Going by the name of the channel, Viceland, I thought the channel would have some cool crime/mystery content. Boy was I shocked. I tuned into HBO's Vice a handful of times and thought it was junk, so it doesn't surprise me how this channel is turning out. It has a very cheap feel to it. Reminds me a bit of it's somewhat sister channel, Fusion. Two channels that air content that is low budget and looks like all of it was produced by a couple of artsy fartsy's who initially discussed it over a few foofoo lattes at Starbuck's while wearing beanie winter hats in the middle of August.
I would watch Ancient Aliens and other History content that I missed the first go around on H2. I'll miss it. I plan on emailing AETN, voicing my displeasure in the change
Being a straight guy, who goes to work every day and puts in an honest day's work (which is becoming more and more an alternative lifestyle these days), who just picked up a couple double Whoppers from the BK drive through for my [straight] wife and I in my big gas guzzling V8 powered SUV, I guess I'm far from the target demo. I am under 35, by a few years, but think 'millennials' are generally dumber than a box of rocks, and have personally met jars of mayonnaise who are more personable and harder working then those in my age bracket and a bit younger.