Voom Alive! --- 21 days & counting (post sale of Rainbow 1)

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This was posted at AVSForum by Paul Seng. Based on his posting history, I give credibility to Paul (but I can't tell about the credibility of his source):
I have talked to someone who talks to Voom management on a weekly basis. The jist I got was that Chuck is right now putting together a package with his own money and a few other investors to outbid E*. He has about 5 months to get this together. the # of subs is between 40-45K now (guessimate on the managers part) and there is a huge demand on Motorola now to keep pace with new installs. This is coming from one Orourke manager who is in charge of the SE for independent dealers.

I don't think that at this point Mr. Dolan is in a position to reverse the sale of the Rainbow-1 to E*, but maybe he's trying to buy the remaining of VOOM and use Rainbow-2. Anyway, I'm not hoding my breath on that. Only time will tell...
dlm10541 said:
It was probably noticed but many posters can't deal with anything close to factual.

I have my fingers crossed for Voom-there are many reasonable positive scenarios even including Dish.

Dish can't offer it unless they license it like they do AMC WE and etc from cablevison.l Didn't say anything about that possibility.
I don't think that at this point Mr. Dolan is in a position to reverse the sale of the Rainbow-1 to E*, but maybe he's trying to buy the remaining of VOOM and use Rainbow-2. QUOTE]

How can you say that? He controls the majority of the stock and the way he goes so goes VOOM. Just as long as he isn't being given a better deal that hurts the minority interests. I share your hopes too.

mikeywilk said:
You dont think SuperDish is launched? You gotta be joking. WOW!

Yeah mikeywilk, it's part of the star wars missile defense system that Reagan wanted to build, right.
I notice that comcast has them though

Tvlman said:
Any satellite service can purchase the rights to the premium movie channels that only VOOM carries. I'm speaking of Encore HD, The Movie Channel HD, Starz HD East & West, and Cinemax HD East & West. Dish and DirecTv to date simply aren't interested because 1- additional bandwidth needed 2- more SD channels can be crowded into the bandwidth and 3- PPV receipts would go down as they don't offer HD selections.

The VOOM channels I'd like them to retain are Monsters, Equator, Rush, Rave (only 24 hour HD music channel on TV), Gallery and HDNEWS. BTW anyone notice the HDNEWS Anchor being especially animated and doing sports ala ESPN this morning? Maybe he's audtitioning?
If Voom goes away, unless dish or direct increase their HD lineup, I will go with comcast
It looks like it'll be aroound for at least a month.

I had always intended to subscribe but I wanted to exhaust the $200 rebate deal for local HD cable, then I'd change to voom. Just as I'm ready to switch, Voom's doomed.

After the turn of the calendar page and voom is still looming, I call and order. Installs for the Superbowl are up so they can't do it in just 7 days but they can install in 10. I'm set for Valentine Day install. Whew.

Then I realize my Cable account ends closer to the end of the month, So I called back and am scheduled to install in March 1.

They are setting dates that far out, and finishing installs in the short term, so maybe it ain't over.

Consider this, even if E* buys the sat, it could take months or even years to finalize a plan and actually ramp up the sat for E* broadcast. It's not just flipping a switch, at E* mission control and "pow" everyones receivers are bringdown rainbow feeds.

How long does it take to just roll out an interim software update? Now what will it take to make a cosmic leap between birds.

E* could be holding the bird in inventory and leasing it back to Voom for quite a while. Giving Voom an opportunity to tweak it's marketing and finally leaping to a new rainbow in a civilized and orderly manner.
No install for me

tinman said:
I am also scheduled for an install. It is this Thursday between 8 AM and 12 PM. I will also let everyone know if it happens and if the installer has any insight. I did get my Welcome to Voom package in the mail on Friday. I too hope that if they happen to go under, E* will continue the service using Voom's equipment. I currently have E* but wanted to go HD and think that Voom has the best programming for that.

Well, I received a call yesterday from the installer stating that due to the bad weather, broken down trucks and installers calling out sick, they had to postpone my install to next Thursday. I really wanted to see the Super Bowl in HD so I am kinda bummed about that. Hopefully I won't get cancelled again. If so I will cancel the order.
How about Va-Va-Voom until the end?

Any thoughts about signing up for Va-Va-Voom for the remaining days? My worry about that is getting entangled with some billing snafu at the end, but it would be nice to enjoy and record some extra hd until the end.
elocs said:
Any thoughts about signing up for Va-Va-Voom for the remaining days? My worry about that is getting entangled with some billing snafu at the end, but it would be nice to enjoy and record some extra hd until the end.

No one really knows. I think I would sign up if they're still offering the $1 install. Downside risk is minimal. Even if they screw up the billing, for the most part you can get that worked out with your credit card company.
Hey tinman, does your tv have a tuner built in? or do you have a stand alone tuner?
If you have a tuner already for your HDTV, then you can us an OTA to get your locals if you are close enough.
JimP said:
No one really knows. I think I would sign up if they're still offering the $1 install. Downside risk is minimal. Even if they screw up the billing, for the most part you can get that worked out with your credit card company.

Well, I went for it and it took all of 5 minutes to get Va-Va-Voom. The CSR was as happy as a lark and seemingly oblivious. My monthly bill will go from $52.12 to $94.32 for however long it lasts. If I downgrade I lose my grandfathering and will pay an extra $10 per month. Also, they are still charging tax and I thought there was a big thing about how they shouldn't do this.

I must admit that the channels all look good, even the sd ones. There are certainly lots of 2 star and less movies on and the good ones I have already seen. But, what the heck? How long can it last?
Installer/Retailer Comments

DirectTV and DishNet are in disarray. Ten year old satellites aren't cutting in anymore (there HD isn't really HD, it's 480p at best). The HD movement has begun. Voom has more than 1 satellite, as far as I know, and I certainly hope the Voom service continues as the 'Superior' sat. service available. I have replaced DirectTV with Voom for several customers, and have had nothing but praise. What Voom needs is an 'HD Sports' package, however, not all sports venues contain HD camera's.

As a retailer/installer, at the Voom conference, I was informed that Cablevision has many disgruntled networks, which results in problems for Voom obtaining those networks for there serivce. Voom wants to disassociate itself form Cablevision.

As of 2.1.05 - Distributors of Voom say "No Deal". Retailers of Voom say "The Voom service will continue". Installers of Voom say "Your gonna have to pay me to remove the receivers and satellite". :)

Take a look at the new thread about VOOM and echostar going to the FCC concerning the other satellite.
jbcheshire said:
Hey tinman, does your tv have a tuner built in? or do you have a stand alone tuner?
If you have a tuner already for your HDTV, then you can us an OTA to get your locals if you are close enough.

Thanks jbcheshire. I'm actually buying an HDTV on Saturday. I wasn't planning on buying it with a tuner installed but now I'm not sure. I was having the Voom installed prior to getting the TV as I had to wait to get my bonus this weekend and the installer doesn't install on Saturdays. I live about 26 miles from the locals which means rabbit ears will not cut it. Has anyone used the powered indoor antennas? If so, do they work?
tinman said:
Thanks jbcheshire. I'm actually buying an HDTV on Saturday. I wasn't planning on buying it with a tuner installed but now I'm not sure. I was having the Voom installed prior to getting the TV as I had to wait to get my bonus this weekend and the installer doesn't install on Saturdays. I live about 26 miles from the locals which means rabbit ears will not cut it. Has anyone used the powered indoor antennas? If so, do they work?

I used Zenith Silver Sensor indoor antenna and have gotten good results, but then your mileage will vary depending on where you live.
x1322 said:
DirectTV and DishNet are in disarray. Ten year old satellites aren't cutting in anymore (there HD isn't really HD, it's 480p at best).

Huh? Got plenty of channels in 1080I. Get your facts straight!
Voom Infomercials

Hi All,

Just to let you all know that I'm watching a full half hour infomercial for Voom on KCAL-TV Los Angeles now. 2/6/05 11:30 AM Pacific Time. I'm thinking that Voom is not going away.

RJ :)
hieight said:
Hi All,

I'm thinking that Voom is not going away.

RJ :)
Nice to see people finally putting two and two together. Your observations make good sense. Hope they are right.
For a company going under they sure are adding a lot a new content, installing a number of new systems and advertising like crazy. Say what you will about Cinema10, but the quantity, selection and quality (OAR) are getting better each and every month; combined, Cinema10 is 10-20x better than HDNet Movies IMO. I had knee surgery Friday afternoon so I decided to stay at home and sit on my behind all day - first time I've done this in quite a while. Although I have VA VA VOOM, I'm sticking to the Cinema10 channels and there is plenty to watch. I'm currently flipping between The Greatest (Mohammed Ali), The Big Boss (Bruce Lee) and Easy Rider (an American Classic). What's not to love about Cinema10? Never mind...I just realized these are crappy old movies...1977, 1971, 1969. :rolleyes:
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