I'm wondering how this isn't happening on all set ups ...
Over the last month I have seen this happening IF its the same thing ... I tried to correct the issues with out remembering about this thread.
My situation may be a bit more different ...
I have a HR24 feeding 1 TV in living room and its using the Component feed to another room.
The Component feed is showing issues, while the HDMI feed is NOT at ALL.
On the TV that is having issues, I thought, seeing its Component, lets change the input and see if its the TV input ... changed, no different ... at that point I said, OK, its the box and changed the box out .... still does it.
The really odd thing is, the HDMI connected TV works perfectly, never once having video or audio bip out.
The other TV in the system is the HR44, and that is working fine.
Why would the one TV act up on the same box, but the other one not .... remember, same box, different output.