I don't know.. I watch enough tv now.. I did hear the audio issue and see my AV receiver re-training .. but have, to date .. not seen a regular video freeze, stutter or anything else like that, *especially* with what's been linked to on youtube for examples...
There was a report about this happening on multiple DVR's in the same house.. which suggests it could've been switch and LNB related, but then others in the same DMA were seeing it.. so working backwards.. if in the same DMA and problems continue to get reported by multiples in one region ... it then stands that its that area (spot beam becomes a potential target)
At least that's what I'm getting from what I've read.. now if we had a real problem tracker
(there he goes again)
we could log these incidents, line them up with geo location info (rough, so as not to bring nutters to your doorstep) and then start matching up times, and other conditions.. *THEN* we'd really have something to take proof back to dish with .. otherwise its still a random assortment of reports.. and that's not even taking into account (again) how many dish customers *are* seeing it but not looking to outside web sources for help .. etc..
Hmmmmm .. Say Mr. Greczkowski is there a database that users here could start tracking things in? maybe make it available to the great god charlie and his minions? (and then too probably Directv's nutter's could use it for D's issues.) Something more formal than freeform posts (user, location, dvr, channel, sat info, date, time, conditions, problem description ... etc etc etc.)