Since you didn’t reference the post you were replying to, I will apologize in advance if I am wrong, but it appeared to me that you were replying to TYORK. If that’s the case, I think you owe her an apology. You know, don't shoot the messenger....
(TYORK, please excuse me if I’m wrong, but I thought I saw a reference somewhere that indicated you were a female.)
bradley said:
Perhaps your geographical location has their organization operating in a way it should. But, that was not my experience. I'm sorry, I just don't buy it. I am 63 miles from the transmission farm. To show up at my residence with a Stealth that's rated approximately 13-17 miles for metro use is an insult and a waste of my time
This is my absolute unforgivable personal experience and I have little patience for those who continue to deny there was and is a problem. Fringe installations were an issue. No excuses..
She didn’t ask you to
buy anything, and she didn’t offer any
excuses. She stated the facts as she knows them regarding the OTA. I won’t go into the whole story here (you can check my posts around June or July if you’re interested), but I’m rather certain that my install experiences would back her up, right down to:
TYORK said:
The main thing that is kill VOOM is the OTA that is what 99.9% of the service call are for and the installer can only do so much with the antenna that is provided. But for the must part the antenna provided do a pretty good job.
My original antenna got the channels, just couldn’t keep them. The installer with the first upgrade was a good guy, but the upgrade wouldn’t even get the channels. He spent about 5 or 6 hours in 105 degree heat fixing my original horrendous install and trying the upgrade antenna. And this was on a three-day-weekend Friday night. I finally told him to give it up and leave the original antenna and I went back to VOOM for a further upgrade.
bradley said:
Many of us are informed customers. It's pretty pathetic when you have to explain the difference between a pre-amp and a line amp to a qualified technician and Install's, Inc, Dish Connect, etc.
It's even more pathetic when the show up twice with a line amp.
These people only knew satellite installation. Not OTA capture.
I agree with most of the points you make here,
except for the first one. Many people on this board
are very well informed, but there are also
many (if not most) who are NOT. Using the knowledge I picked up from this board, I too, quickly understood how pathetic it was that I, an absolute idiot with this technology, was frequently telling an installer something I learned here, and hearing him say, “Really?? I didn’t know that…”. That is inexcusable. The customer shouln’t have to know the technician’s job, but it happens.
bradley said:
How much does Install's, Inc. invoice Voom p/visit?
How much has Install's, Inc. invoiced Voom for?
How much is a customer's time worth?
How many jobs were completed in:
1 Visit
2 Visits
3 Visits
4 Visits
5 or more Visits
How many canceled due to lack of OTA capture?
Hardware costs for final functional OTA capture was less than $100 + countless hours, ruined days , arriving w/o parts, unneeded box swaps, and no shows, different techs.
Valid questions
all. But questions that only rightfully should be answered by Installs, Inc. top management, not TYORK. Frankly, she has shared information with us that sometimes made me wonder if she was putting herself in a vulnerable position. I think we should just be thankful she’s willing to share as much as she can, and I don’t believe she should be assaulted with questions that are the responsibility of Installs, Inc. top management team.
bradley said:
If Voom had compiled exit poles and QA poles, and if Install's, Inc. had done the same, I assure you we would not be in our present state.
100% agreement here, but in VOOM’s defense, they
were doing exit surveys (referenced in one of my old posts). I never heard from Installs.
Bradley, for the most part, I agree with points I’ve seen you make on these forums, and feel that you are knowledgeable and do generate thoughts and discussion of things that are imperative for VOOM to address if they live through this crisis.
However, I really think you need to dial it back a notch. In my opinion, you are coming off now as being way too full of yourself, and many people stop paying attention to folks like that. You have a lot to offer, and I’d hate to see people skipping your posts because of that.
Just one last little rant, and this is only
my sense of decorum…
and I may well be out of line here…but the welcome to SonicRob and solicitation for him to email you to solve his problem seemed a bit presumptuous to me. The staff and moderators usually welcome newcomers to the forums they preside over, and I really can’t recall anyone suggesting someone email them to solve a problem. In the end, I can’t really be certain whether it was TYORK’s assistance or yours that got him up and running, but it seems that problems have a better chance of being solved, and may also benefit more than just the poster, if there is more than one mind working on it.
Just my opinions.
Fire at will, anyone who blindfold is in place!