Video Game Deals

Steam is having a sale on "Serious Sam: The First Encounter," with a 50% off deal down to $7.50. For those who don't know, SS:TFE is a classic FPS that is made in the tradition of games like Doom and Painkiller and Duke Nukem, where you just fight swarms and swarms of baddies and little else. It's fun if you're looking for an old-school FPS experience, but probably not for you if you demand something with a real plot or strategic gaming like Half Life or Halo or Bioshock.

Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter on Steam
Several new titles added to PS3's Greatest Hits <$30 list:

inFAMOUS (Sony Computer Entertainment)
God of War Collection (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Killzone 2 (Sony Computer Entertainment)
LittleBigPlanet Game of the Year (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Resistance 2 (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Dead Space (Electronic Arts)
Fight Night Round 4 (EA Sports)
Resident Evil 5 (Capcom)
Soulcalibur IV (NAMCO BANDAI Games)
UFC 2009 Undisputed (THQ
For the 3 of you who are into point & click adventure games, Telltale games is having a nice bundle sale of The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition along with the 5 Tales of Monkey Island games for $19.95. Normally this would cost $45. If you're into adventure games and haven't played Monkey Island then by law you are required to do so. This sale ends May 7th.

Telltale Games - Store - Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition
A group of popular Indie games are available for whatever price you want. Yes, as a way to bring some money to charity, the Humble Indie Bundle has been made to allow you to buy 5 Indie games (which includes the ultra popular World of Goo) for any price that you want. You determine how your donation is spent, and how much the developers and the charities get. I believe this ends around the 12th of May.

The Humble Indie Bundle (pay what you want for five awesome indie games)
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