Video and sound drop

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Hmm. Maybe something further out then, but in the line of sight.
There's nothing. And there's certainly nothing new. And the drops weren't there when I moved here. When I lived in NC, I was surrounded by cell towers within a mile, the police station was half a mile away, trees everywhere, and my dish was on a pole barely seeing over the building. There was a radio station up the road (within a quarter mile) and another a milt away. Never experienced this.
So this afternoon I'm sitting here watching the football game off my antenna ( I cancelled "D" after one year with no penalty a week or so ago) and I get a call from Costco responding to my original pixilation complaint.
They were aware of my cancellation and wanted to make me an offer to re-connect saying that they had special authority above and beyond AT&T Retention. My first year bill was going to raise from the original special of $60 to $117 which is one reason why I felt that with the pixilation problem the service was not acceptable at the higher price.
She offered me the Genie 2 along with same equipment I had with the HR-54, CR-61 and regular mini. I will also get one year of HBO and my new bill will be $50 mo with no contract to sign so I can cancelled anytime with no penalty. Needless to say I agreed.
Has anyone heard any progress on the sound drop issue? We get it on both DVRs (44 and 24). It can be annoyingly frequent on some shows (live or playback) while others it's almost non-existent. Almost speaks of a bandwidth issue like when you're streaming a video and the sound falls behind the video then drops to catch up.
I've been having issues with both my HR24-500's on a 31D 13Ch LNB with extreme Dolby and PCM Audio Drop outs (no video pixelation or that rules out RF interference pretty much) . I only get them up in the mid-200's (AMC, HGTV, DYI, etc). My HR54 Genie/Clients don't exhibit the issue. Luckily I have a buddy that own an authorized DirecTv contractor business and we have swapped LNB's, SWM Power Supply, cables/connectors (including sweeping them for RL/VSWR and IL), etc. TR signal strengths are 95-100 on all applicable ones. I've called DTV several times and have two escalations with them. They just tell me there are no audio drop issues reported in their CM system (yeah right). This all started for me roughly around the time of the last software update (8/18/2017). I have tried connecting to different TV and Stereo audio inputs and they all exhibit the issue. I'm a Satcom Systems Engineer & Broadcast A/V Engineer by trade, even helped install some of the DirecTv affliated uplinks around the US and South America. I have exhausted everything.

I can record the streams on the HR24's and play them back and they won't exhibit the audio drop outs in the same spots or at all. Definitely doesn't have drops when played through the Whole-Home on the HR54 Genie/Clients.

Drops are the worst during commercial breaks when the source content most likely switches from DD to PCM and back again. Drops can be a second to 45 seconds in duration. On the longer duration ones, if I hit Play, Pause, FF/RW the audio comes back.

They want to send me different HR24 receivers and make me pay the shipping on them. What a waste of time and money this has been. Pretty much to the point where I think I am going to tell them to stick it and be done.

My current configuration:
Antenna Sub-system:
  • Dish Type: SL3 LNB
  • Switch Type: SWM LNB
  • RB/INTL: Not Selected
  • SWM: 3D1LNBR0-01 (also tried 3D2LNBR0-02)
  • SWM Ch Count: 13
  • Manufacturer: WNC
  • SWM Firmware:
  • SWM Library:
  • LNB powered via external SWM Coax PowerSupply (also tried powering from Genie HR54 as well though).

QTY 2: HR24/500 DVR's:
  • HR24 Completion Code: 8162 (other is 1982)
    HR24 Internal Temps: ~105 F on both
    Software: 0xb09, Fri. 8/18, 2:49a (and 2:51a for the other)
  • Unit 1 feeds Visio HDMI Input. Unit 2 feeds Sony STR-DN1050 Stereo HDMI Input. (tried Dolby Digital and PCM output modes, both showing issues)

QTY 1: HR54/700 (w/ QTY 2: C51-100 Clients)
  • Software: 0xd80, Service 2, Tue. 9/19, 2:39a
    Tuner 1 thru 5 = Sat, Record
    Tuner 6 & 7 - Sat
  • HR54 feeds Onkyo Stereo HDMI Input. Client 1 feeds Scepter TV HDMI Input, Client 2 feeds analog CRT TV via Composite breakout cable.
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If DirecTv/AT&T wants to lie to their customers saying there are no known reports of these common are my escalation ticket #'s. I'm not worried about sharing as I have a verbal password on my account so no information can be shared by customer service without this password being given by the customer (something I suggest everyone to have for their own security).
The new SR-17 install is about an hour old. So far in watching CBS the pixilation problem is worse than it was with the HR54. I never expected the problem to go away but I also didn't expect it to get worse. I just finished their phone survey and gave them a 5 on if I would recommend DirecTV to a friend. I couldn't turn down the deal they gave me to come back for one year but we'll have to see beyond that.
I'm wondering how this isn't happening on all set ups ...
Over the last month I have seen this happening IF its the same thing ... I tried to correct the issues with out remembering about this thread.

My situation may be a bit more different ...

I have a HR24 feeding 1 TV in living room and its using the Component feed to another room.
The Component feed is showing issues, while the HDMI feed is NOT at ALL.
On the TV that is having issues, I thought, seeing its Component, lets change the input and see if its the TV input ... changed, no different ... at that point I said, OK, its the box and changed the box out .... still does it.

The really odd thing is, the HDMI connected TV works perfectly, never once having video or audio bip out.
The other TV in the system is the HR44, and that is working fine.

Why would the one TV act up on the same box, but the other one not .... remember, same box, different output.
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