Video stutters/freezes

Thanks Matt... My switch is a DPP 1K.2 w/ Separator.

A new development: I was watching E! HD last night, and saw the same stuttering there. So it's not just limited to locals. I wonder if it has to do with my reception of the 129 degree satellite? What's a good signal strength? Mine is about 54.
Matt is is possible to ask you to help me coordinate sending a tech out? I tried going through tech support at Dish and the support rep said after I restarted my DVR, he was able to reset the signal on his end and the problem is supposed to go away :-/
OK, gang, I have experienced the very same PQ problem and audio problem as the OP, only a few times in the past that I just ignored it, but SEVERAL times during the last few days and it occurs on both LIL (I only watch HD LIL) and "cable" channels such as Animal Planet. The YouTube videos are EXACTLY what I experience. But it isn't so often that it makes me call a tech, and in such infrequent cases like that, I've found that it is usually DISH. It occurs on at least 3 of my DVR's, and I confirmed it happened in the same places of the same stream on separate DVR's. I just don't watch SD, so I can't say if it is happening on the SD channels as well, just the HD's. My signal is very good, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

I have TWO DPP44 switches in my set-up and 722, 722K DVR's. I'm going to wait before recycling the switches until no one is recording or watching TV, but that could be a very long time from now. I should also add that, like the OP, I am in the Los Angeles area, as well, if that may be a key to the problem.

My guess, is that it is DISH, once again. Probably related to the encoders and pushing the limits of the throughput to squeeze more bandwidth on at least 129. Similar, but not exactly like this, PQ interruptions in the past were just that. I could be wrong.

To the DIRT team: can you talk to engineering and see if they are in fact they had been or are messing about with the encoders/transponders, if they will admit to it? Please tell them if we know it is Engineering then we won't get mad because we know they are aware of it and they usually get things back to being good after monkeying with stuff.

My bet is that it is Engineering at Dish forever, squeezing those encoders. Or the encoders could be defective. Who knows?
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I feel so vindicated... Are you in Los Angeles also (I'm guessing that's what the LA stand for)?

My feeling is it's something happening on Dish's side also, and probably more people are experiencing the issue but no one's making a big enough fuss over it because it is just so momentary... But I'm going to see if I can get a tech out here and make sure my alignment and everything's good just to rule that out too...
So an update... First of all, thanks to Matt for helping me set up an appointment to have a tech come out here. The tech arrived today and he replaced the LNB, grounded the wires, and made sure the dish is aligned. Things looked ok while he was here, but unfortunately the problem is still happening. I'm going to see if it's happening less frequently (which it kinda feels like). If it's happening less frequently then maybe there's more that can be done... but if it's about the same, then I'm thinking it might be something on Dish's end. Will keep everyone posted.
An update from moi :)

I have experienced this problem SEVERAL times on SEVERAL channels, LIL and core services, (HD) since I last posted (also had a few of the older audio studder and pic freeze prob a long time ago) since my last post. It seems to be occurring less in the last several hours, which is consistent with your experience, Cornflakes. So, I guess when that tech worked on your system, it magically worked on mine, too. For the record, my system is grounded, as well.

Cornflakes, sorry they wasted your time as yours truly has believed this to be a DISH problem from day 1. I know you had to have it checked, but as a 10+ year subscriber, I (and others on this forum) have a pretty good nose about what are most likely problems at DISH's end rather than our systems. If it was a fix, then that problem should NOT be occurring at all. Well, at least you have brand-new LNBF's and got your system grounded.

BUT WORSE: the wasted time and money spent by DISH for what I am now certain is a DISH engineering problem. Charlie, are you listening (oh, yeah, we have a new CEO)? You just blew a wad of $$$ for NOTHING, and it is because one department may not be fully up-front with another as to what is the real cause of this annoying problem. Corporate culture? Charlie is still in the building and if he got wind of this, his wrath would be felt regardless of the new CEO's feelings on the matter. So, tight lips from all levels of Dish employees, lest Mr. Ergan should find out.

DIRT NOW MISSING in ACTION: I'm very pleased that Matt took care of you Cornflakes. He did the right thing. However, DIRT's absence and no response to my request to ask engineering if they may be responsible (tweaking encoders or whatever or bad encoders or something in the chain at DISH) is a sure sign it is a DISH problem no one there wants to address. The irony is that if it is Engineering monkeying around, then that would be FINE, as they are aware and usually get things back to being good and would be made aware that we can far too often see the result of their tweaking. So, I'll ask again:

DIRT: could you please check with Engineering to see if they admit to ANYTHING? I realize it may be a case of one department NOT wanting another to know, especially Charlie finding out that expensive tech visits and further costly equipment change-outs have been made when it is a problem at DISH and not with a residential system, but those people should have respect for their customers and we are willing to endure this, not too much longer, if it means some gains at the end. Perhaps I should request an expensive and time consuming tech visit and all my expensive (and perfectly working) equipment changed out, too, with the expected result of the same problem occurring.

Cornflakes, let's see if we have been abandoned on this thread on this problem, and please continue to post updates and let us know if you have the same problem or if all is well. I will respond to your updates and let you know if I experience the same.

I love the DIRT team, but when they selectively flee the scene from a thread, it is NEVER a good sign.

Hoping to learn more from Cornflakes or "whomever,"
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I have had very similar experiences on some channels. I remember Animal Planet being one. It was mentioned earlier in this thread. Also, when I switch to the sd version, it doesn't seem to do it, but who wants sd when you can watch it in hd?! I experience more of the video problems than audio but not to say it doesn't happen. I am looking at the 119, 110, and 129 sats. All good line of sight so I know it isn't that. Just an FYI.
I'm having the same problems. It's either sound drops out or the picture freezes with big squares all over it. PM'ed Mat about it also. Happens on multiple channels... Setup in sig.
1. Notice that DIRT has fleed the scene? This just affirms to any doubters this is a DISH problem. Maybe it isn't Dish's fault. Perhaps a vendor provided faulty equipment (encoders?). Alas, we'll never know. I would even appreciate a "guys I am getting nowhere on this" from our now missing DIRT members, but I'm sure their captors (bosses) don't want them responding or our DIRT members may be cut loose with a pink slip. Silence is not a way to handle this, DISH. Please cop to what's going on.

2. I can tell you that yesterday, Friday early morning--between 1AM and 2AM Pacific--at some point while watching Star Trek TNG on one of the Superstations, the very same video and audio problem occurred. What is interesting is that it occurred on an SD CHANNEL AT 119. So, man, this problem is EVERYWHERE. And now people on the EA are reporting it, too? Good heavens. WHAT IS GOING ON AT DISH?

Perhaps this is a job for Scott? Perhaps he can get us some info on this because it keeps occurring with some disturbing frequency across A LOT of channel, now confirmed in both HD and SD and at least at 129 and 119 from my experience and the EA from other posters.

Let's hope we can get some answer and at have hope that we can get a confirmation that Dish knows about it and is trying to fix it. I think Dish should come clean with whatever screw-up or experiment is occurring.
Unfortunatly we do not have the contacts that would be able to tell us if they were messing about with the encoders/transponders. If you would like to send me examples of channels numbers that it happens on and what the signal strengths off of the Satellite and Transponder that it comes off of from the point dish and signal strength screen. If you could also include your software version and your account number or phone number, I can submit a Technical Problem Report that would be sent up the chain to the engineering department.
1. Notice that DIRT has fleed the scene? This just affirms to any doubters this is a DISH problem. Maybe it isn't Dish's fault. Perhaps a vendor provided faulty equipment (encoders?). Alas, we'll never know. I would even appreciate a "guys I am getting nowhere on this" from our now missing DIRT members, but I'm sure their captors (bosses) don't want them responding or our DIRT members may be cut loose with a pink slip. Silence is not a way to handle this, DISH. Please cop to what's going on.
Just an FYI .. Dish IRT is now getting spread thinner... er ... more thin ... they have Satguys, DishSupport, and now DBStalk, (sorry thats DBSTalk not stalk ;)) but seriously.. Dish IRT has been a good extension and in some parts 1000 times better than any other part of dish ... but the simple facts are.. when the limits of their abilities are reached.. it seems they have no recourse either. They have some things that Chat & Phone techs don't.. and for the most part that seems to be a relational thing (ie, DishIRT knows a guy, that knows this guy in that dept..etc)

The problem comes back to dish itself. When Dish IRT got here ... the simple stuff .. the stuff they *shouldn't* have to deal with was easily handled.. they're pros.. but when it came to the real issues in dish that have forever been a problem.. they only got marginally better (because of their contacts).

They aren't getting responses that *we* the public can have .. and I'd suspect there might have even been a member let go for too much information leakage (purely speculative) but once the easier stuff is gone.. the hard core problems *of Dish* are all that's left.. and while they may still work hard to find answers.. the answers either aren't there or they get crippled by Dish proper and their policy of deny deny deny fix deny.
Is this a problem with DVR's only? Has anyone observed this on a NON-DVR box? Perhaps it has something to do with how the DVR's are laying down the stream on the HDD. This would be observed even in "Live" mode since that is really a playback from the HDD just delayed a half-second or so.
Unfortunatly we do not have the contacts that would be able to tell us if they were messing about with the encoders/transponders. If you would like to send me examples of channels numbers that it happens on and what the signal strengths off of the Satellite and Transponder that it comes off of from the point dish and signal strength screen. If you could also include your software version and your account number or phone number, I can submit a Technical Problem Report that would be sent up the chain to the engineering department.

Thanks, Zach. Well would you believe I have not observed the problem last night nor tonight, but I haven't watched that much TV. However, it may take some time to gather the data as I want to be certain that I am observing it LIVE so that I can check the signal strength and other data you've requested. I'll post it here. There are several past recordings I have yet to see that will undoubted have this problem--at the time they were recorded, but that could be weeks ago and I want to provide fresh, current info, not as things were 2 weeks ago.

However, kindly take my word for it, I have checked the signal strenth in the past when I've observed it live and signal strentgh is not an issue for ANY transponders I am supposed to receive well (I'm not counting spots that leak into my area and are NOT intended for my area nor transponders that I've confirmed are spots in other areas and show as NO SIGNAL in my area, just as it should). I have no bone to pick with the DIRT, and I do think all DIRT are doing well and the best they can, but DISH--your "superiors"--sometimes seems as if they don't always support you guys by sharing information--potentially embarrassing, of course that could provide more confidence in DISH being aware and doing something about a problem. Sony's tactics (denial and NO INFORMATION) were a disaster, while LastPass's upfront right away and letting customers know they are working on it has been universally praised.

As I've always said, I certainly would not want to see any DIRT member at the unemployment line and know you can't address some things or you would feel the wrath of some mangers (Dish is still that kind of company, I know), but such managers should know that if the customer is informed and that we know they know and they are working on it, we are willing to endure the problem knowing DISH is doing all it can, as I believe they do. They just need to tell us.

It is interesting that I haven't seen the problem yet, but given time it may occur or someone at DISH got the word and did something about it. We shall have to wait and see in the coming days.
Unfortunatly we do not have the contacts that would be able to tell us if they were messing about with the encoders/transponders. If you would like to send me examples of channels numbers that it happens on and what the signal strengths off of the Satellite and Transponder that it comes off of from the point dish and signal strength screen. If you could also include your software version and your account number or phone number, I can submit a Technical Problem Report that would be sent up the chain to the engineering department.

722 with L676 Western Arc
Latest example of this problem:
Sat 129; on Xpndr 04; Signal Strength 65
at 11:05 PDT; Channel 6306 (mapped down to Ch. 7); KABC HD LIL.

This problem seems to be improving as it was occurring frequently the last two weeks, but is now occurring much LESS, as if some out there has attempted to fix it. That is why I have this one example so far. I will continue to post here.


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