Verizon VA Info

Spotsylvania County: Verizon Franchise Application

Verizon has officially requested negotiations with Spotsylvania County via a certified letter dated 6 July. Spotsylvania County is the first locality, under new law, with which Verizon is requesting a Cable TV franchise. The negotiations begin next week. Under new state cable franchise reform laws that went into effect on 1 July, Verizon will awarded a franchise agreement under state rules if both parties cannot come to terms. As long as Verizon does not withdrawal its application, they will have a Cable TV Franchise in Spotsylvania starting this fall. Here is a link to the text of the cable franchise reform legislation:

On another note regarding Verizon, they have begun offering FiOS broadband service to the Lee's Hill north area. They are now covering all of the Lee's Hill north subdivision, the houses along Mine Rd, Lansdowne Rd, and Artillery Ridge.

It is important to realize the time clock has started ticking, and it is even more important to voice your opinion by attending the August Cable TV & Telecommunications Commission meeting:

Date: 08/10/2006
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Event: Cable TV & Telecommunications Commission
Location: Board of Supervisor's Rm, Holbert Building
Web Page: Cable TV & Telecommunications Commission
Description: An advisory group to the Board of Supervisors to promote and encourage compliance with the franchise agreement among the cable companies operating within the County, reviews and advises the Board on cable, telecommunications and local infrastructure issues, and promotes the use of PEG channels to keep citizens informed.
Stafford, VA Status

Help please! A friend of mine lives on Francis Court in Stafford within the Austin Ridge developement - Any idea when they might see FIOS?

I have no information regarding FiOS in Stafford County. Have your friend take a look at the post regarding Stafford on page 8 of this thread and tell him to contact his local cable commission. Offhand, Stafford County may be a lower priority for Verizon at time. Fredericksburg/Spotsy (Lee's Hill area), where all the new business and housing developments are going in along the Spotsylvania County Parkway, is going to be a regional hub.
I just spoke to a Verizon CSR, much more pleasant than E* CSRs btw. :mad: She 'believes' FIOS will be ready for the Woodbridge area within 2 months. Anybody else have any estimates from Verizon?
Any chance that Verizon will publish a map showing what parts of FFX County have had Fios activated? Then, at least, we can dream. I'm across from Geo Mason and can't even get DSL.
I doubt it, but your Fairfax County cable commission folks have their act squared-away and should have a good picture of build-out requirements and timelines. They have a Cable Franchise contact at, 703-324-5902.

Also, check out the Fairfax County/Verizon Franchise Agreement for more detail (Exhibit A - Initial Service Area, Exhibit B - Extended Service Area):
Yes, I've seen the exhibits. Some areas are set within 3 years (of 9/05 I guess) and most are in the "extended" area, within 7 years. Guess where I fall?

Thank you for the phone number. I'm afraid I took those folks by surprise. But I was passed to someone who knew a bit. He stated Verizon is not revealing their plans for competitive reasons. They seem to be making good progress, but he had no more information than I. And I let him know that you could find out a month ahead of time where they'd be working. He took my number and may call if he hears anything. That's more service than I expected, and I doubt I'll ever hear.

I'd better get used to Cox broadband.
Any idea why the construction slowed up so much? There's nothing at all on the list for Loudoun County, and I know they're not finished with all the areas listed for August. Do they no longer feel the need to build quickly, since they have the franchise? Was it all for show in order to coax a better deal from the local governments?
I wish I knew, but I suspect the construction schedule only covers the initial burying of main fiber junctions, and does not address the 101 other issues involved. For example, although there is nothing listed for Spotsylvania (currently negotiating a cable franchise), they are still buying fiber and installing new FiOS broadband customers in the Lee's Hill area to some degree. Plus, if I were Verizon I would probably focus my efforts on running as much fiber in Fairfax and Prince William (higher population density) prior to winter.
Pr. William County, Woo Hoo!

It may not be my exact street but at least they're starting to get into Prince William County. E* local HD on NBC looked horrible for football yesterday while Fox was better. Can't wait to jump on the FIOS wagon. :hungry:
sweatytim said:
It may not be my exact street but at least they're starting to get into Prince William County. E* local HD on NBC looked horrible for football yesterday while Fox was better. Can't wait to jump on the FIOS wagon. :hungry:
If it's any consolation, NBC OTA looked almost just as bad: floating grass, out of focus action scenes, etc. I flipped between OTA and HD LIL several times and only difference with the HD LIL version was the grass was a little softer and would get out of focus (blurry) more quickly. You can thank NBC and/or WRC-DT for what you're seeing on the HD LIL version.

Oh, I just wanted to add that I heard Verizon was supposed to wire the Neabsco District first...hope that's where you live.
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Just this little tidbit...

"FiOS Internet customers accounted for 111,000 of the net broadband connection additions in the second quarter 2006 and now make up 375,000 of the company's 6.1 million total wireline broadband connections, which have increased 47.9 percent compared with the second quarter 2005. FiOS data services are becoming increasingly available for sale in 16 states, as Verizon's FTTP (fiber to the premises) network passed a total of 4.5 million premises by mid-July 2006 and is on target to pass 6 million premises by year-end."

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