VICE TV Thoughts? ( H2 replacement)

I wonder how long it will be until this flops and they swap to something else? Maybe they'll eventually go back to the old History International. I seriously doubt it, but what goes around comes around. I bet Viceland doesn't last for too many years.

One can only hope. :)
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I wonder how long it will be until this flops and they swap to something else? Maybe they'll eventually go back to the old History International. I seriously doubt it, but what goes around comes around. I bet Viceland doesn't last for too many years.
Well since we have talked about a gaycation. The ole lady and I just bought a $2k vacuum. Hmm. VICELAND is already dangerous for us.
I am not in their target demo. Looking at the guide and can tell you I will never ever watch this channel. To me it is a bunch crap that should be in the 220 to 250 channel range. Where did H2 shows go?They did not go to H. A search of the VOD channel shows practically nothing. I don't care to enlightened by this millennial crap and wish Dish would banish down the dial.
Going by the name of the channel, Viceland, I thought the channel would have some cool crime/mystery content. Boy was I shocked. I tuned into HBO's Vice a handful of times and thought it was junk, so it doesn't surprise me how this channel is turning out. It has a very cheap feel to it. Reminds me a bit of it's somewhat sister channel, Fusion. Two channels that air content that is low budget and looks like all of it was produced by a couple of artsy fartsy's who initially discussed it over a few foofoo lattes at Starbuck's while wearing beanie winter hats in the middle of August.

I would watch Ancient Aliens and other History content that I missed the first go around on H2. I'll miss it. I plan on emailing AETN, voicing my displeasure in the change

Viceland's target demo is teens-35, mostly Millennials, the LGBT community, and the people with alternative lifestyles which includes hipsters, environmentalists and vegans.

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Being a straight guy, who goes to work every day and puts in an honest day's work (which is becoming more and more an alternative lifestyle these days), who just picked up a couple double Whoppers from the BK drive through for my [straight] wife and I in my big gas guzzling V8 powered SUV, I guess I'm far from the target demo. I am under 35, by a few years, but think 'millennials' are generally dumber than a box of rocks, and have personally met jars of mayonnaise who are more personable and harder working then those in my age bracket and a bit younger.
Admittedly VICE is going for the same demographic as Fusion, but VICE is a bit more established brand, and I think the H2 channel slot has wider carriage than Fusion ever did, so whether or not people watch it, at least more people have access to it. Fusion, with the exception of Sling TV that sells it in a $5 addon package, usually requires one to have the most expensive or second most expensive tier of service, which I doubt many millennials have unless they live at home with Mom and Dad still.
I guess being a TV geek, I knew what Fusion was from day 1. Had no idea what Vice Media was until I Googled it upon reading this thread.

The pure irony of this, is the target audience generally is of the anti corporate and anti establishment ilk. When I cannot think of many organizations who are the exact opposite more then Disney, who holds stakes in both Fusion and Viceland. But then again the target demographic who is more apt to be anti corporate and anti establishment have no problems texting 'social justice' on their iPhones and and whining about their lives on Facebook using Mac Books. When Apple is the #1 corporation in the world.
Going by the name of the channel, Viceland, I thought the channel would have some cool crime/mystery content. Boy was I shocked. I tuned into HBO's Vice a handful of times and thought it was junk, so it doesn't surprise me how this channel is turning out. It has a very cheap feel to it. Reminds me a bit of it's somewhat sister channel, Fusion. Two channels that air content that is low budget and looks like all of it was produced by a couple of artsy fartsy's who initially discussed it over a few foofoo lattes at Starbuck's while wearing beanie winter hats in the middle of August.

I would watch Ancient Aliens and other History content that I missed the first go around on H2. I'll miss it. I plan on emailing AETN, voicing my displeasure in the change

Being a straight guy, who goes to work every day and puts in an honest day's work (which is becoming more and more an alternative lifestyle these days), who just picked up a couple double Whoppers from the BK drive through for my [straight] wife and I in my big gas guzzling V8 powered SUV, I guess I'm far from the target demo. I am under 35, by a few years, but think 'millennials' are generally dumber than a box of rocks, and have personally met jars of mayonnaise who are more personable and harder working then those in my age bracket and a bit younger.

Thanks so much for posting, you give me hope!
"Being a straight guy, who goes to work every day and puts in an honest day's work (which is becoming more and more an alternative lifestyle these days), who just picked up a couple double Whoppers from the BK drive through for my straight wife and I in my big gas guzzling V8 powered SUV.

Yee haw! Merica! Just kidding with ya. Dont get all fired up
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This seems a more stylized, more slick version of the old Current TV. But where CurrentTV presented quite a few good reports/stories, it was in a more straigt forward style and had some "journalistic" standards. Some of the best web reporters/journalists got exposure on CurrenTV, like the Ling sisters.

The big problem with Viceland is that it tries so hard to be hip, the shows become bogged down in self-counscience video technique and directing and heavy handed postitions on issues presented by some of the worst personalites on TV, as if they try so hard to be "anti-personality" something they stole from Ricky Gervaise & Stephen Merchant with their, ironically, higher value "Idito Abroad," but still not a show I ever liked. These guys at Viceland can't even create their own, somewhat close to original style and attitude. That has to be considered a violation in hipster land. It's just a messy mess of presentation, while some of its subject matter may be of inerest, but NOT on Viceland.
See I'm probably a millennial by name since I'm 25 but I still value hard work, personality, and the right things being down regardless of what it is.

I've once been called a feminist because I "posted feminist type things" no I was posting common sense sh*t and you just wanted to place me in your box to shoot down the thoughts/ideas.

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I think I'll drop them from my favorites. I can't imagine explaining to a guest why I have a program in the guide with the title "Balls Deep."
All my movies like that are blacked out and locked out on my external hard drive and will only play with my pass word.
You should read the reviews of this channel after a few days, nearly everyone saying it is trash. Personally I'd rather have a dedicated "Ancient Aliens" channel. We should do a poll on how long this channel lasts. The winner can go on a "Gaycation".
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I like it. Gaycation wasn't that bad, not really any different than any other travel show. It's not a bad channel...

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