Voom alive in main stream media


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Original poster
Jan 12, 2005

Voom accepting customers after Cablevision said no
Wed Mar 2, 2005 08:01 PM ET
By Kenneth Li
NEW YORK, March 2 (Reuters) - Cablevision Systems Corp.'s (CVC.N: Quote, Profile, Research) satellite television service VOOM appeared to be accepting new customers on Wednesday, two days after the company vowed to shut VOOM down.

Yum, yum, yum!! Those troll bugs are getting tastier by the minute!
Sure glad somebody's on it in the media!
All ink is good ink...especially if it's FREE!

"Reuters.com - No Spin. No Agenda. Just the Facts. As they happen."
Now this guy from the article...
Craig Moffett, analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein said VOOM would lose more money if it acquired more new subscribers. "The nature of the beast is what really consumes cash in the startup is customer acquisition costs," he said.
...may be have a point, but I think he seriously underestimates the movement that is afoot! Previous problems have been worked out, current problems are being worked on, and VoOM is here to stay!!
I know this is highly unlikey, but it seems like a ploy to get at least a few more subscribers and free publicity. Ever since this has happened it seems like a few people have stepped up and orderd voom. However if they planned on this for marketing it would be one terrible marketing decison, in my opinion.

Been gone for a couple weeks, anything interesting happen?

VOOM-Aid Concert on Pay Per View--why not?

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