would you? Well, this is what you're trying to get the FCC to do.

CVC has the right to sell their own assets. I would hope the FCC would look at this request and laugh at it as they balled it up and threw it into the trash. Don't we have enough government involvement in our lives? Hasn't the FCC screwed up enough things in this country?

Now, if the FTC comes in and deems the sale as creating a monopoly (this won't happen) then, based on the laws in this country, they could put the kabash on the deal. But that won't happen. Your argument of, "Don't let them sell it because I really really like Voom," is ridiculous at best. Insulting to CVC shareholders at worst.

The Rickster

The sale must be I hope in the best interest of the industry and of the consumer. (1) It is not in the best interest of those consumers who have paid for receivers which will be useless (2) It is does not enhance the competitiveness of the industry (3) Why would a $1.4B bird only be sold for $200M. Maybe because the price was so low for E* so they will continue beaming the programming. Their infrastructure is in place so how much would it cost them to maintain the bird and continue the programming? This is the only reason I can see that it was sold so cheaply. Any other answers?
bryan27 said:
I found something of major importance.
We have been talking about that restriction on TP23/24 for the past two months - and especially the past two weeks. But thanks for 'breaking' the story. I understand Voom is selling a satellite. Hear anything about that? :D

The FCC held up Voom as an example of what could be done with Eastern bandwidth. And Voom is now failing the FCC by desiring to sell that bandwidth. It makes E* argument EASIER. Niche satellite services cannot survive on a few transponders. SkyAngel would not be in the air if it were not for the deal they worked out with Echostar (a deal that cost SA 75% of their bandwidth). Several other companies disolved in to E* and D* over the years.

Want a good example of an E* win? E* purchasing the MCI licenses at 110. MCI bought the licenses at auction and ended up selling them to E*. 28 TP in prime territory - yet E* was allowed to complete the sale.

The FCC is not 100% against E* and they are not 100% stupid. They cannot force V* to remain an active service and they have no other DBS company or potential DBS entrant requesting space at 61.5 . In addition, only E* and V* have shown any intrest in the remaining Western slots - V* being the ONLY bidder for 175 and 166 and E* being the ONLY bidder for 157 (less what they already had). Who is this magical company who will swoop in and offer a unique and profitable service from 61.5? No takers?

The silly thing is that the "new entrants" are not looking for wing transponders. They keep filing for non-existant (on the US assignment) slots. Perhaps if one of these dreamer companies would suggest THEY could take over Rainbow's space at 61.5 there would be an option. But from all appearances they don't want wing space. They want the tweener slots.

kfried001 said:
(1) It is not in the best interest of those consumers who have paid for receivers which will be useless
At this point that is less than 26,000 people (since a segment of Voom subscribers rent receivers and have not paid for them). Providing that platform to a company that can fill it with programming of use to hundreds of thousands if not millions is in the best interest of more people.
kfried001 said:
(2) It is does not enhance the competitiveness of the industry
It does between the #1 and #2 provider. Even the FCC has questioned how long the niche of providing HD would remain exclusive to V*.
kfried001 said:
(3) Why would a $1.4B bird only be sold for $200M. Maybe because the price was so low for E* so they will continue beaming the programming.
Fire sale pricing. Cablevision wanted out of the Voom business. So they sold NOT ONLY the bird, but all their active licenses and a state of the art brand new uplink center. E* continuing V* programing is speculation. At this point E* can walk away from V* and make no other deals for any other part of the Voom business. Continuing to carry V* HD on those transponders was NOT part of the deal - and there would be serious penalties if it were and has not been disclosed.

justalurker said:
I understand Voom is selling a satellite. Hear anything about that? :D


Trying to sell a satellite or pretending too? Who says they can't sell the it and then lease it back. done all the time in business to conserve cash and faster write off.
Rainbow Media Holdings LLC said Wednesday that it has reached several distribution agreements.

The Cablevision Systems Corp. unit said it has reached deals with both cable operators and direct-broadcast satellite providers for its services such as AMC, WE: Women's Entertainment, The Independent Film Channel, Fuse and its FSN regional sports networks.

Rainbow said it signed pacts covering some or all of its programming services with DirecTV Inc., EchoStar Communications Corp.'s Dish Network, Comcast Corp., Adelphia Communications Corp. and Mediacom Communications Corp.

"Rainbow is pleased to have secured important long-term distribution agreements with both satellite providers and cable operators," CEO Josh Sapan said in a prepared statement. "We are pleased to continue to partner with our distributors in offering Rainbow's diverse portfolio of popular programming services to their subscribers."
rkr0923 said:
Rainbow Media Holdings LLC said Wednesday that it has reached several distribution agreements.

The Cablevision Systems Corp. unit said it has reached deals with both cable operators and direct-broadcast satellite providers for its services such as AMC, WE: Women's Entertainment, The Independent Film Channel, Fuse and its FSN regional sports networks.

This is Rainbow Media related. Not Rainbow DBS. This programming is just continuing the distribution of the RSN's and themed channels like WE and IFC. probably related to new pricing. Voom is not mentioned, because there is already an agreement in place.
gutter said:
Trying to sell a satellite or pretending too?
Pretending to do something in a public business can land you in jail. Cablevision made a filing with the SEC stating what they were doing. Making false statements to the SEC is NOT a good idea.
MarcelV said:
Voom is not mentioned, because there is already an agreement in place.
The cognative dissonance is turned WAY UP isn't it? Voom is not mentioned because it is NOT part of the deal mentioned. It is impure speculation that there is already a deal in place. Go ahead, keep deluding yourselves. :)

BTW: The "withdrawal" of the request for transfer at the FCC noted earlier in the thread refers to an EARTH STATION not the satellite, and it could easily be for a defect in the application. (One obvious one is that the "from" licensee is not noted.) But go ahead and put on the blinders and believe the whole deal is falling through. I can't stop you. :D


You could have aptly chosen words that would not be so obviously hostile and offensive.

Why not use syntax that would enlighten as opposed to scorching the Earth?

This is why I mentioned censure to you, previously. Censure does not require having an individual removed; you are simply ignored by the forum body.

Individuals who discuss these matters select their mode of communication to be informative as opposed to hostile.

Those of us who are Voom clients stand to suffer a great loss; something you have no experience with since you are only a DishNetwork client.
bradley said:
Those of us who are Voom clients stand to suffer a great loss;

This is programming and a service provider (TV, right?). While there are several events in life that can be considered a "great loss", this isn't one of them. Things need to be kept in their proper perspective.

bradley said:
Nothing to do with the topic in your message Bradley.
Please cease in the personal attacks.

NightRyder said:
This is programming and a service provider (TV, right?). While there are several events in life that can be considered a "great loss", this isn't one of them. Things need to be kept in their proper perspective.
Agreed. Over the years I've lost a spouse, a few aunts and uncles, all my grandparents, and several childhood pets. (Amazing how the then devistating loss of a pet is nothing in the grand scope of life.) Losing a satellite service? Not even on the chart. (Even if it were E*.)

MarcelV said:
This is Rainbow Media related. Not Rainbow DBS. This programming is just continuing the distribution of the RSN's and themed channels like WE and IFC. probably related to new pricing. Voom is not mentioned, because there is already an agreement in place.

I am going to make a little leap, Rainbow Media owns 49% of DTV-Norwich which owns about 40% of the MVDSS spectrum, E* thru South.com also owns about 40% of that spectrum, the spectrum is Earth Based ( you can hook the repeaters to Cell Phone Towers for example ) so maybe the term "EARTH STATION" means something, or nothing because looking at the FCC site gives no clues ( what a pain in the a** site )

Just a guess like the rest of these posts on this thread. :confused:

Post was edited by moderator.
You two lack common courtesy and gentlemanly traits. I would imagine both of you are seemingly unhappy with life in general. Why else would you lash out at others in such hateful ways. You two are simply pathetic as your sole existence is to simply argue and put down others. What a cheap source of satisfaction. You must really loath yourselves. You two, Nightryder and ustalurker, are without exception juvenile, selfish; clearly narcissistic.

I am sorry for your past losses. We all have experienced our losses. How you could equate those types of losses to Voom just goes to show how narrowly focused you really are.

Again, neither of you have Voom and what you pose in your constant rhetoric does not lean toward what is in the interest of the American public, only your's and how it could benefit your provider.

Furthermore, killing cookies while using multiple schemes to vote more than once is real mature, isn't it?
justalurker said:
But go ahead and put on the blinders and believe the whole deal is falling through. I can't stop you. :D


Take your blinders off. You only answered the first part of my statement but not the next. Rainbow can sell the satellite and fold the VOOM channels into a programming servi e like the others or lease back the same trasponsders and continue as they are. That is also a "transition. " Like I said... lots of options but you haven't hit one right yet. Your credibility is slowly falling into the gutter. (so to speak) The door hasn't closed no matter how much you try to slam it shut.
MarcelV said:
This is Rainbow Media related. Not Rainbow DBS. This programming is just continuing the distribution of the RSN's and themed channels like WE and IFC. probably related to new pricing. Voom is not mentioned, because there is already an agreement in place.

If wall street is right and Cablevison does go up for sale they will be worth more will all these new contracts. This could be a sign beacause Rainbows initail spin off from Cablebvision was going to include Voom as well as AMC WE AND IFC
bradley said:
You two lack common courtesy and gentlemanly traits. I would imagine both of you are seemingly unhappy with life in general. Why else would you lash out at others in such hateful ways. You two are simply pathetic as your sole existence is to simply argue and put down others. What a cheap source of satisfaction. You must really loath yourselves. You two, Nightryder and ustalurker, are without exception juvenile, selfish; clearly narcissistic.
Once again, you have posted personal attacks. Have you nothing more to say about the topic?

bradley said:
Again, neither of you have Voom and what you pose in your constant rhetoric does not lean toward what is in the interest of the American public, only your's and how it could benefit your provider.
According to the CIA, the population of the USA is 293,027,571 (July 2004).
There are currently just less that 25 million subscribers to satellite, just over 11 million subscribe to E* (10% of the Cable/Satellite TV market).
At last report there were 26,000 subscribers to Voom.
The interest of the American public is 10,000 times bigger than Voom.

bradley said:
Furthermore, killing cookies while using multiple schemes to vote more than once is real mature, isn't it?
An interesting accusation. Are you confessing or do you not like the way the vote is going?

gutter said:
Rainbow can sell the satellite and fold the VOOM channels into a programming servi e like the others or lease back the same trasponsders and continue as they are.
They can ... assuming E* would lease the space back. But at this point in time there is no such deal.

If I never saw a post again that ASSUMED there was such a deal, I would be a very happy camper.

justalurker said:
]PS: You may wish to slow down and type cleaner. Numerous typographical errors are a sure sign of a heated unthought rant.[/SIZE]

Of course you are right.... I should be more careful about my typing. But I am finally glad you admit that you are rant(ing) and lack thought.
bradley said:
More mindless rambling drivel deleted

When V* dies. PLEASE, PLEASE choose D* or cable.

Unlike Lurker I don't find you worth any further time or effort. Adieu. Ploink!


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