Video Game Deals

Hotline: Miami is on sale on the PSN for $2.49. And as the Sony website states, "Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3™, PS4™, and "PS Vita" versions!" If you can handle the subject matter, this is a great trip (no pun intended.)!/en-us/games/hotline-miami/cid=UP3643-CUSA00486_00-HOTLINEMIAMIPS40

Also, if you want to whet your appetite for the upcoming Arkham Knight by playing some other Batman games that arent' quite as beloved as Asylum/City, you can get Origins + Season Pass along with Injustice: Gods Among Us for $11.99
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If the promo Paypal has been sending out is correct the Steam Summer Sale starts at 1:00PM ET today. I got the same email from Paypal last year a couple weeks before the sale and it was right so I expect it to be right again this year. Here are some of the games I'm targeting if the price is right.

Dying Light
Shovel Knight
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Ori and the Blind Forrest
The Talos Principle
This War of Mine
Wasteland 2
Divinity Original Sin

There are lots of other games on my wishlist but since I already own so many games I want to play I won't be buying them unless they are a great deal. Even the games I listed would have to be at 50% or more before I would pull the trigger. At least, that's what I'm saying now. I have been known to make impulse purchases in the past.
If the promo Paypal has been sending out is correct the Steam Summer Sale starts at 1:00PM ET today. I got the same email from Paypal last year a couple weeks before the sale and it was right so I expect it to be right again this year. Here are some of the games I'm targeting if the price is right.

Dying Light
Shovel Knight
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Ori and the Blind Forrest
The Talos Principle
This War of Mine
Wasteland 2
Divinity Original Sin

There are lots of other games on my wishlist but since I already own so many games I want to play I won't be buying them unless they are a great deal. Even the games I listed would have to be at 50% or more before I would pull the trigger. At least, that's what I'm saying now. I have been known to make impulse purchases in the past.
The Russians broke this story a while back.. 2 Cold War Rivals corroborating news..this must be serious..

I'm looking for these:
All the Tell Tale games I don't have (GoT, TftB)
Grim Fandango: Remastered
Hotline Miami 2
Life Is Strange
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

There's a few others as well, but these are the ones I'm really itching for.

And everyone please remember this flow chart for buying games:


One other note is that for EVERY flash/daily sale game you are interested in, check Amazon/GMG first, because sometimes they deliberately will undercut Steam.

Now we're less than an hour away. Let's get excited with some music

The sale is now LIVE, although the systems are not at 100% due to heavy load
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It's live. The website is a mess for me right now so it might be worth waiting an hour or two. It's super slow and most of the games listed as featured deals still show up for full price for me.
Yeah and one weird thing I'm seeing is that you can't seem to get GTA V. The only place I see it is part of a bundle deal. Also it doesn't help that they're hosting some sort of game on the website which I'm sure is bogging it down as well.
Yeah and one weird thing I'm seeing is that you can't seem to get GTA V. The only place I see it is part of a bundle deal. Also it doesn't help that they're hosting some sort of game on the website which I'm sure is bogging it down as well.

The reason you can't get to GTA V is probably because they had a pricing error when the sale first launched. GTA V was listed at $20.09 when I first checked. I clicked into it and tried to buy and got hit with the "Sorry, Steam is experiencing heavy load" message.

Now when I try to click into the GTA Sale from the main page I see every GTA game on its own except GTA V. GTA V is only listed as a bundle with the other games or a Shark Card(GTA Online currency) for $59.99. I see the Shark Card on it's own for the same $20.09 GTA V was originally listed for. It makes me think they put they accidentally put that price on the game instead of the Shark Card and then quickly pulled GTA V off the store to keep people from taking advantage of that error.

I see some discussion about it on the CAG forums too.

Edit: Now Steam logged me out of my account and I can't log back in. The sale has been live for almost a half hour and I still haven't been able to really check out the prices.

Edit 2: I also got a Steam badge for playing the monster game even though I haven't played it.
Yeah it looks like the best you can do is get GTA V and a Shark Card for $60. Yeah, I don't think so. I'm not bothering to get online currency for a game that I will NEVER EVER play online. Maybe enough people will complain and the game will go on sale on it's own, but from the looks of things I don't see this game getting to the 50% off benchmark I set.

I decided to pick up Tales from the Borderlands. Episodes 1 & 2 got rated highly and the 3rd comes out June 23rd.
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Game of Thrones: Episode 1 (The TellTale Game, NOT the actual show) is free on PSN and XBL for all their respective consoles.!/en-us/search/f=^game+of+thrones|bucket~games:price~0-0|

Note: The Xbox One edition is only free if you're a Gold member. 360 players seem to be free.

Thanks for the heads up! May as well give the first episode a whirl as I wait for a better sale on the season. Here's a direct link to the PS4 version.