VICE TV Thoughts? ( H2 replacement)

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That's Gaycation... It's not really Ellen page just traveling the world. It is Ellen Page and Ian something traveling popular destinations that were previously vacationed, and discovering how the homosexual life is lived. The premiere was in Japan and I learned quite a bit about the gay life style in Japan from it. They don't want the cookie cutter version. They are looking for the true facts of what day to day life is like, with advantages and disadvantages.
blah blah's Ellen Page, I'll watch it. ;)
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Military HIstory Channel. From a Whisper to a Shout.
I contacted dish corporate on behalf of my father for this channel as it was mentioned in the press release when dish and a&e networks signed the new long term agreement. months later it was still not available. The gentleman from corporate said that dish contractually has the right to carry the channel anytime they want. So you need to complain to dish. I would also like this channel.
I don't mind adding Vice but dropping H2 was a real loss. Besides we already have Logos, Esquire, FXX, Bravo, Spike, how many metrosexual channels do we need? I haven't had a chance to block the channel yet, but in a couple of days. If I didn't know better I would think 25 percent of all Americans are gay, when it is actually less than 5 percent, and many of those are over 50.
How many kids channels do we need? how many porn channels do we need? how many sports channels do we need? news channels? women channels? movie channels?
I did watch AJA. Just not regularly. It was not a bad channel. And advertisers don't like people with money. They like people willing to spend money.
Anybody can spend..but it's better to have a job and make the money before spending it
This is the description from the Viceland website for Balls Deep episode 4 "BEARS"

"Bear Week is where all the heaviest, hairiest homos come to celebrate their heft"

I don't care if you are straight, gay, bi, tri, quad, purple, green or blue this is CRAP

Dude put a warning on that next time! I just ate, and now I just threw up in my mouth a little. There's not enough bleach or Purell in the world to make me feel clean after reading that
I like many others on this sight are not afraid of these words and I don't consider myself and angry white male. The words I don't like are GAYcation, Balls Deep, F!@#K this in my channel guide. It is like a bunch high school idiots got together and said what crazy names can we give our shows. You want a travel show, fine "Ellen Page Travels the Globe".

Like Mitch said above in different words if someone dropped in from Mars and watched TV he would think that half the population is gay, it seems every show now has one gay character and not part of the story, they just stick them in there. My wife and I watch TV and now wait for the token gay person to show up, even Marvels Agents of Shield introduced one.

You have to understand, in Hollywood, half the population IS gay.
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"Many" over 50? Are you saying being gay is less common among younger ages?

Last I read, no good figures anywhere, but 5% - 15% best guess range.

Roughly the same as the range of people with very low to no sex drive. Slightly higher in females, slightly lower in males. But how accurate are such calculations/guesses?
Stupid Channel, Terrible Programs, most of the people I know between 21-35 don't watch mindless crap and watch Netflix and movies more than anything.
I don't see this channel lasting long. I was disappointed that H2 is gone, but on the bright side there will be less Ancient Aliens & Pawn Stars episodes to watch.

For those of us who don't want it we should see it being an optional channel and if you do not want it get a $5 per month credit. I know I'm being silly thinking that would ever happen. :crowdbounce

"Many" over 50? Are you saying being gay is less common among younger ages?

Last I read, no good figures anywhere, but 5% - 15% best guess range.

Roughly the same as the range of people with very low to no sex drive. Slightly higher in females, slightly lower in males. But how accurate are such calculations/guesses?
Well under 5 percent