Video Game Deals

Here are January's PS Plus games. I think we already knew about inFamous: First Light but I don't remember seeing the rest of the list. I already bought First Light but if I hadn't I think this would be one of the best months in a long time. I actually thought about firing up First Light a couple days ago but plans got in the way and I've been looking forward to playing The Swapper for a long time.

inFamous: First Light and The Swapper

Prototype 2 and Duck Tales Remastered

Duke Nukem 3D and Woah Dave!
Prototype 2 is an AWESOME game. Duck Tales Remastered is okay. It's worth a playthrough, but not much else. It's one of the biggest labors of love I've seen in a video game.
The rumors from EU were true -- in that NA gets the same again. Will definitely put Prototype 2 high on my PS3 backlog list. Thank god for PS4 remote play, so my Vita still is worth the electricity I'm using to keep it charged.
January's Games With Gold have been announced too.

Xbox One
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die

The Witcher 2 and MX vs ATV

D4 is a game I never would have bought but now that it's free I'll probably give it a shot at some point.
D4 got really mixed reviews. Apparently it's one of the few games that is enhanced by Kinect according to some. I'll pick it up as well in the hopes that I eventually also get a Kinect.
Just a FYI that Steam is now doing their "Best of" sale so all the stuff is at their biggest discounts.Sale ends Jan 2.
Here are January's PS Plus games. I think we already knew about inFamous: First Light but I don't remember seeing the rest of the list.
Several of these are crossbuys as well. I've added them below as such:

inFamous: First Light
The Swapper
Woah Dave! - to be released at a later date


Prototype 2
Duck Tales Remastered
Duke Nukem 3D
The Swapper

Duke Nukem 3D
Woah Dave!
The Swapper
Big Saints Row sale at the Humble Store. You can get Saints Row 3: Complete for $5, or The Complete Saints Row 4 for $7.50. Admittedly you COULD get them along with Saints Row 2 for $13.74 but honestly the PC port of Saints Row 2 is so piss poor that it's really not worth it. SR3 and 4 are the stars here and you're not going to find them cheaper.
I'm only slightly tempted by LBP Vita, which I can't believe hasn't been free yet like every other LBP game released more than a year ago.
So Nintendo is now releasing Wii games on the eStore for Wii U, and their first 3 titles are Super Mario Galaxy 2, Punch Out!, and Metroid Trilogy. What's noteworthy is that for the first week of each game release, the games are half price, so you can get games like SMG2 and M:T for $9.99. Those are pretty damn good prices, especially for Metroid as that was a limited release title. You DO need a Wii Remote and Nunchuck to play these as they are Wii games, but really these are 3 great games for that console. I'll probably pick up SMG2 and M:T.